As in the days of Noah.....


New Member
ancient egyptians knew about blood flow etc. again, long before the bible.

Actually they didn't.

Again, from the Signature of God:

"It is fascinating to study the several hundred prescriptions in papyrus Ebers to gain an understanding of the level of medical and sanitary knowledge possessed by the Egyptians, the most advanced society on earth in the days of Moses. Despite their advanced astronomical and engineering knowledge, as evidenced by their great temples at Karnak and the three great pyramids at Giza, the Egyptians's level of medical knowledge was extremely primitive and dangerous. Yet the prided themselves on their great medical knowledge as revealed in various medical manuscripts that have survived the ravages of time, including papyrus ebers mentioned above written about the time of Moses.

As an example of the medical ignorance and primitive state of their medical knowledge, consider the Egyptian doctor's suggestion for healing an infected splinter wound. The prescription involves the application of an ointment mixture composed of the blood of worms mixed with the dung of a donkey. The various germs, including tetanus, contained in the donkey's dung must have assured that the patient would rapidly forget the pain of his splinter as he died from the assortment of other diseases produced by his doctor's contaminated medicine.

The Egyptian doctors had an equally wondrous cure for a poisonous snake bite. They poured 'magical water' over a pagan idol and then gave it to the victim for what probably turned out to be his last drink on earth.

According to these ancient documents, the pharmacies of ancient Egypt provided the popular prescriptions including "lizard's blood, swines teeth, putrid meat, stinking fat, moisture from a pig's ear, milk, goose, grease, ass's hoofs, animal fat from various souces, excreta from animals including human beings, donkeys, antelopes, dogs, cats and even fly dung."

A remedy for too much crying in a child: "spn-seeds; fly dung from a wall; is made in a paste, strained and drunk for four days. The crying will cease." No doubt the crying will cease with the death of the poor child receiving this deadly potion. "


New Member
yes, and the ancient egyptians never knew about the seasonal flooding of the nile .... looonnnngggggg before the bible.

I could find many more examples, but that was one of the ones I remember from middle school history.

"That statement alone may not seem very profound but when considered with other biblical passages, it becomes all the more remarkable. For example: the Mississippi River dumps approxiamtely 518 billions of gallons of water every 24 hours into the Gulf of Mexico. Where does all the water go? And that's just one of thousands of rivers. The answer lies in the hydrologic cycle.

Ecclesiates 11:3 states that "if the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth." Look at the Bible's concise words in Amos 9:6 "He...calls for the waters of the sea, and pours them out upon the face of the earth."

The idea of a complete water cycle was not fully understood by science until the 17th century. However, more than two thousand years prior to the discoveries of Pierre Perrault, Edme Mariotte, Edmund Halley, and others, the Scripture clearly spoke of a water cycle. "

(Hidden Wealth...Ray Comfort)


New Member
Actually they didn't.

yes. they did.

read up on the process of embalming. today's scientists still have a tough time preserving a body as well as they did.

I'd like to see research not done by a biased christian source when spouting things like "The Egyptian doctors had an equally wondrous cure for a poisonous snake bite. They poured 'magical water' over a pagan idol and then gave it to the victim for what probably turned out to be his last drink on earth."

all ancient cultures got things wrong. heck, we still get things wrong today.

and anyway, you simply saying that egyptians didn't understand proper medicines (for their time) and anatomy, doesn't make it so. There is overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

again, for emphasis. Making a statement doesn't make it true. Evidence (excuse me) .... Actual evidence (i.e. scientific evidence, not unsubstantiated biblical 'evidence') is needed to show a statement true.


New Member
and anyway, you simply saying that egyptians didn't understand proper medicines (for their time) and anatomy, doesn't make it so. There is overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Actually it wasn't me who said so. Please go back and read where the author of that book I quoted got his information from.

And please list all this 'overwhelming evidence to the contrary'.
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New Member
"That statement alone may not seem very profound but when considered with other biblical passages, it becomes all the more remarkable. For example: the Mississippi River dumps approxiamtely 518 billions of gallons of water every 24 hours into the Gulf of Mexico. Where does all the water go? And that's just one of thousands of rivers. The answer lies in the hydrologic cycle.

Ecclesiates 11:3 states that "if the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth." Look at the Bible's concise words in Amos 9:6 "He...calls for the waters of the sea, and pours them out upon the face of the earth."

The idea of a complete water cycle was not fully understood by science until the 17th century. However, more than two thousand years prior to the discoveries of Pierre Perrault, Edme Mariotte, Edmund Halley, and others, the Scripture clearly spoke of a water cycle. "

(Hidden Wealth...Ray Comfort)

you are reaching, and it's very amusing. The egyptians knew exactly where the water went .... into the mediterranean. They also knew that rains and melts fueled the flooding of the nile. They knew this because they looked.

Your 'biblical science' is nothing more than obvious observations.


New Member
I'd like to see research not done by a biased christian source when spouting things like "The Egyptian doctors had an equally wondrous cure for a poisonous snake bite. They poured 'magical water' over a pagan idol and then gave it to the victim for what probably turned out to be his last drink on earth."

Again, go back and read where this 'research' came from.

I wouldn't exactly call it 'biased'.


New Member
you are reaching, and it's very amusing. The egyptians knew exactly where the water went .... into the mediterranean. They also knew that rains and melts fueled the flooding of the nile. They knew this because they looked.

Your 'biblical science' is nothing more than obvious observations.

The Egyptian knew the nature of the water cycle? Care to provide this evidence for us?


New Member


New Member
The Egyptian knew the nature of the water cycle? Care to provide this evidence for us?

Ancient Egypt - Culture: Dependence on the Nile

Nile River. River Nile. Ancient Egypt. Inundation. Flooding

etc. etc.

look it up yourself. Either way, the bible still isn't credited with any of the discoveries you've pointed out (except by foolish believers that are so far gone they'll believe anything some guy says as long as it's credited to god) because they are all obvious.

did you need the bible to tell you there are a lot of stars? that bleeding to death is bad? that when it rains more water gets into rivers etc. which then flow downhill?

no? I hope not, because no one else needs the bible to tell them that.


New Member
Ancient Egypt - Culture: Dependence on the Nile

Nile River. River Nile. Ancient Egypt. Inundation. Flooding

etc. etc.

There isn't anything in either of those sites that say anything about the Epyptian's knowledge of the complexity of the weather system such as evaporation, cloud formation, thunder, lightning rain and so on.

look it up yourself.

That's a cop-out. Notice I don't do that to you.


New Member
There isn't anything in either of those sites that say anything about the Epyptian's knowledge of the complexity of the weather system such as evaporation, cloud formation, thunder, lightning rain and so on.

it isn't in the bible either lol

also, you can look it up yourself in addition to the links provided.

hardly a cop out.


New Member
did you need the bible to tell you there are a lot of stars? that bleeding to death is bad? that when it rains more water gets into rivers etc. which then flow downhill?

no? I hope not, because no one else needs the bible to tell them that.

No but it helps to authenicate Who the Author was and that it is supernatural in origin.

If the Bible proves itself to be the Word of the One who created all things, it would make sense to search its pages. After all, time will take each of us to the grave and if there was one chance in a million that the Bible's promise of immortality and threat of damnation is true, we owe it to our good sense just to look into it.