Best SB commercial?


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
BuddyLee said:
Will you marry me? comes at you fast...

and pay for my bills? and take care of the children? ect...:killingme
Oh yeah... I remember that one. :lmao:


Salt Life
I was extremely disappointed with the commercials this year. There were a few that warranted a chuckle, but nothing like years past. My top pick goes to Bud Light! :lol:


Larry Gude said:
Hands down, in our house;

"Hurry guys! The magic refrigerator is back!!!"

#2. The streaker.


And, for extra credit, what does 'hands down' mean?

You hit these on the head!! The magic refrigerator almost made me pee!!


I bowl overhand
Chasey_Lane said:
I was extremely disappointed with the commercials this year. There were a few that warranted a chuckle, but nothing like years past. My top pick goes to Bud Light! :lol:
WHICH Bud Light??

Was one of the Bud Lights the one with the football game.
"You WERE open, now you're CLOSED!!"??