Biden Actions ... And Reactions


PREMO Member

World Leaders TRASH Joe Biden As He HUMILIATES Himself On The World Stage At G7 Summit!​

damn is Morning Joe, Playing with Biden's balls and gobbling his dick


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Joe Biden’s brain enjoyed a restful Father’s Day weekend. About an hour before Barack Obama gently walked a stiff, motionless Joe Biden, 81, off a West Coast fund-raising stage, the leader of the free world hallucinated that he’d taught Constitutional law for nine years, a happening more imaginary than Irish fairies or the cannibals who ate Uncle Bosey. Joe’s point, generously interpreting his slurred, rambling monologue, was that he, Sleepy Joe, is just as qualified as any Justice on the Supreme Court to interpret Constitutional law.


As far as anyone can tell, Joe has never been an actual professor of anything, much less Constitutional law, and his resume is pretty packed since he graduated college in 1968, leaving little time for teaching. Joe started his meteoric, full-time political career two years after graduation in 1970 serving on the County Council. From there, only two years later, he rocketed to the United States Senate in 1972, squatting there until Obama scraped him off the Senate toilet seat for vice-president. Biden’s selection as VP set a new low for already subsurface vice-presidential standards, which broke through to another lower historical level on the day Joe picked his own hyena-like VP.

Democrats seized on the fact the University of Pennsylvania paid Joe a million bucks as an ‘ancillary professor’ — a post with zero job duties — a gig he knitted into a wide variety of tall tales. This “job” has long been the subject of much mirth in conservative media. From the New York post, last September:

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In case you missed it, here’s the clip of Joe forgetting where he was, and freezing for about ten seconds in front of an audience of generous but credulous democrat donors. You’ll see Obama notices, takes Biden’s hand, and leads him offstage like a lost child, forming a perfect metaphor for the whole sham Biden Presidency:

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CLIP: Buh bye! (0:42)

Biden’s mental walkabout this weekend came fast on the heels of his striking performance, or lack of performance, at the G7 Summit in Italy late Friday. The day produced this fantastic New York Post cover:

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CLIP: The full video, decide for yourself (1:00).

Democrats cried foul, insisting the former Vice-President was trailblazing, going his own way so to speak, having stepped off of the photo-op reservation to admire a different parachutist than all the other leaders. Here’s one example of corporate media’s defensive headlines:

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Corporate media’s gushing explanation that Joe was distracted by a different display failed to satisfy, though, since it doesn’t explain how Joe got so confused that he wandered away from all other G7 leaders who all seemed to know where they were supposed to be standing for the photo op. Once again, Joe was rescued by another leader — this time kindly Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni — who gently led Biden back to where he was supposed to be standing.

Forget about the meandering. Throughout the clip, notice Biden moving at one-quarter speed compared to all the other leaders. In the best light, Biden still looks physically and mentally slow. More reasonably, Biden looks like he needs some extended quiet time in an assisted-care facility with a full-time nurse.

Nearly every deplorable clip of Biden’s G7 performance, and there are many, show the other world leaders leading Joe around like Little Bo Peep’s lamb, pointing out wherever he was supposed to go next, and huddling around him like anxious nursemaids.

And then, of course, there was this bizarre, indescribable encounter between Joe and Catholic Pope Francis, whatever it was, or whatever you want to call it:

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CLIP: Joe slowly butts heads with the Pope (0:20).

Mental telepathy? A failed attempt at hair sniffing? A literal meeting of the minds? A slow-motion head-butt? An inappropriate but well-intentioned forehead embrace? Did Joe think the Pope looked like a giant vanilla ice cream cone? Words, for once, fail to do the scene justice. See for yourself.

I’d feed my Uncle Bosey to the cannibals for the chance to be a fly on the wall the instant the Pope got out of the cameras. And check out President Milei’s facial expression from a different angle.

Are they really planning war with Russia, China, and Iran, lead by this relic?



PREMO Member

Biden’s Brain Malfunctions as He Announces MASS AMNESTY for Illegals Months Before Election (VIDEO)

According to Trump advisor and America First Legal founder Stephen Miller, “Biden’s unconstitutional amnesty will give illegal aliens immediate green cards (making it easier to vote illegally) and a three-year path to citizenship (giving them full voting rights).”

“It also includes a diploma mill provision: leftists and opportunistic corporations can churn out meaningless diplomas and illegals who receive them will be made into citizens as well,” Stephen Miller said.

“Once citizens, illegals get chain migration. So all their relatives become citizens too,” he added.
