Bald guys - ladies, let's settle this


Jam out with ur clam out
:jet:.... :faint: ...... :hot:

BALD IS EFFING :hot:..... I love me a bald man..... bald or shaved...who cares...

OMG.... :jameo:


Jam out with ur clam out
I can't bring myself to shave it. I keep what I have left VERY short and always wear a ball cap. Plus I have few bumps and a mole or two up there.

In my younger days I used to have a big a$$ Greg Brady fro and carried pick in my back pocket. :(

shave it!!!!!


OMG you had a fro.... :worthless:


Soul Probe
I'm not even going to mention the combover because we all know that is just hideous and I have no idea why men do that chit.

When a guy is getting quite bald, shouldn't he just go ahead and shave it all instead of leaving that fringe of hair? I think that makes men look older than god, whereas completely bald men are hawt.


I'm an all or nothing kind of girl. I like either a full head of long well-maintained hair or completely bald. As soon as a man starts balding they should just shave it all and be done with it.


Well-Known Member
My bald guy is only bald up top and wears a hat from the time he wakes up until bedtime. You'd never know he was balding. I've asked him to just go ahead and shave it, but he won't. He has quite the hat collection and will probably be buried with one on. :lol: