Bald Eagle in Hollywood


I've seen lots of those eagles around southern MD.

Went kayaking and saw two pairs at Goose Creek on 9/11/2004
Saw a couple around my kids' elementary school since mid-90s.
Shot few pictures of one eagle feasting on a meal(fish?) in the marsh near Waysons Corner last DEC. (need to dev the film)
While kayaking, I saw two pairs up on Fishing creek from Chesapeake Beach last year.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
According to DNR St. Mary’s has 22 nesting pairs, Charles has 53 pairs and Calvert has 8 pairs. This does not include the immature eagles also in the area. We have had a great return in the area of this majestic bird since DDT was banned and they have received vigorous protection.


Jersey attitude.
There are several in Waldorf, I see them as I walk around my neighborhood in the mornings. There WAS also a pair at White Plains Livestock Farm about two years ago, before they built that new church off 301 back in there (not sure of denomination).


Set Trippin
Tomcat said:
About 8:00 this morning driving out Forrest Landing a Bald Eagle flew across the road in front of me and perched in a tree above one of the ponds. I believe it's probably the same one I've seen several times in the last year or so flying over the back yard. Anyone else seen one around lately? :patriot:
Was it riding a horse? :confused:


I bowl overhand
AMP said:
The one in Forest Landing or the ones at WPLF? :wink:

AMP.. If you walked SOuth from Franklin on the Bike Trail to the end (don't remember the name of the town at the end) there are a BUNCH of Bald Eagles that nest in that area. There's also a black bear that likes to nap on the asphalt down at that end too..


Jersey attitude.
itsbob said:
AMP.. If you walked SOuth from Franklin on the Bike Trail to the end (don't remember the name of the town at the end) there are a BUNCH of Bald Eagles that nest in that area. There's also a black bear that likes to nap on the asphalt down at that end too..

Cool - I will definitely look next time we get the bikes out. We did see an eagle while riding the Titusville and Oil Creek Railroad back in October. I guess I thought eagles were more common; surprised me that everyone on the train made a big deal about him.

Oh great, now I have to worry about bears as well as snakes. Bet he was the one bellying up to the Agway. :lmao:


24/7 Single Dad
Saw on flying over when we stopped for a few minutes at the Dew Drop in Hollywood during our New Years Day ride.


I bowl overhand
AMP said:
Cool - I will definitely look next time we get the bikes out. We did see an eagle while riding the Titusville and Oil Creek Railroad back in October. I guess I thought eagles were more common; surprised me that everyone on the train made a big deal about him.

Oh great, now I have to worry about bears as well as snakes. Bet he was the one bellying up to the Agway. :lmao:
HEY.. I saw the same one back in Oct 2000....... Our club (Adult Learners) at Clarion took the trip as part of a week-end seminar. Was sitting as pretty as good be in a tree right next to the tracks.. and don't forget the Twinkie eating deer.. was riding on the bike trail and noticed a guy next to a clump of trees, rode up on him and he had his arm stuck back into the bushes. hand feeding a deer a twinkie..

AND almost wrecked on my bike while dodging a rattler on the same bile trail..


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
pixiegirl said:
I probably shouldn't tell embarassing stories about my other half but it's funny so I'll share. When we were living in Indian Head he came inside one day and told me to come outside that there were a bunch of eagles in one of the trees in our yard. I went outside to inspect and low and behold we had a tree full of turkey buzzards. :ohwell: And I thought my eyes were bad. :lmao:
Yeah, my mom did the same thing - mistook turkey buzzards for eagles. One Thanksgiving I visited her house and counted over 40 buzzards in the trees, and took pictures, zooming in at maximum. Then some flew down and landed on the back porch. No question - *buzzards*.

I guess some people see large bird and think 'eagle'.


Jersey attitude.
Eagle was sitting on a hay bale in the middle of our field today in WHIte Plains. Think he was watching the cars go by on 301. :) Good to see, I thought they left the area when they built that church.


Routinely Derailed
There's one that occasionally flies into the ravine behind my house here in Hollywood Shores. I think I saw him a week ago. I wish a pair of them would take up residence back there!