Bears/Skins game tread...



Ah h!! Gumble finally admits he was raised in Chicago... need I say more :killingme:


Methodically disorganized
Well, I have to apologize to Collins - and party - for underrating them. Maybe he will be our late-season miracle. :shrug: :yay:


Supper's Ready
Good win for the Redskins :yay: 24 - 16... unless something very unusual happens between now and 00:30 seconds in regulation happens


New Member
WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!! We really won and with Tod Collins too!!! :yahoo:
It will be a good day in the city tomorrow and they won it for Sean!!
Nite all.:howdy:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Ah h!! Gumble finally admits he was raised in Chicago... need I say more :killingme:

Darlin, you need to turn the TV sound down and listen to Sonny, Sam and Larry on the radio. Bryant Gumbel is a complete and utter tool.


Methodically disorganized
and with Tod Collins too
Yeah, now we get to listen to the back-and-forth about "Maybe Collins should be our #1..." Collins did what any back-up should do: complete his passes and move the ball. As the one dude was just discussing, Campbell is the man of our future; they have committed to him, and the support should stay with him.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Sounds like Collins is going to be our #1 for the rest of the season. I'll hafta check and find out about a "dislocated patella tendon".