mb, The youngest heathen has been bugging me about these stupid things for months! Almost her whole Xmas list is Bakugan. I got a DEAL on ebay. Someone was selling their whole collection. 73 of the little ball things, 100+ battle cards, battle arena, launcher, tin cases, all kinds of stuff. It was all pre-owned, but I got it all for 142.00 and it included shipping.!!!!! And I got a cool Bakugan backpack with places to store your balls and your cards, new, for $25. Ya just have to keep your eyes open.
A new starter pack of 6 balls and cards (on Ebay) was 35 bucks alone, so I thought I did purty darn good.
I'll keep a look out around here but I can tell ya, they're gone off the shelves as quick as they put them out. Online is going to be your best bet.