Stop Staring!!!!!
MMDad said:I see this as more of an issue of who is showing it, not what is being shown. Yes, it is the responsibility of the news papers and channels to show the news, even when it involves a grisly scene like this one.
It's kind of unusual for the fire departments to be posting pictures like they have. They usually show a little more concern for the family and for their own members who were involved, instead of rushing to put up the pictures.
I don't find the pictures offensive, but I can see how some people would. I don't like the Recorder putting the picture they used on the front page where my kids can see it so readily. I don't beleive in censorship, but the news outlets can assist me as a parent by using a little common sense.
I am straddling the fence a bit on this one. On the one side, I do not belive the pics of the actual car itself should have ben shown as a matter of respect for the deceased and their family, And as MMDad has said out of trying to look out for the kids.
On the other side. It would be hard to show the severity of this without showing a pic of the car. I have not seen any victims, just the car. I think for the media and the FireFighters to have shown the pics, as bad a they are, for me serves the purpose of reminding me to be careful on the roads and pay attention to other drivers.
Also, Those firefighters were there, dealing with the situation, if anybody in the world deserves the right to post those pics I think it's them. Maybe after discussing with the deceased's family. Those pics reminded me of what a firefighter has to deal with on a regular basis and only served to increase my respect for those follks.
Should they have done it?? I don't know. Not really for me to say. But I can see both sides of this and try to understand each. Each side has it's own merits.