Best time to sell a house?


b*tch rocket
BadGirl said:
I was just on the phone with my financial guru trying to find a creative way to pay for our addition.

If that pans out like I hope, we won't be needing to move/upgrade for a very L-O-N-G time. But if we do, you'll be the first person I call.


I love your place, I'd never move if I were you.
Christy said:
I think I may very well have Julz hooked up. :yahoo: We shall see this afternoon. :whistle:
You mean you can find us women Cabana boys of our very own?!?!?!?!? Cool! Check your PMer....:yahoo:


I bowl overhand
Christy said:
Smarty pants. Don't even lie, you know I'll be the first person you call when you and Badgirl decide upgrade to a McMansion on the water. :razz:

But if we get BG's Addition, we may need to move the water to us, I don't think a ton of dynamite will get her out of this house.


I am so very blessed
Christy said:
:love: Slightly offtopic, but have you talked to your co-worker "E" about the cost estimate he was given for his addition? :yikes: :faint:
Damn. I didn't even realize that he was looking to put on an addition. I stay away from his office because of his new "roomy".
