

R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
Good Luck! Thing One's b-day is Dec 7th and I haven't been able to find them for the past couple weeks. I've found a couple here and there but I think that's been pure luck.
What exactly are they?? Another popular item again is the Tech Deck??sp.. I remember them years ago being popular, one of my older sons was really into them..and of course when he moved out a couple years ago...I threw out all that stuff..go figure.


Witchy Woman
mb, The youngest heathen has been bugging me about these stupid things for months! Almost her whole Xmas list is Bakugan. I got a DEAL on ebay. Someone was selling their whole collection. 73 of the little ball things, 100+ battle cards, battle arena, launcher, tin cases, all kinds of stuff. It was all pre-owned, but I got it all for 142.00 and it included shipping.!!!!! And I got a cool Bakugan backpack with places to store your balls and your cards, new, for $25. Ya just have to keep your eyes open.

A new starter pack of 6 balls and cards (on Ebay) was 35 bucks alone, so I thought I did purty darn good.

I'll keep a look out around here but I can tell ya, they're gone off the shelves as quick as they put them out. Online is going to be your best bet.


Witchy Woman
What exactly are they?? Another popular item again is the Tech Deck??sp.. I remember them years ago being popular, one of my older sons was really into them..and of course when he moved out a couple years ago...I threw out all that stuff..go figure.

Bakugan is an Anime series on Cartoon Network that's kind of like Pokemon. The toys are these little creatures in balls that pop open for "battle" when they roll onto the metal cards that come with them. The kids play a marble like "battle game" with them using the balls and ability cards etc.

It's all the craze right now. Go figure. :shrug:


lost in the numbers
Target in California had them this morning. I picked up several. They had the individual, special edition and double packs.:yahoo::yahoo:


New Member
They had a few at the new Target in Brandywine this afternoon. It was getting down to slim pickings thought. Most of what they had left was the action figures. The new Costco there had a ton of the Battle Arena bonus sets though that have the battle arena with 6 of the battle ball things.


New Member
I bought half of what Target had this afternoon (which was not much).:yahoo: Both Target and Walmart get them in -the cashier said they would be gone within hours. Now I am set for Christmas for the boy AND a few friends!!!

I made the mistake (back in Aug when they were not so hot) of promising a new one for each 100% spelling test. Need I tell you...............every test but one was 100% so far. I dont usually bribe, but this really did the trick!


Well-Known Member
You paid a small fortune for them on Ebay, didn't you? :poorbaby:
No I have 2 packs that I got from Wal Mart. I wanted to get my son a few more but everytime I go they are sold out... then I see people post on here when I am at work "just got some bakugan at blah blah blah they are going fast" and I will never get there in time to get them :frown:


Anna Nicole wanted me to let ya'll know that the LaPlata WalMart has a whole bunch of these things.