Not to throw a monkey wrench in the works, but my view is that although the many denominations and sects, etc., refer to themselves as "churches," there really is only one church - that which Christ Himself established, the body of believers for whom He shed His blood and rose again in triumph. It is because of this that I get impatient with the constant doctrinal bickering which graphically symbolizes the needless and distressing divisions within the body of believers. And that's why I rarely post in "Religion." There really is only one Church - the body of believers whom Christ Himself identified and who identify themselves with Him, and anyone who would establish another church at the same level as that which Christ has established, is tragically deceived. Want to squabble about which "church" came first? One word of caution: Remember, Christ said that the first shall be last and the last first. We take too much on ourselves and presume too much when we declare sovereignty or divinity or authority. There is One who has all authority, and He is the head of the church (SINGULAR).
I've heard it from many who do not fit your description.Seen and heard this argument many, many times. Without fail it ALWAYS comes from someone who identifies themselves as a non-denominational, bible-only, non Sunday service attending believer. Fair assessment?
I've heard it from many who do not fit your description. The danger in it is that Arians, Montanists, etc. also believe this is the case. When I read the Apostles writings on primary doctrines, in good conscience, I strive to be in line with them. If something I believe doesn't match up with them, I adjust, not them. That's what evangelical faith is all about. Going back to the Apostles and the doctrines laid out in "the teaching" (1 Tim) AKA the New Testament.
So do you agree with railroads assertions?
I agree with the general statement that Christ created one church which is described by the Apostles in the New Testament, and which adheres to "the teaching" as outlined by them. And I do not view Christ as some sort of mystical idea as your article implies either. He's as real to me as you are.
I tend to think that we modern day folk confuse the terms church and religion and apply our terminology to jesus' intent rather than the other way around.
So are you saying we should apply Jesus's intent (through inspired writings by Paul and others) to our terminology? I think that is what you mean, I think? Ya think? If so, I would have to agree. Jesus made no bones about the simplicity of the Gospel - Confess the Lord with your mouth (speak out), and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, and you will be saved. (paraphrased from Rom 10:9) Simple, really. If salvation is that simple (which it is), then why cannot formation of local churches based on the teachings of the Bible be as simple? I personally believe that Romans 10:9 is the basic, fundamental, biblical foundation of personal salvation. Not real complicated, except that man has to mess simplicity up just to prove a - errrrr - point of some humanistic sort?. The formations of local churches to preach that Gospel would logically follow. Leave man out of it. Figure God into your life, don't try to figure Him out. Trying to figure Him out is a losing proposition. Every time, human. Pretty simple.
How beautifully simplistic....not. Woohoo everyone is their own pope!
You need a pope? A human? Here we go - again. Sad for you. I only need a conscience. I only need a Savior. By saying you need a pope, or anyone else, is just dissing God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, by saying they are not enough. WooHoo, and .![]()
Common sense - the ability to read and understand what the Bible says about salvation? That is the Bible, you do realize? Individual salvation through Christ and not through man? Way simple.
Of course through Christ! So b23, what of Calvinism?
This is not between other Protestants, but between catholic and non-catholic, right? .
Please answer this question. If Luther accomplished what was needed--to protest the evil Catholics and break away to set things right, why isn't it just Catholics and Lutherans--simply put why aren't you, zguy, stone thrower, etc Lutheran?
Simply put - believe in what the bible preaches. Not what man says.
See you in eternity, but most probably not, dude/dudette.
Your choice.
I tend to agree, but probably for different reasons.I tend to think that we modern day folk confuse the terms church and religion and apply our terminology to jesus' intent rather than the other way around.