Biden; How can it be...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...him or Bayh or any other 'safe' choice with all this build up? He's supposed to be in Springfield tomorrow and the convention opens Monday. He can't miss the Sunday shows. So, it had to be earlier today, the announcement, to let it all settle down, but no.

Now, with all this suspense and drama, and, frankly, pressure, how can it be an anticlimactic pick like Biden or anyone else that doesn't make you go WOW!


Now, the buzz, or thud, from this is going to resonate well into next week. It HAS to be a 'wow' pick.

This is crazy.


New Member
"Members of the media record the departure of Sen. Evan Bayh today from his home in Washington. The Indiana senator is thought to be considered as a possible vice president choice for Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama."

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He has played the drama thing too much. His pick will most certainly be anti climatic now. His toying with people has gone from titillation to frustration.

How can he pick Biden? He didn't poll well in the primaries and dropped out. He also has those embarassing sound bites about 7-11 clerks.

He is like taking a vanilla shake from BK into a Starbucks.


Going with an "establishment democrat" also flies in the face of that whole "Change" thing.

Joe Biden, wow boy that is a big change. :bigwhoop:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I thought Bayh would be the obvious pick, but Biden is a good second. Obama needs someone to offset his inexperience and youth, not to mention his extreme liberal record.


No Use for Donk Twits
Biden would be a good choice but that would take away Obama's 'old, wrinkley, white' guy attack line.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
...him or Bayh or any other 'safe' choice with all this build up? He's supposed to be in Springfield tomorrow and the convention opens Monday. He can't miss the Sunday shows. So, it had to be earlier today, the announcement, to let it all settle down, but no.

Now, with all this suspense and drama, and, frankly, pressure, how can it be an anticlimactic pick like Biden or anyone else that doesn't make you go WOW!


Now, the buzz, or thud, from this is going to resonate well into next week. It HAS to be a 'wow' pick.

This is crazy.

I agree. Biden is ...thud...

Before I came here, I was reading some posts over at FreeRepublic & Lucianne. Some posters are saying its going to be Hillary after all this waiting & wondering.

Then again, it's also being rumored that it took so long because no one wanted the job with Obama. And the other rumor was that Michelle nixed his first pick..
:shrug: But then again - who knows!! :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, if it's Hillary, Obama is done. The buzz is that she can save him and bring in her voters. Karl Rove must have floated that rumor because my thought is that with her he can kiss the middle goodbye. And she still has such a negative reputation that he can't afford to brush elbows with her too much.


I thought Bayh would be the obvious pick, but Biden is a good second. Obama needs someone to offset his inexperience and youth, not to mention his extreme liberal record.

I have a hard time seeing Biden playing second fiddle to Obama. Also he is 66 years old that means in 8 years he will be 74 which lowers his stock when it comes time to succeed His Royal Highness Obama.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
He has played the drama thing too much. His pick will most certainly be anti climatic now. His toying with people has gone from titillation to frustration.

How can he pick Biden? He didn't poll well in the primaries and dropped out. He also has those embarassing sound bites about 7-11 clerks.

He is like taking a vanilla shake from BK into a Starbucks.

Yeah, like Larry said - it's 2 days before the convention - I can't see why he wouldn't want all the positive publicity he would obviously get from announcing earlier.

Biden is a curious pick. I'll bet he's a red herring and they're wrong.

But if not - say hello to President McCain. :coffee:


New Member
Well, if it's Hillary, Obama is done. The buzz is that she can save him and bring in her voters. Karl Rove must have floated that rumor because my thought is that with her he can kiss the middle goodbye. And she still has such a negative reputation that he can't afford to brush elbows with her too much.

how else will he put the Clinton gang under his thumb?

the witch is it........


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I have a hard time seeing Biden playing second fiddle to Obama. Also he is 66 years old that means in 8 years he will be 74 which lowers his stock when it comes time to succeed His Royal Highness Obama.

Cheney took the VP with no intention of ever carrying on the administration. :shrug:

VP is such a dumb job, unless the President dies. The only thing they do is...what? Break a tie in a Senate vote? Run around fundraising? I'd think Biden wouldn't be interested in that at this point in his career, but who knows?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Biden would be a good choice but that would take away Obama's 'old, wrinkley, white' guy attack line.

Well, if it's Hillary, Obama is done. The buzz is that she can save him and bring in her voters. Karl Rove must have floated that rumor because my thought is that with her he can kiss the middle goodbye. And she still has such a negative reputation that he can't afford to brush elbows with her too much.

I have a hard time seeing Biden playing second fiddle to Obama. Also he is 66 years old that means in 8 years he will be 74 which lowers his stock when it comes time to succeed His Royal Highness Obama.

All good points!


New Member
Look we all know the witch will back stab him, if she the rabit dog, is not put down.

A VP spot put her in the white house, under some control.