Biden Considering ‘Every Tool’ To Attack Second Amendment As Leftists Push ‘National Emergency’ Declaration


Well-Known Member
The last bastion of saving the US is dead to me now, the SCotUS is just a 'getalong to bealong' panel of pansies for the most part.
Well, that and the leftists are planning on packing the court with at least 12 more justices and implementing mandatory retirement so they can keep a revolving door of amenable judges.


Well-Known Member
So what? Every rifle I build is with parts from an incredible array of sources. Varies every time. I don't care who your computer gurus are, you can't figure out who has built what when.
This one, for example..built from parts from 6 different companies...and, of course, like all of them, built on an untraceable 80% lower.Just like they did in the 1700s.....

Oh..and lets play "guess the caliber" on this one. View attachment 155439
50 and it weighs as much as 10 boxes....