From Post #6
libby said:
For example, on another thread I mentioned victims of sexual abuse. Do you or IT think God holds such a victim "resposible" for leaving the CC, when such an abominable crime was committed against them?
(Updated Answer)
libby, the reality is that
God will hold the RCC leadership all the way to the top responsible for any abuse that caused anyone to lose faith in seeking Christ as Saviour! This goes for misguided leadership of any religious organization who may claim to be Protestant, Mormon, Jehovah's Witnesses and all other cults
who prey (not pray) on their congregants.
The fact of the matter is that for many years the RCC knew exactly what was going on with such abuses and instead of firing the priests the CC would assign them to another parish where the predator priests continued in their wayward ways.
God will also hold the RCC accountable for all the misguided religious teachings that have held parishioners in bondage in order to retain them as members.
As far as what happens to the victims who leave the Catholic denomination after being abused, do you really think that they cannot find Salvation outside of the RCC as the popes have declared? I am sure that there are numerous testimonies of people who left the RCC, found a more personal and spiritual relationship with Christ as Lord and Saviour and have learned to forgive those who abused them.
As far as my boss is concerned, he still harbours great resentment against Catholicism and specifically the Catholic priest who said his daughter was going to hell if she wasn't baptized into the RCC.
Was the priest right? If not,
God will hold that priest responsible for causing my boss and his now grown daughter to lose faith not just in the RCC but most importantly to lose trust in God! I pray for my boss each day and hope that he will one day realize that in order to be saved from hell you do need not to go to church to find Salvation but you do need to go to God.
(Proverbs 8:17) (Jeremiah 29:13) (John 3:14-17) (Matthew 11:27-30)
That is why the RCC leadership all the way to the top will be held responsible for all the abuses that have ever been caused by priests. The worst part is that
the RCC knowingly covered up many of these abuses for many years, and in some cases abuse-victims were paid "settlements" in order to avoid the publicity that would embarrass the local CC.
Again, you can defend the RCC as much as you want but please know that all churches that do not represent God's Complete Truth will be held accountable. That is what Jesus warned His followers about - specifically in Matthew Chapter 23.