Benedict Bridge Closed....


Stop Staring!!!!!
rack'm said:
I feel sorry for her family and the truck driver.........nothing he could do. :ohwell:

On the scanner I heard the operator of the Toyota Corolla was OK. I think she signed a waiver for medical treament.

It appears she backended the neon shoving it into oncoming traffic. Thats gonna be a hard thng to live with.

All the more reason for me to allow more than ample room between myswlf and the car ahead of me. It happens and it's just this esy.


Bookseller Lady
One of her cousins works in my building. If I know these folks there will be an outpouring of support for the family.


I AM an enigma
vegmom said:
One of her cousins works in my building. If I know these folks there will be an outpouring of support for the family.

Do you work with a Reuben Weems? Could you ask her cousins if Reuben is related? I worked with him years ago and if it's his family, would love to send something.


Bookseller Lady
Purplefox said:
Do you work with a Reuben Weems? Could you ask her cousins if Reuben is related? I worked with him years ago and if it's his family, would love to send something.

This gals last name is Myers. Works in a different department from me. I am sure a memo will be floating around about money for flowers or what not in the next few days.


New Member
My dad witnessed this accident yesterday. He had a very rough night because of it. My heart goes out to Ms. Weems' family. I know yesterday will be a day my dad will never forget.


beachcat said:
Yeah, I was VERY surprised they were posted. I'm sure they will probably remove them. Very graphic. Normally out of respect for families some fire depts don't post pics when there are fatalities

WTF are you talking about ? :confused: All I see are a burned up car and truck, no body is visible ................ :smack:


poster said:
boss just passed highway admin truck toting sign that bridge closed due to accident....

any info out there?

is the bridge open again ?


"Typical White Person"
LusbyMom said:
I think it is terrible they posted pictures of the car and truck on fire. That is total disrespect.

Why? If it had been a body visible I agree but this is SOP for the news, now if you want to talk about disrespect lets talk about all the trashy roadside memorials. :elaine: ............... for the 100th time


"Typical White Person"
LusbyMom said:
I don't care if the body was visible or not. The fact is this poor woman was still in the car when those pictures were taken. Their is no need for that to be posted and shown to everyone.

You must not be able to watch the evening news without covering your eyes 30 times then. I mean between the war, all the murders in b-more and D.C. and all the traffic accidents that are repoted on in this area, you must be offended constantly due to the lack of respect.


You're a LOON :)
AK-74me said:
You must not be able to watch the evening news without covering your eyes 30 times then. I mean between the war, all the murders in b-more and D.C. and all the traffic accidents that are repoted on in this area, you must be offended constantly due to the lack of respect.

I don't watch the news very often. Awhile back a kid was killed when hit by a car while he was on his bike. They showed an aerial view of the scene which showed way to much IMO. To me that is not news and doesn't need to be shown to the world.


Lem Putt
AK-74me said:
You must not be able to watch the evening news without covering your eyes 30 times then. I mean between the war, all the murders in b-more and D.C. and all the traffic accidents that are repoted on in this area, you must be offended constantly due to the lack of respect.

I see this as more of an issue of who is showing it, not what is being shown. Yes, it is the responsibility of the news papers and channels to show the news, even when it involves a grisly scene like this one.

It's kind of unusual for the fire departments to be posting pictures like they have. They usually show a little more concern for the family and for their own members who were involved, instead of rushing to put up the pictures.

I don't find the pictures offensive, but I can see how some people would. I don't like the Recorder putting the picture they used on the front page where my kids can see it so readily. I don't beleive in censorship, but the news outlets can assist me as a parent by using a little common sense.


Well-Known Member
LusbyMom said:
I think it is terrible they posted pictures of the car and truck on fire. That is total disrespect.
I don't agree at all unless you see one tiny spot of flesh or blood that I don't see. The pictures send a very clear, ugly message of what happens when you fail to pay full time and attention for whatever reason. Many of the drivers on the road today need to be hit over the head with a brick in order to get the message.
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