You have completely failed at proving a thing.
I didn't attempt to prove anything. I answered flippant, ignorant questions with answers that are supported by modern science. As my prior discussions with you have proven, you will fall back on the same set of arguments to debate nothing and understand less.
You know what the environment was? That puts you above 100% of the rest of the population, who can only speculate without proof.
The environment is not fully understood, mostly because it doesn't exist anymore. The question, however, supposes that the environment was pure acid and nothing could have come from it. I don't have time to research, format and post answers to a hundred questions that were cut and paste from some creationist site. Argumentum ad ignorantium infinity is a losing battle.
You have faith in that, or direct proof? Or, more guesses?
That there are bones in the ground? I'm going to say that I have direct proof and claim that a fossil will be found today. Large, important fossils may not be, but they -will- be eventually.
So, what is the source of that "drive"? Humans seemingly fared just fine when we were shorter and lived shorter lives, so what caused the changes? Sponges exist just fine - they're a successful species - so why did anything evolve past sponges?
The "drive" is evolution. The biological mechanisms of evolution have little effect in successful species except over very large numbers of generations.
Sponges are successful in specific environments and less successful in others. Environments that change, which creates pressures, which drives the mechanics of evolution.
You're making a circular, illogical argument that doesn't answer the question.
You have nothing to support that and you make endless claims that things are true, not true, and equivocal with nothing but your own personal beliefs.
But, where did the universe come from? Where did the matter come from for the universe?
Don't know, and neither do you. The matter came from the energy which came from the beginnings of the universe which are unknown. This in no way supports your argument that it snapped into existence and that some hand has been tweaking the knobs ever since.
violating the laws of thermodynamics?
I would wager you don't even understand the laws of thermodynamics, nor the theory of thermodynamics under which they exist.
A mind so inquisitive would have us, uh, NOWHERE!
A mind as closed as yours would have us ignore the universe.
The building blocks of the universe came from somewhere, isn't that a good place to start for how things happened - where the stuff comes from?
Sadly, that place to start doesn't really exist and the tools by which we now study it are limited. Background noise in the universe, for example, which is how we know most of what we know of the beginnings of time
Are you suggesting, by saying "sucking away energy" that energy can be created? Or destroyed? Because, last I heard, it could be neither created nor destroyed, just changed in form.
Sucking away, layman's term for reducing the usefulness of the energy through entropy, which you might understand if you understood the theory of thermodynamics.
Or, are you referring to entropy?
See? You know the words, but you don't understand their meaning. Creating order costs energy. Energy that is reduced, depleted through entropy but not destroyed.
Okay, great - the Big Bang. And, what about before that?
There is no way to objectively know "before that" because asking "before that" doesn't really make sense as we understand the universe.
One of the great questions regarding God is - where did He come from? That question stops many, athiests from ever contemplating believing in a God. So, where did the universe come from, some 14 billion years ago? What was here before that, same as with the question of "who created God"?
That question stumps many theists too, but I dare say that I have more evidence in the early existence of a universe than you have in the appearance of God.
All science does is redirect the unanswerable questions.
Really? Asking why lightning strikes is unanswerable? Because science eventually did that. Why do people get sick? Plenty of answers, plenty more to find. Why do we have earthquakes and volcanoes? Answered, more questions found, deeper understanding reached.
Why do people die in hurricanes?
And, meanwhile, the Big Bang and Genesis are pretty much 100% compatible when one realizes that a "day" is yet to be defined in Genesis.
Genesis: Day="yom" = 24 hours. It means 24 hours everywhere else in the Bible, why not here? Sections of day are regularly given, when is the "evening" of a million years? Shifting "day" to mean some vast length of time also puts the Sun being created millions of years (thousands of years? billions of years? weeks?) after plants.
Both of these faith-based concepts work well together.
No, and faith is belief without evidence. While you seem stuck in the idea that science is all based on people thinking things are wonderful concepts and therefore must be true, there's actually a lot of evidence required.
And, clearly, attacking the asker's way of asking the question answers it?
The question betrays an ignorance of the item being challenged, which makes it foolish to bother answering.
How DID life come from lifelessness? Why don't we see it happen any more? Why didn't it happen anywhere else that we can see? Is that a better way of asking?
Yes, it is. And the details of which are available to you in a format that isn't compatible with me typing onto an internet forum. Decades of science and tons of research and all that. Is the question answered? No. Does that make it "faith" or "guesswork"? No.
Actually, no, she's asking about evolution. Abiogenesis is life from lifelessness. Once the life is there, it's evolution of that life. If you're going to criticize, understand what you're attacking.
Actually, Yes. She's asking how single celled organisms, which were very likely the earliest forms of life, evolved. And she's doing it by cutting and pasting, and she's doing it with no understanding of the science. And you're defending it with no understanding of the science and demanding that I cover years of college level material and challenging concepts on a forum when she and you are both hostile to the concept.
And, there is no "win". The fact is that no one knows, no one can know. It's faith on every side as to what happened. "Winning" would be actual proof - which no one will ever have. "Opening your mind" would be atheists accepting that simple truth.
Different day, same argument. Science = faith for you and that's the end, therefore any conclusions met by science that don't line up with conclusions reached by faith are dismissable.
This entire exercise was, as stated in the first line, a fast refutation of a set of cut and paste questions that argue purely by overwhelming. Ask a hundred short questions that require tedious and complicated answers and you can win the debate by wearing down anyone attempting to rebut.