AZZCLOWN PARENTS AND FAMILY MEMBERS at the 2004 LaPlata high graduation


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Personally, I think they should have pellet guns trained on the crowd and take a shot at anyone showing poor manners.

What about tranquilizer guns?


But wait, there's more...
Re: Re: back on topic

Originally posted by DoWhat
And we all really believe that, Hello (your funny).

Well who is responsible for it then, Dumbass? :confused: She's seen her dad for a whopping two weeks in the last year. Aside from "donating" to her existence, he doesn't have much else to claim responsibility for. :shrug:


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Re: Re: back on topic

Originally posted by crabcake
In all actuality, I think it'd be a nice touch to have the parents of, say, the top 10% of the graduating class stand when their child is called. In this day, it's an accomplishment not just of the kid, but the parents to raise a kid that excels when so many are just little, smartazz, criminal punks. :ohwell: Parents who support and teach their children through school and encourage them to excel should be applauded as well, IMO.

Not a bad idea. The malicious side of me would consider doing something similar for the parents of the dropouts. What if the rest of the crowd moons those parents or shouts out "Azzclowns"?


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Re: Re: Re: back on topic

Originally posted by crabcake
Parents who support and teach their children through school and encourage them to excel should be applauded as well, IMO.

My family was a mess throughout my high school life. I graduated in the top 5% of my 400+ student class because of my determination alone.

While my mom and dad were busy going through a brutal divorce, that took 2 years to complete and then another 4 years to get over, a suicide attempt by each parent, and the dad mentally abusing his son to try to manipulate information on his ex-wife's whereabouts... I immersed myself in school to escape.

I've had some help along the way... but 90% of the reason I am where I am today is because of me and me alone. My graduation days, both of them, were mine.

I wasn't selfish, I thanked my parents for the little bit of support they gave me. And it wasn't all their fault that they couldn't be there for their kid, but it really was my day. And my college graduation... is still the proudest day of my life.


But wait, there's more...
Re: Re: Re: Re: back on topic

Originally posted by Tonio
Not a bad idea. The malicious side of me would consider doing something similar for the parents of the dropouts. What if the rest of the crowd moons those parents or shouts out "Azzclowns"?

Now THAT'S a good idea! :clap:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I guess I have a different take on high school graduation. Stupid loser kids graduate from high school every single year - BFD. There's no big accomplishment in managing to make it through 12 years of public school, especially now that they've dumbed it down so that any idiot can do it.

Yes, we're proud that our daughter is graduating this year. But we'll be REALLY proud when she graduates from college and even more proud than that when she has a wonderful, balanced, successful life.

These parents that whoop it up when their kid walks across the stage? This is probably all they're going to get out of their kid. :ohwell:


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by cariblue
As a parent who respects and admires my childs accomplishments, I'd never dream of stealing her thunder.

I'd respect and admire my daughter's accomplishments too ... but as a parent, if you didn't lay the foundation and provide motivation and encouragement and an occasional crack on the azz* when she steps outta line, do you think she would still have gotten there?

*figure of speech


Asperger's Poster Child
Thanks for the post, Sleuth. Does your family's history ever lead you to wonder what is wrong with people?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My daughter's buddy was over here and he said, "Gosh, graduation! This is the end!" I was like, "Hello, Beavis! This is just the beginning!" Kids (and adults) have weird perspective sometimes.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by Tonio
Thanks for the post, Sleuth. Does your family's history ever lead you to wonder what is wrong with people?


I don't know that my family's history caused that. I've been wondering what's wrong with people ever since I was 5.

Don't get me wrong. My parents were wonderful for the first 12 years. I got cracks on the azz (not a figure of speech) when I needed them... I spent quality time with my father and my mother and my sister for many of those years. And I had good grandparents who looked after me when my own were working. When my parent's marriage fell apart after my dad's 3 year affair, all that hard work from my family was washed down the drain. The only thing left was the foundation of those first 12 years. It was me who built the mansion that is my own life (relatively) on top of the ruins.

I know what is wrong with people. I just don't know how to fix it.
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Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
As for the graduation ceremony itself... the kids were the ones doing the hootin' and hollerin' in mine. We had 4 beach balls, we cheered for every student as they walked across the stage, there was quite a bit of silly string being sprayed, and decorated hats as well.

About half way through, the principal stood up and scolded us for our behavior, right in the middle of the ceremony. It prompted a barrage of emails, letters to the local newspapers, and phone calls for angry parents.

I say BFD. It was our graduation, and we had at least some right to impose our own ideas of how we wanted to celebrate, within reason, into our own ceremony. Couple that with the fact that we had a nazi for a principal, and that they were giving us blank sheets of paper instead of diplomas because we still had make-up snow days AFTER the graduation ceremony, and there was good reason for unrest.
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Originally posted by sleuth
As for the graduation ceremony itself... the kids were the ones doing the hootin' and hollerin' in mine. We had 4 beach balls, we cheered for every student as they walked across the stage, there was quite a bit of silly string being sprayed, and decorated hats as well.

About half way through, the principal stood up and scolded us for our behavior, right in the middle of the ceremony. It prompted a barrage of emails, letters to the local newspapers, and phone calls for angry parents.

I say BFD. It was our graduation, and they had at least some right to impose their own ideas of how they wanted to celebrate, within reason, into their own ceremony. Couple that with the fact that we had a nazi for a principal, and that they were giving us blank sheets of paper instead of diplomas because we still had make-up snow days AFTER the graduation ceremony, and there was good reason for unrest.
