New Member
ancient egyptians knew about blood flow etc. again, long before the bible.
Actually they didn't.
Again, from the Signature of God:
"It is fascinating to study the several hundred prescriptions in papyrus Ebers to gain an understanding of the level of medical and sanitary knowledge possessed by the Egyptians, the most advanced society on earth in the days of Moses. Despite their advanced astronomical and engineering knowledge, as evidenced by their great temples at Karnak and the three great pyramids at Giza, the Egyptians's level of medical knowledge was extremely primitive and dangerous. Yet the prided themselves on their great medical knowledge as revealed in various medical manuscripts that have survived the ravages of time, including papyrus ebers mentioned above written about the time of Moses.
As an example of the medical ignorance and primitive state of their medical knowledge, consider the Egyptian doctor's suggestion for healing an infected splinter wound. The prescription involves the application of an ointment mixture composed of the blood of worms mixed with the dung of a donkey. The various germs, including tetanus, contained in the donkey's dung must have assured that the patient would rapidly forget the pain of his splinter as he died from the assortment of other diseases produced by his doctor's contaminated medicine.
The Egyptian doctors had an equally wondrous cure for a poisonous snake bite. They poured 'magical water' over a pagan idol and then gave it to the victim for what probably turned out to be his last drink on earth.
According to these ancient documents, the pharmacies of ancient Egypt provided the popular prescriptions including "lizard's blood, swines teeth, putrid meat, stinking fat, moisture from a pig's ear, milk, goose, grease, ass's hoofs, animal fat from various souces, excreta from animals including human beings, donkeys, antelopes, dogs, cats and even fly dung."
A remedy for too much crying in a child: "spn-seeds; fly dung from a wall; is made in a paste, strained and drunk for four days. The crying will cease." No doubt the crying will cease with the death of the poor child receiving this deadly potion. "