Biden Actions ... And Reactions


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White House Issues Huge List of 'Corrections' to Biden's Detroit Speech

You can read the official White House transcript here. In some ways, it's encouraging to see the staff attempting to be transparent about the boss and his many flubs. Then again, it's not as if the work is optional. It's a violation of federal law to falsify official government records. Yet part of me is still wondering if they are airing this dirty laundry because some members of Team Biden have seen the writing on the wall and are thinking it might be time to nudge the kindly old man with a bad memory off the stage.

The notable flubs were a curious collection of misspoke words, names, dates, and events. When Biden claimed to have been the Vice President during the pandemic, the staff is now claiming that he intended to say "during the recession." When he called the Capitol Hill rioters "irrectionists" he was apparently supposed to say "insurrectionists." (At least they were nice enough to spell it with an i instead of an e.) When Biden described how he was "humbled to receive this organization," he had meant to say "award."

Some of the words that required corrections weren't even words at all and it looks as if the transcriptionists were forced to guess how to spell what he actually said. "Inspiresing" was meant to be "inspiring." When he claimed to have saved families $800,000 per year in insurance premiums, that outlandish figure had to be trimmed down twice before reaching $800. (And many would argue that few people actually wound up seeing anywhere near that amount of a reduction.)

One of the flubs - assuming it really was a flub - was a dangerous mischaracterization as well as being a flat-out lie. He claimed that Donald Trump had said that if he lost in November there would be "bloodshed." He was attempting to say "a bloodbath," but bloodshed is a very real word and everyone understands what it means. Personally, I think Biden owes Trump an apology for that one at least, though I'm sure we'll never see it happen.


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 He’s so excited that Joe’s even been having trouble falling asleep at his normal bedtime of 6:30pm. He can’t wait! The New York Post broke the story Friday, headlined “Biden plans to address Trump ‘hush money’ verdict from the White House: report.


Per unnamed White House sources, as soon as the jury renders its verdict in former President Trump’s Manhattan criminal trial, current President Robert L. Peters plans to give a totally not-political, televised national address from a “White House setting.”

Get the idea? It’s for the contrast. An orange man in an orange jumpsuit versus a man in a custom Chinese business suit in the Oval Office.

As far as the trial goes, closing arguments begin this morning, not streamed, so we must rely on live updates and post-argument summaries. I expect closing arguments will confuse the jury even more, if possible. Politico listed five ways the trial could end: conviction on all 34 counts, conviction on some counts but not others, acquittal, a hung jury, or a directed judicial verdict dismissing the case (still under review).

In one of the most hilarious facets of this ridiculous political show trial, trying to jail Trump for up to 134 years for victimless bookkeeping offenses, prosecutors have offered three different possible underlying crimes as the predicate to transform Trump’s brief check stub notations from misdemeanors into a life-sentence felony.

In other words, the trial is over, and Trump still doesn’t even know exactly what crimes they’ve charged him with.

Like hot dishes on a statutory Golden Corral buffet, prosecutors have served jurors with a cafeteria of underlying crimes — it could be a violation of state election law, federal election law, or a tax avoidance crime, you choose! According to a truly awful ruling by Judge Merchan, jurors can pick one, two, or three of the offered crimes, or can even dream up a whole different crime they thought of themselves — and they don’t even have to agree.

They only have to be unanimous in agreeing that something bad happened.

This sort of hazy and malleable view of culpability makes the trial literally Kafkaesque. Like Josef K. in Kafka’s disturbing novel, Trump can never quite pin down the precise nature of the case against him. The jury can find Trump “guilty” in a general sense without specifically defining the crime.

Commenters quickly pointed out that under federal law, the jury can’t just willy-nilly scoop underlying crimes off an all-you-can-charge buffet of possible offenses. Under established Supreme Court law, jurors must unanimously agree on exactly which underlying crimes were committed. Even a major U.S. governor weighed in Friday:

image 5.png

Of course, there’s a catch. If you’re now wondering whether Judge Merchan is off his rocker, Greta’s helpful case citation was a bit of a hot take, and was not completely accurate. The case of Richardson v. United States is helpful, logical, and persuasive, but since it applies to federal law and federal juries, it does not bind state court charges like Trump’s.

Unfortunately, Byron York’s much more detailed takedown of the murky panoply of claims levied against Trump noted that Trump’s lawyer already admitted New York state law does allow for mix-and-match underlying crimes: “Bove conceded New York law allows a jury to take its pick of unlawful means, but this is ‘an extraordinarily important case’ for which ‘there’s not much, if any, precedent.’”

That link to Byron’s article also included a video clip (11:31) worth watching if you are interested in the particulars.

Let’s return to Biden’s rumored plan to give a big speech right after the jury verdict. The speech would undoubtedly confuse the news and muddy public reaction, especially in the unthinkable event Trump is taken into custody. Biden would paternalistically counsel the Nation to peace and acceptance, express his deep, abiding regret for Trump’s unhappy outcome, and remind everyone what happened last time to the January 6th protestors.

But the Post also noted that Biden’s campaign team is desperately praying for Trump’s conviction, since they’ve already prepared a flurry of new campaign ads referring to President Trump as “Convicted Felon Donald Trump,” a discordant melody that will be endlessly repeated by corporate media like a scratched record until the end of the year, assuming the jury does what everyone expects them to.

Since the Post’s story was anonymously sourced, and since a post-verdict Biden speech would seem like gloating, no matter what he says, and would be painfully undignified — even for the hair-sniffer-in-chief — it’s not perfectly clear this unbelievable plan is true. But, it’s 2024. So. Second, if Biden were smart, instead of calling Trump “Mr. Convict” for the rest of the election season, he’d smash expectations with magnanimity, such as by immediately pardoning Trump, explaining it was so the judicial system wouldn’t become election interference or something.

That is what Biden would do if he were smart. But, you know.



PREMO Member

Sleeping With the Enemy: Biden Warns European Allies Not to Rebuke Iran's Nuclear Program

Iran is the number one state sponsor of worldwide terrorism. They call America the ”Great Satan,” and their stated goal is to wipe Israel off the map. But don’t tell that to Joe Biden, who doesn’t want to upset the Mullahs in case it might hurt his increasingly remote reelection chances. The befuddled octogenarian president actually is demanding that European countries concerned about the Islamic Republic’s nuclear weapons program stand down and refrain from telling the truth—which is that Iran must never, ever get its hands on nuclear weaponry.

In his desperate attempt to hold onto power, he’s even undermining two of our closest allies in the world, Britain and France, as the Wall Street Journal reports in an exclusive:

Joe Biden is opposing a European plan to rebuke Iran for advances in its nuclear programme as Washington wants to avoid an escalation of tensions ahead of the US presidential election, diplomats involved in discussions have claimed.
The Biden administration is said to be arguing against an effort by Britain and France to censure Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency's member state board in early June, they added. While US officials deny lobbying against a resolution, the diplomats say the administration is pressing other countries to abstain in a censure vote, which is what Washington will do.

RedState’s Bonchie is appalled:



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Joe Biden BLAMES Black People For His Policies Destroying America And Admits Kamala Is A DEI Hire!​



PREMO Member

YIKES! Joe Biden Makes a Beeline for the Kids at the White House Congressional Picnic




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You Won't Believe the Latest Stunt Biden Is Considering

NBC is reporting that the White House is ready to work on a deal to get five hostages back from Hamas along with the remains of three dead hostages while leaving Israel out of the loop:

Biden administration officials have discussed potentially negotiating a unilateral deal with Hamas to secure the release of five Americans being held hostage in Gaza if current cease-fire talks involving Israel fail, according to two current senior U.S. officials and two former senior U.S. officials.
Such negotiations would not include Israel and would be conducted through Qatari interlocutors, as current talks have been, said the officials, all of whom have been briefed on the discussions.

Leave it to the administration that has gotten every foreign policy wrong to make a decision like this one. Only the stupid Biden administration would risk further alienating an important ally like Israel at a time like this.

“The officials did not know what the United States might give Hamas in exchange for the release of American hostages,” NBC reports. “But, the officials said, Hamas could have an incentive to cut a unilateral deal with Washington because doing so would likely further strain relations between the U.S. and Israel and put additional domestic political pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”



PREMO Member

Biden Still Thinks He Can Win a Civil War

I'm going to preface this entire article by saying that one of the things I really don't ever want to happen is for our nation to be plunged into an all-out civil war again. If you thought the first one was horrendous, a second one would be even worse, with far less organization and neither side having any modicum of respect for the other. There would be no "north" or "south." It would be a street-to-street conflict that has so many factions that you'd lose track of them all. In the end, it wouldn't be a "war"; it would be a horror story that wouldn't officially end at some courthouse.

This is why when I see our quickly deteriorating president fantasizing or commenting about matters pertaining to a civil war, I get a sinking feeling. For being such a "uniter," Joe Biden sure does like to smile and joke about using American tech to kill Americans who don't like his policies or stances.

Let me get down to brass tacks about this idea of his. Let's say that Biden declared war against a group of people for refusing to comply with his rule. Let's say that he did order that F-15s fly over his enemies and rain hell on them.

He would find himself on the losing end of that war so fast his cognitive issues wouldn't even register it until the rebel army was walking into the White House to cuff him.

I've discussed this multiple times in the past, so allow me to quote myself. Firstly, if Biden thinks he's going to have the manpower to wage war against the American people, he's horrifically mistaken:

Let’s start with logistics. Biden’s fighting force is, as of this writing, somewhere around 1.3 million people. Now, not all of these are combat roles. In fact, only 1 out of around 10 people are actually combat-ready, the rest fall into support roles. So that leaves around 130,000 people to go out and fight…millions of gun owners in their own territory.
That’s a lot of territories to try to conquer and hold, and in the reality we currently inhabit, Biden doesn’t have the resources to do so.


Biden wouldn't have any F-15s because he'd likely have no one to fly them.

This isn't even getting into the nitty-gritty details about how a handful of people with those AR-15s he scoffs at could shut down supply lines to what military he'd have left, effectively starving his troops and creating unsolvable supply issues. His bases would likely lack sufficient personnel to guard what lay within, much less operate with any efficiency. Not even mentioning how unpopular his war would become the moment footage of his attacks on American people and the devastation they would cause against innocents hit the internet.

To quote my colleague Kurt Schlicter, who has discussed this in even greater detail than I have:

For example, how do a bunch of hunters in Wisconsin defeat a company of M1A2 Abrams tanks? They ambush the fuel and ammo trucks. Oh, and they wait until the gunner pops the hatch to take a leak and put a .30-06 round in his back from 300 meters. Then they disappear. What do the tanks do then? Go level the nearest town? Great. Now they just moved the needle in favor of the insurgents among the population. Pretty soon, they can’t be outside of their armored vehicles in public. Their forces are spending 90% of their efforts not on actual counter-insurgency operations but on force protection.

There is no scenario where Biden wins a civil war, and he should wipe that smirk off his face when discussing it.


PREMO Member

Biden's Massive Incoherence in Ironic New Remarks on 'Gun Sense' After Hunter's Conviction

He was more than an hour and a half late making his remarks. Was there a question going on behind the scenes about what he should say in response?

He finally showed up and was immediately incoherent. After he spoke for a couple of minutes, he was immediately heckled by a protester yelling about "genocide."

They make a point that he's committing genocide? How out of it is Joe Biden? Very.

He was garbling words, leaving out words, and mixing up words throughout his remarks, particularly at the beginning before he began reading off the teleprompter. It was perhaps the worst I've ever seen him, and I've seen a lot of him. The incoherence was wild. Perhaps he was particularly messed up because of the verdict that had just come down in his son's case. Everyone was waiting for him to address it -- but he didn't.

Instead, he stuck to making false gun arguments and saying things that weren't true, as well as mocking and attacking people who support gun rights.

Here was just one example of how garbled he was.



PREMO Member

WHCA Throws Biden Under the Bus After He Snaps at Reporter, Claims He Has 'Deals' With the Press

There were a couple of truly wild moments in Joe Biden press conference at the G7 in Italy.

First, there was his weird answer to a question about Hunter when he said, "I am satisfied that I'm not gonna do anything I said," before saying he would abide by the jury decision and wouldn't pardon his son. Well, yes, we know Biden doesn't do what he says -- nice he admits it. But what was he talking about there? What a strange remark. He subsequently also said he wouldn't commute the sentence, according to reports.

But another bizarre moment was when he snapped at a reporter for daring to ask a question about Hamas when the subject that Biden had prepared for was Ukraine and the G7.



PREMO Member

Come back for the photo, Joe! Moment Italy's Giorgia Meloni has to grab Biden, 81, after he wandered away from group at parachute display

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni walked over and guided a wayward President Biden after he strolled away from a photo opportunity at the G7 Thursday.

The president and other world leaders were gathered to view parachute jumpers who descended from the sky while displaying the flags of allied nations – in a show of unity and military prowess.

Some of the leaders were still clapping as one blue-clad parachutist unhooked some of his gear, when Biden started slowly walking away.
The president waived and gave a thumbs up to another military parachutist who was on the ground gathering his gear.


Well-Known Member

Come back for the photo, Joe! Moment Italy's Giorgia Meloni has to grab Biden, 81, after he wandered away from group at parachute display

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni walked over and guided a wayward President Biden after he strolled away from a photo opportunity at the G7 Thursday.

The president and other world leaders were gathered to view parachute jumpers who descended from the sky while displaying the flags of allied nations – in a show of unity and military prowess.

Some of the leaders were still clapping as one blue-clad parachutist unhooked some of his gear, when Biden started slowly walking away.
The president waived and gave a thumbs up to another military parachutist who was on the ground gathering his gear.

The WH will explain Biden was going to tell one of them he used to jump out of airplanes in WW2.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

Come back for the photo, Joe! Moment Italy's Giorgia Meloni has to grab Biden, 81, after he wandered away from group at parachute display

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni walked over and guided a wayward President Biden after he strolled away from a photo opportunity at the G7 Thursday.

The president and other world leaders were gathered to view parachute jumpers who descended from the sky while displaying the flags of allied nations – in a show of unity and military prowess.

Some of the leaders were still clapping as one blue-clad parachutist unhooked some of his gear, when Biden started slowly walking away.
The president waived and gave a thumbs up to another military parachutist who was on the ground gathering his gear.
Not that I like defending Sleepy Joe, but it appeared that he was walking over towards another jumper to say something. You can see him give the jumper a two thumbs up.