Biden; How can it be...


Cheney took the VP with no intention of ever carrying on the administration. :shrug:

VP is such a dumb job, unless the President dies. The only thing they do is...what? Break a tie in a Senate vote? Run around fundraising? I'd think Biden wouldn't be interested in that at this point in his career, but who knows?

Yea good point but I don't see how you can vest 8 years of experience and name reccognition in a VP with no intent on cashing in on it and running them in 8.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Yea good point but I don't see how you can vest 8 years of experience and name reccognition in a VP with no intent on cashing in on it and running them in 8.

I agree, but I think in Cheney's case - he did it purely out of a sense of duty to the country, and not for his own ego gratification.

I don't see Biden doing the same at all!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Look we all know the witch will back stab him, if she the rabit dog, is not put down.

A VP spot put her in the white house, under some control.

I have no doubt she has something up her sleeves. (and that Bill does, too!)

But I don't see HOW Obama could pick her knowing all the cases of Arkancide that have occurred. Can't tell me they wouldn't think twice about his life expectancy if Hill was VP. :yikes:
...him or Bayh or any other 'safe' choice with all this build up? He's supposed to be in Springfield tomorrow and the convention opens Monday. He can't miss the Sunday shows. So, it had to be earlier today, the announcement, to let it all settle down, but no.

Now, with all this suspense and drama, and, frankly, pressure, how can it be an anticlimactic pick like Biden or anyone else that doesn't make you go WOW!


Now, the buzz, or thud, from this is going to resonate well into next week. It HAS to be a 'wow' pick.

This is crazy.
CNN is calling it for Biden as of midnight. Obama/Biden


New Member


Grampy McCain wrapped up his "presumed Republican nomination" many weeks before Obama wrapped up his on the Dem side...

....yet.... all maintain it's Obama being full of drama about his choice of VP.




What a bunch of :dork:s



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
...meanwhile, back at the ranch - there goes Obama's campaign ad themes slamming McCain for being old! :killingme

And what about that message of change? Sure, that'll work - Biden's been around Washington for 30 years now. :killingme


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member


Grampy McCain wrapped up his "presumed Republican nomination" many weeks before Obama wrapped up his on the Dem side...

....yet.... all maintain it's Obama being full of drama about his choice of VP.




What a bunch of :dork:s


You're the loser.

McCain was obviously waiting for Obama since the Dems' convention is first and that would be the more sensible thing to do.

But Obama waiting until the very last minute before the convention to choose speaks more of the problems within his campaign than it does anything else. He wouldn't have picked Biden if he was confident he was going to win.

Obama with an old white guy looks nothing like the "hope & change" message he built his whole campaign on. And Biden? :killingme

Republicans - 4 more years.




Grampy McCain wrapped up his "presumed Republican nomination" many weeks before Obama wrapped up his on the Dem side...

....yet.... all maintain it's Obama being full of drama about his choice of VP.




What a bunch of :dork:s



The :dork: are the media slobbering al over Obama while pretending McCain is a sideliner.


You're the loser.

McCain was obviously waiting for Obama since the Dems' convention is first and that would be the more sensible thing to do.

But Obama waiting until the very last minute before the convention to choose speaks more of the problems within his campaign than it does anything else. He wouldn't have picked Biden if he was confident he was going to win.

Obama with an old white guy looks nothing like the "hope & change" message he built his whole campaign on. And Biden? :killingme

Republicans - 4 more years.




Larry Gude

Strung Out
The word...

Well, if it's Hillary, Obama is done. The buzz is that she can save him and bring in her voters. Karl Rove must have floated that rumor because my thought is that with her he can kiss the middle goodbye. And she still has such a negative reputation that he can't afford to brush elbows with her too much. that the GOP knew she would not be the choice and women are already touchy about it, so, they snuck her into the conversation and Obama played right along. Dem campaign types, Estrich and some other chick on another channel, last night were saying that Obama should have at least vetted her even if he wasn't going to pick her. Now, it's just one more dis and the hope was raised and dashed...again.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't...

I have a hard time seeing Biden playing second fiddle to Obama. Also he is 66 years old that means in 8 years he will be 74 which lowers his stock when it comes time to succeed His Royal Highness Obama.

...see him having no trouble at all. I think he knew this time around was his last shot so, be veep? For some young kid? Sure! He'll have a blast, the travel, the chance to talk and talk and talk and talk and he'll hold sway like Cheney has in terms of being the one to be listened to.

I think it's a great job for him. Plus he can hold sway over all his pals now as president of the Senate.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Yeah, like Larry said - it's 2 days before the convention - I can't see why he wouldn't want all the positive publicity he would obviously get from announcing earlier.

Biden is a curious pick. I'll bet he's a red herring and they're wrong.

But if not - say hello to President McCain. :coffee:

...another name to the list of people who are going to outshine Obama at his own gig.

Joe will give a good speech, looks good AND will suck the life out of the news cycles for nearly the whole coming week simply introducing him and going over and over the veep story. Good lord, 1/2 the time is going to be taking up accessing Biden's comments during the primary about Obama's lack of experience that may as well have been McCain campaign ads.

I guess he appeals to the middle, strongly.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You must...



Grampy McCain wrapped up his "presumed Republican nomination" many weeks before Obama wrapped up his on the Dem side...

....yet.... all maintain it's Obama being full of drama about his choice of VP.

...need sleep. If McCain waits until the last freaking minute, next Saturday, he's an idiot as well.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...meanwhile, back at the ranch - there goes Obama's campaign ad themes slamming McCain for being old! :killingme

And what about that message of change? Sure, that'll work - Biden's been around Washington for 30 years now. :killingme

...that, too. How are the kids going to be expected to hold up the enthusiasm level for this? He also authorized the Iraq war.

On top of that, HE should be at the top of the ticket and Boy Wonder as the veep.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
And as...

...another note, picking Biden is like going to Baskin Robbins, waiting right up until closing, staring at all the choices over and over and picking...vanilla.

He could have made this pick a week ago, a month ago and had Biden going to work on all the things he's supposed to bring.

And ANOTHER thing, Biden tried, last week, to get a BILLION dollars for Georgia and I don't mean the one surrounding Atlanta. We're supposed to send a billion dollars to fix what Russia can take care of out of pocket change left over from the 100's of billions we help them make in oil??????