As in the days of Noah.....


New Member
Hello all....

Sorry I disappeared on my very own thread but I haven't been able to get online until now....

I am hopeing to get back on here sometime later today!

Thanks for 'playing' everyone! :smile:


New Member

but why ignore my comment? all those others are at least as likely to be true, so do you pray to alah as well?

Sorry, Tommy, but I wasn't ignoring your comments, just busy, that's all.

So please tell me why I should pray to allah as well?


New Member
Isaiah 40:22 - Errancy Wiki

also, columbus sailed about for money ....

also, also, 2,000 years later, the church was doing it's best to shut up Galileo because he was right and the church was wrong.

- from "Columbus's Book of Prophecies":

"It was the Lord who put it into my mind,
(I could feel His hand upon me), the fact that it would be possible to sail from here to the Indies. All who heard of my project rejected it with laughter, ridiculing me. There is no question that the inspiration was from the Holy Spirit, because He comforted me with rays of marvelous inspiration from the Holy Scriptures.......

I am a most noteworthy sinner, but I have cried out to the Lord for grace and mercy, and they have covered me completely. I have found the sweetest consolation since I made it my whole purpose to enjoy His marvelous Presence.

For the execution of the voyage to the Indies, I did not make use of intelligence, mathematics or maps.
It is simply the fulfillment of what Isaiah* had prophesied......

No one should fear to undertake any task in the name of our Savior, if it is just and if the intention is purely for His holy service. The working out of all things has been assigned to each person by our Lord, but it all happens according to His sovereign will, even though He gives advice. Oh, what a gracious Lord, who desires that people should perform for Him those things for which He holds Himself responsible! Day and night, moment by moment, everyone should express their most devoted gratitude to Him."

And you are correct that the 'church' was trying to shut Galileo up and you are absoultely right the 'church' was wrong.

See! You and I actually agree on something for a change! :smile:


New Member
and anyway, you simply saying that egyptians didn't understand proper medicines (for their time) and anatomy, doesn't make it so. There is overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

again, for emphasis. Making a statement doesn't make it true. Evidence (excuse me) .... Actual evidence (i.e. scientific evidence, not unsubstantiated biblical 'evidence') is needed to show a statement true.

Again, it wasn't me that said this....this evidence come from the Egyptians themselves via their ancient writings. Please read all my post, not just the parts you want to shoot down.

And overwhelming evidence to the contrary? Oh? What are they? And please don't insult my intelligence and post a bunch of links and tell me to go look at them, thanks.


New Member
read up on the process of embalming. today's scientists still have a tough time preserving a body as well as they did.

Please notice this has nothing to do with what the Scripture said regarding the LIFE that is in the blood, meaning that we NEED blood in order to LIVE. Did the Egyptians have blood donors?

Why did they practice the method of bloodletting if they knew that life is in the blood?

The only thing embalming proves is that they like to dress their dead up to look pretty for the afterlife.


New Member

Sorry, Tommy, but I wasn't ignoring your comments, just busy, that's all.

So please tell me why I should pray to allah as well?

baydoll said:
After all, time will take each of us to the grave and if there was one chance in a million that the Bible's promise of immortality and threat of damnation is true, we owe it to our good sense just to look into it.

because alah and the others are just as likely to provide the "true" path


New Member
Again, it wasn't me that said this....this evidence come from the Egyptians themselves via their ancient writings. Please read all my post, not just the parts you want to shoot down.

And overwhelming evidence to the contrary? Oh? What are they? And please don't insult my intelligence and post a bunch of links and tell me to go look at them, thanks.

so linking information is insulting your 'intelligence'?

look, I already know you're stupid, but if you can even be bothered to 'left click' and learn something, then there's really no point debating.

I already linked the information. If you don't look at it or read it, it's hardly my fault.


New Member
Please notice this has nothing to do with what the Scripture said regarding the LIFE that is in the blood, meaning that we NEED blood in order to LIVE. Did the Egyptians have blood donors?

Why did they practice the method of bloodletting if they knew that life is in the blood?

The only thing embalming proves is that they like to dress their dead up to look pretty for the afterlife.

every culture up to the mid-late 1700s practiced blood letting in some form or other. That doesn't mean that they didn't know what bleeding to death was.

I really can't believe people (in this case, you) are stupid enough to think that these ideas were first coined in the bible.

also, that is not what embalming was. not even close. However, since you refuse to read, you'll probably never know what it was for, or what knowledge of anatomy was required.


New Member
every culture up to the mid-late 1700s practiced blood letting in some form or other. That doesn't mean that they didn't know what bleeding to death was.

Pardon my ignorance but isn't that what happens when bloodletting is used on someone?


New Member
Pardon my ignorance but isn't that what happens when bloodletting is used on someone?


edit: well, no with a 'but' lol

I suppose if they never stopped the flow of blood, you'd bleed to death, but that wasn't standard practice.

Because the idea wasn't to kill someone.


New Member

edit: well, no with a 'but' lol

I suppose if they never stopped the flow of blood, you'd bleed to death, but that wasn't standard practice.

Because the idea wasn't to kill someone.

I'll add a 'but' of my own...

But of course not. Which means the Egyptians couldn't have known that a person's LIFE is in the blood, otherwise they wouldn't have used this medical treatment of bloodletting on anyone to begin with.


New Member
it isn't in the bible either lol

I'll be quoting from John Ankenburg, John Weldon and Grant Jeffries throughout...

Job 36:27-28 reads as following:
For He makes waterdrops evaporate;
they distill the rain into its mist,

which the clouds pour out
and shower abundantly on mankind.

"Here we find a correct depiction of the earth's hydrologic cycle. In the Middle Ages the souce of rainwater was something of a mystery, but almost 3500 years earlier Job describes the rain cycle. "

From Ecclesiates 1:6-7, we read:

The wind goes toward the south, And turns around to the north; The wind whirls about continually, And comes again on its circuit.

All the rivers run into the sea, Yet the sea is not full; To the place from which the rivers come, There they return again.

"King Solomon, writing 3000 years ago, speaks of global wind currents and the earth's water cycle. The phrase, 'the wind goes towards the south and turns around to the north; the wind whirls about continually, and comes again on its circuit' is an accurate and astonishing description of the circular flow of air on earth, called the jet streams."

How could Solomon have known 3000 years ago that the planetary winds followed a circular pattern from south to north and then south again?

"Job speaks of God controlling the weather:

"For He looks to the ends of the earth, and sees under the whole heavens, to establish a weight for the wind, and mete out the waters by measure. When He made a law for the rain, and a path for the thunderbolt..." Job 28:24-26

"In this statement, the Bible reveals that the winds are governed by their weight, a fact that scientists have only determined in the last century.

How could Job have known that the air and the wind patterns are governed by their actual weight?

Meterologists have found that the relative weights of the wind and water greatly determines the weather patterns.

This passage also reveals a profound appreciation of the fact that there is a scientific connection between lightning, thunder and electrical charge within a cloud is one of the key factors that cause microscopic water droplets in the clouds to join with other droplets until they are heavy enough to fall to earth. In addition, we now know that a powerful electrical charge as high as 300 million volts in a cloud sends a leader stroke down through the air to the ground. Instantaneously, only one - fifieth of a second later, a second, more powerful return stroke travels back up to the cloud, following the path through the air opened by the leader stroke. The thunder occurs because the air within this path has been vaporized by superheating it to 50,000 degrees by the lightning. The superheated air expands outward at supersonic speed, creating the noise of thunder. Job's description, "He made a law for th rain and a path for the thunderbolt" is startling in its accuracy.

No human could have known this in ancient times without the divine revelation of God."


New Member

One self fulfilling prophecy ....

Hey, I'm going to get a soda.

OH MY GOSH, I MUST BE A PROPHET BECAUSE I GOT ONE! let's put you to a test, shall we?

Let me ask you a few questions, Mr. Prophet:

Can you predict the exact city in which the birth of a future US president would take place 700 years from now?

Can you predict the precise kind of death that a new, unknown religious leader would experience a thousand years from today?

Can you also predict a new method of execution not currently known, one that wouldn't even be invented for another hundreds of years in the future?

Can you predict the SPECIFIC date of the appearance of some great future leader hundreds of years in advance?

Can you predict 50 SPECIFIC prophecies about some man in the future we would never meet, and have that man fulfill ALL 50 PREDICTIONS?

And out of those 50 SPECIFIC predictions, can you predict that 25 of them were about what OTHER people will do to that man which will be completely beyond his control?

Answer me if you will, O Wise Prophet One.
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New Member let's put you to a test, shall we?

Let me ask you a few questions, Mr. Prophet:

Can you predict the exact city in which the birth of a future US president would take place 700 years from now?

Can you predict the precise kind of death that a new, unknown religious leader would experience a thousand years from today?

Can you also predict a new method of execution not currently known, one that wouldn't even be invented for another hundreds of years in the future?

Can you predict the SPECIFIC date of the appearance of some great future leader hundreds of years in advance?

Can you predict 50 SPECIFIC prophecies about some man in the future we would never meet, and have that man fulfill ALL 50 PREDICTIONS?

And out of those 50 SPECIFIC predictions, can you predict that 25 of them were about what OTHER people will do to man which will be completely beyond his control?

Answer me if you will, O Wise Prophet One.

nostradomous made many many predictions, and in retrospec it is easy to match them up with history, it doens't mean they have anything to do with each other.
For instance, your little quote about the winds. While it is made to sound like Job is describing the wind cycle in detail, in fact his account is factually inaccurate. the winds travel around the globe in a west to east fashion, most ly governed by the spin of the earth. NOT north to south to north again in a circular motion.

If you would like to know about the prophecies of other religions i suggest you go read about them.

what is most telling to me is that the prophecy you use to describe that your book is right and your god the true one, is a jewish prophecy, the comeing of the messiah. Unfortunately, the jews didn't believe jesus was anything more than a man. as a result, the "cult" that follwed jesus as god was established and eventually was accepted as religion.

So i ask you, how can jesus be the messiah, if the religious leaders of the religion which prophecized his coming dont believe he meets the criteria?


New Member
So i ask you, how can jesus be the messiah, if the religious leaders of the religion which prophecized his coming dont believe he meets the criteria?

The religious leaders prophecised His Coming? Really? Who? Seems to me the 'religious leaders' were too busy killing those Prophets that were prophecising to do any prophecising of their own. When was the last time you read the Bible?

And also, meet who's criteria....theirs? :killingme