Bears/Skins game tread...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm sorry. I can't help it. I'm sitting here excited as all get out that THIS is the game that starts a tear to the playoffs!!! A long TD pass or two for touchdowns, a few key turnovers, an all around coming together of the whole team and game plan.


:shootmenow: :jameo:


Supper's Ready
I"m rooting for the Redskins yet again. Work wasn't fun today, so I am ready for the game also. Glad you started the thread this time. I can't believe the regular season is almost over, seems like it just started. :shrug:

:cheers: , all!


Nothing to see here
I'm sorry. I can't help it. I'm sitting here excited as all get out that THIS is the game that starts a tear to the playoffs!!! A long TD pass or two for touchdowns, a few key turnovers, an all around coming together of the whole team and game plan.


What I wish is that Gibbs takes a seat and lets Saunders run the offense. Give Joe the red hankie and tell him he can throw it on the field ONLY if Bugel gives him the word.


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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ok... Bear fans, tell me what you are looking for out of your guys tonight? Tell me what happened this year to fall off from the Superbowl level of last year and tell me if you're happy with AA?

Serious, not trying to be provocative, just fan to fan questions.



New Member
I'm a Bears fan.

Not happy at all about this season. Rex Grossman stooped to an all time low. We got rid of our better running back. Our defense is beat up and we lost a great player in Tank Johnson this year. These things all contributed to the Bears lack of competitieness this year(among many others). Honestly, I don't even care if we win tonight. We haven't played well enough or consistent enough to have a serious shot at winning any games in the Play-offs this year (if we even made it). Sure I'll be rooting for my Bears, but I aint expecting much!

Go Bears!

Nanny Pam

Hubby is in the family room, just sitting there, waiting for the game to come on. :lmao:
I'll be watching too.


Supper's Ready
Hubby is in the family room, just sitting there, waiting for the game to come on. :lmao:
I'll be watching too.
I'm even on the channel, watching The King of Queens, the bartender episode. I liked it so much, I made it my sig. :killingme
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Supper's Ready
Sorry if you've seen this already, I posted it before. A little stand-up about football before the game. Enjoy.


"Typical White Person"
Is it only going to be aired on the NFL Network again?

nevermind found it on 20
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Channel 20..WDCA has it

Thank You! I was just sitting here with two windows open side by side on my computer, one on the live stream of the game and the other on this forum. :lmao: It's so much nicer to watch the game on the big TV. :yahoo: