Best Hand Held Game for to be 7 Year Old


Cleopatra Jones
MK's youngest daughter is turning 7 next month and wants a hand held video game. She wants a Nintendo DS but I think that a Leapster may be more appropriate. My oldest got a PSP from his father on his last birthday, his 7th and within weeks it was banged up and now 9 months later, lost. Is the DS tougher than the PSP?


New Member
MK's youngest daughter is turning 7 next month and wants a hand held video game. She wants a Nintendo DS but I think that a Leapster may be more appropriate. My oldest got a PSP from his father on his last birthday, his 7th and within weeks it was banged up and now 9 months later, lost. Is the DS tougher than the PSP?

I don't know how the DS compares to the PSP (never played one), but my son got a DS when he was 6 from his grandmother and it is still holding up strong almost 2 years later. I think the DS would hold her interest much longer because there are many more games for all different age, interest levels, whereas the Leapster is specifically for the younger ages and she would probably "outgrow" it in a year or two.


pretty black roses
My oldest just had to have a leapster for Christmas one year and now it just collects dust because it doesn't keep her interest.

As far as a DS goes, both of mine have one and they love them. Their DS's have been put through the ringer and so far, they have held up.


curiouser and curiouser
I think a Leapster is much too babyish for a 7 yr old. J got a DS for Christmas a couple years ago and takes really good care of it. That being said, it does get dropped on occasion and still works fine. There are also a lot of games geared toward younger kids for the DS, and they aren't as "fragile" as the PSPs.


Power with Control
7 is realy to young for a PSP, its not really meant for the use a kid that young will dish out. DS is the way to go.


New Member
I agree with a DS my daughter got one when she was 6 and is almost 9 and it works fine. She got a Leapster when she was about 4.


Well-Known Member
The psp is very fragile compared w/ the DS. We got my son a Psp for Christmas 2 years ago when he was 10 and within 1 month he had dropped it and the screen cracked. I took it back to Target and luckily they replaced it... but a year later it was dropped again and broken. That same year the 2 younger boys (9 and 7) got DS. They both still have theirs and they are going strong...even after being dropped several times.


Salt Life
MK's youngest daughter is turning 7 next month and wants a hand held video game. She wants a Nintendo DS but I think that a Leapster may be more appropriate.

I think she'd laugh at a Leapster. My opinion is to get the new DS that comes with a camera if she's responsible. Otherwise, one of the older versions would be cool, too.
Leapster is way to babyish for a 7yo ( boy or girl ) go w/ the DS or DSi. They make a nerf cover for them that protects them very well. :yay:
MK's youngest daughter is turning 7 next month and wants a hand held video game. She wants a Nintendo DS but I think that a Leapster may be more appropriate. My oldest got a PSP from his father on his last birthday, his 7th and within weeks it was banged up and now 9 months later, lost. Is the DS tougher than the PSP?
Our boys both have a DS. Oldest got his at 9 (just turned 11). Youngest got his at 8. Oldest daughter will get hers at 7 or 8. They have all been playing the DS since oldest got his (they share nicely).

I would definately go with a DS over any other hand held game. If you are worried about her breaking it or losing it, you can always go the refurbished route at Game Stop in PF.


New Member
I would get the DS if the child is responsible, if they're not responsible then why waste your money?
All of my kids have a DS, but they are very responsible with it and all of the little games. The games for the DS are very small. But my kids have all of them.
My daughter got her first video game when she was 3 she was very responsible always has been.

My son did not get his DS until his birthday when he turned 5 because he was not responsible when he was younger.

My oldest has a DS and PSP he loves them both.


Cleopatra Jones
I think she'd laugh at a Leapster. My opinion is to get the new DS that comes with a camera if she's responsible. Otherwise, one of the older versions would be cool, too.

If she laughed at anything she wouldn't be getting anything cause I'm mean like that. :lol:

Its not a matter of how responsible she is individually as there are 3 other kids in the house and they don't live with us so we have no control of how it is cared for. I was constantly on Thing 1 with his PSP and he was fairly good with it. Being able to take it to Grandma's and Grammy's and Daddy's was the downfall. I have no control what happens in those houses and it never came back from one of them. Had we paid for it I'd have been twice as upset about it as I was.

All that being said, we'll likely get her a DS but it won't be the Cadillac of DS's. :killingme


Pixie, I got my son a DS when he was 5 and bought the Nerf cover for it, he is 7 and still plays the same one, he has dropped it several times and the Nerf protects it, the DS has more games than the PSP for younger kids. My 3 year old has a Leapster and she hates it and wants a DS but she is too young


Cleopatra Jones
Pixie, I got my son a DS when he was 5 and bought the Nerf cover for it, he is 7 and still plays the same one, he has dropped it several times and the Nerf protects it, the DS has more games than the PSP for younger kids. My 3 year old has a Leapster and she hates it and wants a DS but she is too young

Thanks, looks like it'll be Nerf covers all around! :lol: My oldest (7) wants a DS now. I'm considering it but will likely get him a used/refurbished one due to the loss of his PSP. I can't soley blame it on him since I frequently pick little things up and put them away without saying anything to the kids and I'm sure that's probably what happened whoever's house he last had it at. Thing 2 just turned 5 and has and really enjoys his Leapster when he plays it but he doesn't play it often because he's just not very into video games at all.