Beware Ladies!! Today's Bride in the San Souci Plaza is TERRIBLE!!!


All Up In Your Grill
kwillia said:
I like it! I'm putting you down as my first choice for manager...:jottingnotes:

Can I be assistant manager? I really want to get out of DC, and I've been married twice, so I got all kinds of crap I can contribute. :yay:


All Up In Your Grill
kwillia said:
Hmmm... the previous owner had that business for quite a few years. I wonder what made her decide to finally sell it?

I'm wondering the same thing. Weren't both sisters in there?

I just saw JN not too long ago, she never mentioned a word about it. :shrug:


wandering aimlessly
I worked in a bridal shop. It was a serious study of humanity. :coffee:

As to the beads/jewels...although the dresses cost a great deal, those beads/bugles/jewels/sequins, etc come off VERY easily just shipping them from point A to point B. After a fashion show the floor would be littered with them. Normally they are in attached in such profusion, you would have to be extremely vigilant in your study of the dress to notice any missing.

That said...we approached it with a "the customer is always right" attitude along with education about the gowns and their handling.


I bowl overhand
Tinkerbell said:
Your wedding is next year? So, you've got time. Chill out.

You're a Bridezilla, aren't you.
No chit, with her attitude the groom will probably be long gone before the wedding so no worries..


New Member
I really dont think that there's any reason for you guys to be rude. I was only trying to warn other women so they wouldnt get ripped off.