Biden Criminality


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Document Dump: Encrypted Message Sent by Hunter Biden to CEO of CCP-Linked CEFC Conglomerate, Setting Up a Meeting with Joe Biden in Dec. 2017

House Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) on Wednesday accused Hunter Biden of lying under oath during his closed-door deposition before Congress in February.

New documents provided by a whistleblower contradict Hunter Biden’s testimony to Congress. Hunter Biden repeatedly lied to Congress about his family’s international influence-peddling scheme, according to Chairman Smith.

Chairman Smith said Hunter Biden lied about his shakedown message to his Chinese business associate Zhao. Hunter claimed he messaged the wrong Zhao because he was “high or drunk,” however records show the two had been messaging each other for months.


One of the documents released by House Republicans shows Hunter Biden messaging Liu Yadong, the CEO of CEFC Global Strategic Holdings and setting up a meeting with Joe Biden.

Via The New York Post’s Miranda Devine: From the new Hunter Biden trove dumped today by House Ways and Means: an encrypted message, believed to be sent by Hunter to Liu Yadong, CEO of CEFC Global Strategic Holdings, setting up a meeting with Joe Biden in December 2017.


Biden Crime Family whistleblower Tony Bobulinski has repeatedly claimed Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s multi-million dollar deals with CEFC.


PREMO Member

Biden received sensitive data, briefings from security advisers via his private pseudonym email

The new memos were released by the National Archives over the Memorial Day holiday weekend under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by the Southeastern Legal Foundation on behalf of Just the News that sought emails that Biden received or transmitted as vice president using his account.

While none of the newly released emails had classification markings on them, several included sensitive information transmitted over an insecure Google email account that could be of value to foreign powers and hostile spy agencies. The latest batch involved communications mostly from 2012.

For instance, Biden was forwarded an early morning briefing from then-White House counterterrorism director John Brennan to Obama on possible tsunamis hitting Hawaii in October 2012 which gave details on what the president had been told and how an emergency response would be crafted by the U.S. government.

“Call with POTUS took place at 3:10 a.m. EST,” the email from Brennan stated. “He was briefed on earthquake, tsunami warnings, evacuation plans, and FEMA/federal response. He directed that all possible be done by the federal government to assist Hawaiian authorities before, during, and after tsunami hits.


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 The BBC finally got to run the story it impatiently anticipated, as antsy as a ten-year-old boy waiting for his turn to the bathroom. Yesterday, it deployed with great relish its long-written headline, “Analysis: Hunter Biden conviction shatters Trump’s persecution narrative.

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Yesterday, the Delaware jury found Hunter Biden guilty on all three federal gun charges. When buying a small revolver, Hunter failed to check a box on the federal form stating he was addicted to drugs. The jury returned its verdict after less than three hours of deliberation. It marked another historic U.S. conviction, being the very first time any child of a sitting U.S. president has ever been convicted of a felony.

Of course, Hunter is also a historic kind of presidential child, in many different ways, but that’s another story.

The significance of Hunter’s conviction is debatable. Immediately following the verdict, Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt argued, “This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine.”

It might be a legal distraction as well as a political one. Last August, a New Orleans federal court ruled the Constitution protects the Second Amendment rights of drug users. In that case, the Court explained, "our history and tradition may support some limits on an intoxicated person’s right to carry a weapon, but it does not justify disarming a sober citizen based exclusively on his past drug usage.”

To what then does it amount? Predictably, BBC’s ‘analysis’ compared the Hunter and Trump convictions. The government-funded broadcaster first lamely argued Hunter’s conviction proves that blue state juries can be fair:

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BBC also blessed the DOJ, absolving it from accusations of political double standards:

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Some people wonder why, since Hunter’s attorneys put on almost no defense at all, Hunter didn’t take a plea deal. Unaccountably, Hunter insisted he was innocent, and demanded a jury trial — but then didn’t offer evidence of his innocence. What, exactly, was his strategy?

Those kinds of pointed questions remain unanswered, and unquestioned by corporate media.

In case you were tempted to start wondering about it all, BBC’s analyst labeled all doubts about the Hunter Trial as “bizarre.” Bizarre, even though Joe Biden’s son was only charged with the least criminal conduct that the trial evidence proved, eliding right over the millions Hunter raked in from U.S. enemies. Bizarre, even though Trump was charged with the most criminal conduct prosecutors could dream up, using tortured, novel legal theories.

But the BBC can’t see any difference between the two trials:

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What do you think? Is Hunter’s conviction conclusive evidence that “no one is above the law?” Or is Hunter a willing Scapegoat of the Empire, as Representative Greene suggested?

Yesterday, corporate media widely reported that Hunter’s sentencing could take months, because these things take time. But Trump will be sentenced in a few weeks, right before the GOP Convention. Trump’s trial dragged on for weeks; Hunter’s was rammed through in only a few days. Hunter’s charges were routine firearms violations; Trump’s charges were unprecedented creative lawfare based on political conduct in office.

The stark differences continue, through every material point of comparison. But never mind! The differences will fade away into the media’s fog machine of confusion.

Finally, it’s worth considering how Hunter’s prosecution helps slam open wider the Overton Window of political prosecution. Now, presidential family members are also fair game. It won’t be so historic next time when some local prosecutor charges Hunter with felony drug possession or human trafficking.

The debate is just heating up. This morning, commenters argued hotly that the Hunter-Trump Trial debate is a distraction. For example:

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Team Biden’s strategy of justifying President Trump’s prosecution by convicting Hunter of a silly firearms form violation may eventually backfire spectacularly. We shall see.



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'Are You Implying That The Transcript Was Doctored?': Guy Reschenthaler Clashes With Jamie Raskin



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Hunter Biden prosecutors make bombshell claim he was hired by a Romanian oligarch to influence the U.S. government

Hunter Biden was hired by a Romanian oligarch in an 'attempt to influence U.S. government agencies,' earning around $1 million for work that was structured to avoid 'political ramifications' for Joe Biden, who was then vice president.

The bombshell claim was revealed in court filings on Wednesday tied to the younger Biden's federal tax case. And it marks the closest prosecutors have come to tying President Biden to his son's overseas business deals.

Gabriel Popoviciu, a real estate tycoon, was facing bribery and corruption charges in his home country. In an attempt to avoid the charges, Popoviciu hired Hunter Biden and his business associates in late 2015 to help his case.

Hunter, however, was 'concerned that lobbying work might cause political ramifications' for his father, so the deal was structured in a way that 'concealed the true nature of the work he was performing.'

Prosecutors allege, in order to avoid the Foreign Agents Registration Act, Hunter and Popoviciu signed an agreement where Hunter's law firm would 'provide management services to real estate properties in Romania.'

But 'that was not actually' what Popoviciu was paying for. He and Hunter had a 'oral' agreement on what Hunter Biden would actually do – influence U.S. agencies on the tycoon's behalf.

The deal was structured to avoid FARA because Hunter was concerned about 'political ramifications' for his father, the documents state. In 2016, Biden was vice president and weighing a presidential bid, which he ultimately did not pursue until the 2020 election.


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Trump GOES OFF On Biden Crime Family After Report Reveals Biden DEFRAUDED US With IMPEACHABLE CRIMES​



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How a circle of spies, Blinken covered up Biden scandals: Miranda Devine’s new book exclusive

Working for Joe, Blinken learned the crude ways of Tammany Hall and soon became embedded in the senator’s private life. He was an older brother figure to Joe’s adult sons, Beau and Hunter, and a frequent weekend visitor to his Delaware compound where he would join the family and assorted staffers at the kitchen table as they plotted the disastrous 2008 presidential campaign.

His wife, Evan Ryan, a comely former Hillary Clinton staffer, worked on that campaign as deputy manager and went on to become White House cabinet secretary in the Biden administration.

As different as they were, Blinken’s career became firmly entwined with Joe’s over the decades. When Joe was tapped by Barack Obama to be his running mate, Blinken became national security advisor to the vice president and rose to deputy secretary of state. He waited out the Trump years in a series of lucrative consultancies and ran Joe’s University of Pennsylvania think tank, the Penn Biden Center.

He would reach the summit of his profession under President Biden as secretary of state at age 59. But first Blinken had to find a way to put out the fire that threatened to destroy Joe’s candidacy.


On Oct. 14, 2020, three weeks out from the election, with Joe and President Donald Trump neck and neck in the polls, the New York Post’s first story about Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop exploded like a bomb.

The front page featured an email from Hunter’s Burisma paymaster, Vadym Pozharskyi, thanking him for “the opportunity to meet your father.”

It was hard to square with Joe’s assertions throughout the campaign that he knew nothing about Hunter’s seeming international influence-peddling operation.

The Post's front cover after the first bombshell report on Hunter Biden's laptop.


Well-Known Member
I am beginning to think that Washington DC - the whole city - is so deeply, fundamentally and desperately corrupt, that the things they're called out on, offend them - because it's the way they do business. As in - EVERYBODY DOES IT, what's the big deal?

Kind of being charged with gambling at Rick's. “I'm shocked, shocked, to find that gambling is going on in here." Their reaction is a mix of annoyance and rolling the eyes. As if to say, yeah, that's gonna work.

JOE however, has been there so long - I don't think he thinks any of it is wrong. It's why they have to try so hard to shut him up when he spills the beans. It's not so much dementia - he's just clueless.