Biden Is About to Commit an Impeachable Offense


PREMO Member
But as I said in the first sentence of this article, the biggest issue here is that what Biden is set to do is illegal. There is no federal provision that allows him to “forgive” student loan debt on the backs of taxpayers via the stroke of his pen. Nancy Pelosi is on record saying Biden doesn’t have that power. The Department of Education has said Biden doesn’t have that power. For the president to still attempt this move wouldn’t just be a pushing of the envelope. Rather, it would be a conscious, deliberate decision to commit an impeachable offense.

The million-dollar question then becomes what Republicans are going to do about it. Crying on social media is not enough. The coming Republican House (and possibly, Senate) must move to hold Biden accountable. That should come in the form of making the treasury account for the “canceled” debt and burning the university system to the ground via taxes and investigations. The GOP can’t stop there, though. They must impeach Joe Biden.

For too long, too many on the right have been too squeamish to talk about impeachment unless it’s regarding Donald Trump. The moral perversion of Washington is that they’ll impeach a president over hinting at what would have been a legitimate investigation, but they’ll turn away from impeaching a president who willingly breaks the law. There’s more to impeachment than “perfect” phone calls and mean tweets. Biden must be taken to the woodshed, and while he won’t be convicted in the Senate, getting all this out in the open is a win in and of itself. The lawlessness has to stop, and any Republican who isn’t willing to go all the way should resign.



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a Republican response.
Even if they take the House and the senate I wouldn't look for a response.
A couple of them might make some sort of statement, but to hold
Biden responsible is another thing.
Democrats are corrupt and Republicans are just putting in their time and enjoying the perks.


They call me ... Sarcasmo


Well-Known Member
But as I said in the first sentence of this article, the biggest issue here is that what Biden is set to do is illegal. There is no federal provision that allows him to “forgive” student loan debt on the backs of taxpayers via the stroke of his pen. Nancy Pelosi is on record saying Biden doesn’t have that power. The Department of Education has said Biden doesn’t have that power. For the president to still attempt this move wouldn’t just be a pushing of the envelope. Rather, it would be a conscious, deliberate decision to commit an impeachable offense.

The million-dollar question then becomes what Republicans are going to do about it. Crying on social media is not enough. The coming Republican House (and possibly, Senate) must move to hold Biden accountable. That should come in the form of making the treasury account for the “canceled” debt and burning the university system to the ground via taxes and investigations. The GOP can’t stop there, though. They must impeach Joe Biden.

For too long, too many on the right have been too squeamish to talk about impeachment unless it’s regarding Donald Trump. The moral perversion of Washington is that they’ll impeach a president over hinting at what would have been a legitimate investigation, but they’ll turn away from impeaching a president who willingly breaks the law. There’s more to impeachment than “perfect” phone calls and mean tweets. Biden must be taken to the woodshed, and while he won’t be convicted in the Senate, getting all this out in the open is a win in and of itself. The lawlessness has to stop, and any Republican who isn’t willing to go all the way should resign.

The do nothing GOP wont do sh!t


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Bear in mind, endowments are donations from rich donors. These for some, is the primary source to keep them operating - they depend on THESE rather than tuition. I did work at Harvard and yeah, they also own about a fifth of Cambridge. Although tuition IS expensive, most of the UNDERGRADUATES are there on scholarship, if not many scholarships.

The reason the cutoff is at 10k is because there are myriads of people who attended college briefly and didn't run up HUGE debt but neither did they get grat paying jobs. I just heard a FOX pundit brag that she was able to pay off her $300,000 debt. Well good for her. If I'd had anywhere NEAR that much student debt, my grandchildren would still be paying it. It has a lot to do with how much you get paid, afterward.

I 100% understand the arguments against it. It puts the burden on the taxpayer, many of whom did NOT go to college. But be honest - a great deal of THEM will NOT be paying that debt, because almost half the people in the country aren't paying ANY federal taxes outside of FICA. I also know people in their 40's - and 50's - still struggling to pay off 70k of debt because they were never able to get jobs that paid more than 30k a year.

Look, if it sucks, it's one more thing to hang on Biden by November.


Well-Known Member
Name some.

I’ll wait.
Failing to secure the Southern border.
Extorting the Ukrainian Gov't for all it's worth.
Stealing 100s of billions from America to pay off Ukraine, so they won't turn over the evidence they have of the Biden extortion scheme
Weaponizing EVERY Gov't agency...
Pedophilia (I know...YOU personally don't see anything wrong with Minor Attracted sick & disgusting phuck)
Lying to & stealing from the American people
His acts of treason & sedition from 2017 to 2021 (Go ahead & play retarded. Oh, that's're not playing)
And I could go on & on...& on

Now granted, these are ALSO actions that he should also be imprisoned well as put in front of a firing squad...but first, the impeachment...


They call me ... Sarcasmo
From the same government that tells you that not spending more on a program is ackshually a reduction in spending.
