Bald guys - ladies, let's settle this


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm not even going to mention the combover because we all know that is just hideous and I have no idea why men do that chit.

When a guy is getting quite bald, shouldn't he just go ahead and shave it all instead of leaving that fringe of hair? I think that makes men look older than god, whereas completely bald men are hawt.


I'm not shaving my head. It makes my ears stick out. :biggrin:

I'm sorry, I forgot you said "ladies."
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wandering aimlessly
Depends on the shape of the guy's head. Some men look horrible bald, others look good. Bald isn't great on a "pin head" guy. :shrug:
I'm not even going to mention the combover because we all know that is just hideous and I have no idea why men do that chit.

When a guy is getting quite bald, shouldn't he just go ahead and shave it all instead of leaving that fringe of hair? I think that makes men look older than god, whereas completely bald men are hawt.

Nothing wrong with bald men. There is an attractive bald guy in my office ... I actually think he would look weird with hair. :ohwell:


I'm not even going to mention the combover because we all know that is just hideous and I have no idea why men do that chit.

When a guy is getting quite bald, shouldn't he just go ahead and shave it all instead of leaving that fringe of hair? I think that makes men look older than god, whereas completely bald men are hawt.

For the guys - specially guys who make be considering a change:
I shave my head from time to time. It feels really good. Clean, breezy, sometimes tingly - clean. Wind blowing over your shorn dome feels even better than wind in your hair. Really. Water bouncing off your scalp in the shower also feels good.

And chicks dig it.


Power with Control
I just keep mine down to a number one cutter, and go with that. Offered to shave it bald, wife said she wouldnt like that


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I just think you have to be incredibly good looking to get away with that fringe. Sean Connery and Capt. Picard can get away with it; normal men should probably shave their heads and be done with it.

Think how different Bruce Willis would look if he had a pancake head instead of being bald.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I can't bring myself to shave it. I keep what I have left VERY short and always wear a ball cap. Plus I have few bumps and a mole or two up there.

In my younger days I used to have a big a$$ Greg Brady fro and carried pick in my back pocket. :(