Biden Leadership In America Today


PREMO Member

Democrats Fume As Biden Fumbles Debt Ceiling Talks: ‘Never Seen Anything Like It’

Negotiators with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and the White House have yet to reach an agreement on raising the debt ceiling, though the speaker said on Friday that the two sides had made some progress. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen had set a deadline of June 1 to strike a deal before mandatory spending cuts would take effect, but she extended that deadline to June 6 on Friday, giving negotiators a few more days of breathing room.

The White House appears to be failing to make its case to Americans, giving McCarthy an edge in negotiations. A recent Fox News poll of registered voters showed that 47% would blame the president if debt ceiling talks derailed compared to 44% who would blame the GOP. A recent CNN poll found that 60% of Americans believed cuts to spending should be part of a debt ceiling deal.

Democrats are pushing Biden to be more aggressive about making the White House’s case to the public.

“It’s time to bring the president off the bench, or bring somebody off the bench. No one’s responding to anything. Kevin’s consistently on message,” one House Democrat, speaking anonymously, told POLITICO. “We have the Oval Office. I’ve never seen anything like it.”


PREMO Member

‘Biden’s Mental Deficits Aren’t a Bug; They’re a Feature to People Who Control Him’

“I think the reality is his physical and mental deficits aren’t a bug; they’re a feature to the people who control him,” he said. “So it’s just another indicator that he’s not even really President Biden. He’s ‘Puppet Biden.’ He’s a puppet, a frontman, for the managerial industrial complex around him, and frankly, it’s starting to look more and more like a form of elder abuse.”

“It’s sad, he’s a human being. Let him go off in peace. But I think that the reality is there’s a managerial industrial complex around him. Now I have my issues with President Biden. I mean, I don’t have much to say that’s particularly complimentary or in agreement with anything he’s done for this country, but I think we’re almost giving him too much credit by saying that he’s even the one who’s doing it, because he’s not. It’s this managerial class that’s turned him into a puppet, and his cognitive deficits are a convenience for them…for the same reason that John Fetterman’s cognitive deficits are a convenience for them to control him as well. So that’s really what’s going on.”


PREMO Member
🔥 As the sun sets on the tragic reign of terminally-fearful Rachelle Walenksy as the CDC’s director, the morbidly-obese, bureaucratic health agency found Walensky’s twin to take over as the agency’s top fearmonger. She is perkily named Mandy Cohen.

Now, she’s not Karen. Don’t even think that.

Here she is! Mandy’s tweet from August 2020 will tell you everything you need to know about the necessary qualifications for the CDC’s highest office:

Haha, she said “masks are our strongest tool to slow the spread.” Plus they’re fun! She also repeatedly tweeted that the jabs prevent covid infection. Apparently dismal failure is not a barrier to reaching the top job. It must be something else then.

Haha, yeah, it was fun times with those masks. It took me two seconds to find this example of the fun times back during Mask Mania:

The new CDC director got lots of glowing corporate media coverage as you would imagine. But there were some interesting admissions. In one example, a Politico story about Mandy’s appointment this week unintentionally dropped some fascinating facts:

The CDC is also in the midst of a strategic overhaul launched by Walensky last year; a longer-term project that Cohen would be tasked with managing in an effort to better prepare the agency for the next public health emergency.

Biden officials involved in the search came away from discussions with Cohen impressed by her … ability to manage the nearly 11,000-person agency and the broader political dynamics of an administration gearing up for Biden’s re-election run.

The next public health emergency? What do they have in mind? And, what ‘political dynamics?’ How will the CDC be related to Biden’s re-election run?

I should also point out that, at the time the “overhaul” was announced it was supposed to be aimed at restoring public trust in the agency. Now it’s morphed into preparing for the next pandemic. I can’t wait. Maybe it will be super monkeypox.

Here’s something weird. CDC wasn’t the only agency to get a perky new director. Meet Biden’s replacement for the head of the OTHER bloated health bureaucracy, the National Institutes of Health, Monica Bertagnolli:

Come on guys, Monica isn’t Karen either, don’t start. She’s just another short-haired, middle-aged, white female Fauci bootlicking, mask Nazi.

Oh. And, according to the White House’s own statement, in the six years between 2015 and 2021, Monica got THREE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS from Pfizer in grant money, making up 90% of all her grant awards.

For those of you in the cheap seats, that sweet $300M paid Monica right through the whole jab development and deployment period.

Aside from their obvious similarities, there’s one other, not as obvious thing that Biden can count on from Mandy and Monica. Neither of the Karens, I mean ladies, will be saying anything embarrassingly critical about how the covid pandemic was handled. That is for sure. You can take it to the NIH’s grant bank.



PREMO Member

If Biden’s Economic Plan Is ‘Working,’ Why Are Tax Revenues Plunging?

Here’s what the “Monthly Treasury Statement” shows:

By the end of May, cumulative deficits for fiscal year 2023 (which started last October) hit $1.165 trillion. The projected deficit for the entire year is now close to $1.6 trillion, which is almost $300 billion higher than Treasury projected at the start of this fiscal year.

But here’s the real kicker: Revenues in the first eight months of this fiscal year are down $380 billion compared with the same period last year.

And most of that shortfall happened just in the past two months. April revenues were 25% below last year’s, and May’s came in 20% shy.

It was this sharp drop in tax revenues that forced Biden to open negotiations with Republicans over the debt ceiling, because Treasury realized it was fast running out of wiggle room when it came to paying its bills.

What’s more, the revenue shortfall is the result of a steep decline in individual income taxes. So far, these have brought in $1.5 trillion, compared with $1.9 trillion over the same period last year.

How can that be when Biden keeps telling us how the job market is going gangbusters?

Corporate income tax receipts, meanwhile, are flat compared with last year, which also doesn’t make sense in a “strong” economy – particularly after Biden imposed a 15% corporate minimum tax that was supposed to squeeze more dollars out of big companies.


Well-Known Member

If Biden’s Economic Plan Is ‘Working,’ Why Are Tax Revenues Plunging?

Here’s what the “Monthly Treasury Statement” shows:

By the end of May, cumulative deficits for fiscal year 2023 (which started last October) hit $1.165 trillion. The projected deficit for the entire year is now close to $1.6 trillion, which is almost $300 billion higher than Treasury projected at the start of this fiscal year.

But here’s the real kicker: Revenues in the first eight months of this fiscal year are down $380 billion compared with the same period last year.

And most of that shortfall happened just in the past two months. April revenues were 25% below last year’s, and May’s came in 20% shy.

It was this sharp drop in tax revenues that forced Biden to open negotiations with Republicans over the debt ceiling, because Treasury realized it was fast running out of wiggle room when it came to paying its bills.

What’s more, the revenue shortfall is the result of a steep decline in individual income taxes. So far, these have brought in $1.5 trillion, compared with $1.9 trillion over the same period last year.

How can that be when Biden keeps telling us how the job market is going gangbusters?

Corporate income tax receipts, meanwhile, are flat compared with last year, which also doesn’t make sense in a “strong” economy – particularly after Biden imposed a 15% corporate minimum tax that was supposed to squeeze more dollars out of big companies.

He'll blame Trump .


PREMO Member

Biden admin turned American democracy into Pakistani fascism

These frontal assaults on democracy from the left belie an all-too-familiar global pattern. Jair Bolsonaro — the “Trump” of Brazil — lost what many believed was a rigged 2022 presidential election to the socialist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Today, Mr. Bolsonaro is facing bogus charges. If he is found guilty, he will be ineligible to run in the next two elections. Sound familiar?

That Mr. Trump is the clear victim of the Biden administration’s dual system of injustice should be obvious. Here, the tell in Attorney General Merrick Garland and special counsel Jack Smith’s con game is that former Vice Presidents Joe Biden and Mike Pence were caught red-handed with classified documents. Unlike Mr. Trump, neither had the right to declassify them, yet neither of these prima facie guilty politicians is being prosecuted, only the innocent Mr. Trump.

As egregious, Hunter Biden has yet to be indicted for what his own laptop indicates are crimes ranging from illegal gun and drug use to unlawful foreign lobbying and outright treason in his dealings with China. This inaction after three years in what the Department of Justice insists remains an “active” case.

Meanwhile, erstwhile Trump advisers like Steve Bannon get rushed to judgment, and the Justice Department literally pulls a fast one on Mr. Trump by indicting him in Florida’s so-called rocket docket — a jurisdiction known for its speedy trials. The rabidly partisan Mr. Smith, whose wife is a Biden donor and Michelle Obama propagandist, hopes Miami’s rocket docket will convict Mr. Trump before the 2024 election and knock him out of the race.

This latest turn of the DOJ screw is nothing new. As one of only three senior White House officials with Mr. Trump from the 2016 campaign to today, I have witnessed firsthand the sedition and treason of top government and law enforcement partisans out to get him.

As Exhibit A, there is the ill-fated, FBI-orchestrated Russia hoax. It began in 2016 and sought to prevent Mr. Trump from taking office. While this first attempted coup crashed and burned, it would take down good, brave men like Michael Flynn as collateral damage.

The two impeachment attempts that would follow were nothing less than partisan sedition. They sought to overthrow the sitting Trump government or, in a clear case of election meddling, at least wound him for his 2020 reelection bid.

Never-Trump elements at the DOJ and FBI were also instrumental in suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story and promoting the falsehood of “Russian disinformation,” including both FBI Director Chris Wray and, most notoriously, Mr. Trump’s RINO Attorney General Bill Barr, now on Fox News trashing Mr. Trump. As polls clearly indicate, full “laptop from hell” transparency from Messrs. Barr, Wray and DOJ would have decisively swung the 2020 race to Mr. Trump. That was not just election tampering, it was a seditious conspiracy and coup d’etat.


PREMO Member
Attorney Stanley Woodward has alleged that someone in President Joe Biden’s Justice Department had offered him a quid pro quo — in the form of a potentially fast-tracked judicial appointment — if he and his client were to cooperate against former President Donald Trump.

Woodward is representing Trump’s co-defendant Walt Nauta in the federal case regarding classified documents, and he said in a court filing that Jay Bratt — head of the Counterintelligence Section of DOJ’s National Security Division — had “suggested Woodward’s judicial application [for a DC Superior Court judgeship] might be considered more favorably if he and his client cooperated against Trump.”

The allegation was reportedly made in a letter filed under seal with Judge James Boasberg, the chief U.S. Judge in Washington, and details an incident that Woodward says took place in November of 2022, when prosecutors were attempting to convince Nauta to cooperate in the case against Trump.



PREMO Member
On Saturday, Joe Biden arrived in Philadelphia, PA, to battle it out with Sen. John Fetterman for who is the least capable of doing their job. Before their trainwreck of a joint presser, though, the president took a question on US tensions with China while exiting Air Force One.

What he told a reporter in response was astonishing. Namely, Biden claimed that the Chinese spy balloon that traversed much of the continental United States wasn’t intentional and that CCP leadership wasn’t even aware of what the balloon was doing.

REPORTER: Can Secretary Blinken ease tensions with China on this trip, do you think?
BIDEN: Sure, well look…(long pause)…China has…(long pause)…some legitimate difficulties unrelated, unrelated to the United States. And…I think, one of the things that that balloon caused was not so much that it got shot down, but I don’t think that the leadership knew where it was, and knew what was in it, and knew what was going on. I think it was more embarrassing than it was intentional.
And so, uh, I’m hoping that over the next several months, I’ll be meeting with Xi again, and talking about legitimate differences we have, but also how those areas we can get along.

What did that shameless, dishonest groveling at the feet of the Chinese dictatorship accomplish? The answer is apparently nothing. When Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in the adversarial nation on Sunday to hold more fruitless talks, the CCP immediately set out to embarrass the Biden administration.

Is this how this entire trip is going to go?



Well-Known Member
It's almost unbelievable that Biden would say the balloon was not sent on a spy mission,
They are after Trump on an espionage charge and here we have this idiot making statements like that, Cashing Chinese checks, and doing everything in his power to make the Chinese rich through his EV program.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
It's almost unbelievable that Biden would say the balloon was not sent on a spy mission,
They are after Trump on an espionage charge and here we have this idiot making statements like that, Cashing Chinese checks, and doing everything in his power to make the Chinese rich through his EV program.
It's even harder to believe that the enemies of freedom, namely democrats, don't see this and continue to support the corrupt old SOB.


Well-Known Member
It's almost unbelievable that Biden would say the balloon was not sent on a spy mission,
They are after Trump on an espionage charge and here we have this idiot making statements like that, Cashing Chinese checks, and doing everything in his power to make the Chinese rich through his EV program.

So was he saying the whole trip was to say sorry we shot down your balloon .? Why mention it unless it was.


PREMO Member
🔥 See, THIS is the problem with a ‘Weekend At Bernie’s’ president. USA Today ran a story Wednesday headlined, “President Biden Calls China’s Xi a Dictator, Drawing a Backlash From Beijing.”

It wasn’t the smartest thing Joe ever said.
To fully comprehend Joe’s latest verbal faux pas, it is important to understand that the Biden Administration has been in a full-court press this week to pacify the Chinese. Our underqualified Secretary of State Antony Blinking, I mean Blinken, sorry, went to Beijing in person for talks, and among other humiliating concessions, he publicly confirmed that the US does NOT support Taiwanese independence.

Blinken appeared to be making progress, taking his humiliations like a pro. But then, Joe struck. During a democrat fundraiser in Kentfield, California, on Tuesday, Biden — riffing off teleprompter — was bragging about shooting down that spy balloon and was gaslighting donors about why he delayed so long.

At some point, the dementia-addled wreck of a politician dropped this diplomatic stinker:

“The reason why Xi Jinping got very upset, in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two boxcars full of spy equipment in it, is he didn’t know it was there,” Biden said. “No, I’m serious. That’s what’s a great embarrassment for dictators, when they didn’t know what happened.”​

Biden thought he was puffing himself up, but China is pretty prickly about the “dictator” label. China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning immediately had strong words about Biden’s rambling:

“It is a blatant political provocation. China expresses strong dissatisfaction and opposition,” Mao said at a daily briefing, calling Biden’s remarks “extremely absurd and irresponsible.”​

It’s not like we’re on the brink of war with China or anything.

During a meeting with India’s Prime Minister yesterday, yapping reporters pressed Biden for a statement about the dustup with China. Biden seemed flummoxed and remained silent. Well, you tell me how Joe seems:

Later, in response to a reporters question, the Resident painfully explained in Bidenese that, “The idea of my choosing and avoiding saying what I think is the facts, with regard to the relationship… with China, is just not something I’m going to change very much.” The former vice-president also said he expects to meet with China’s President Xi “sometime in the future, in the near term,” but didn’t say when, and added that in his opinion the diplomatic fallout has not “had any real consequence,” dismissing diplomatic concerns as “hysteria.”

Corporate media immediately shifted into overdrive covering for Biden’s latest gaffe. Listen to Andrea Mitchell falling over herself in a grotesque effort to excuse Biden’s diplomatic hand-grenade. Breaking it down simply so all of us idiots could understand, Mitchell said:

Let’s pull back the curtain and explain how these fund-raisers work … It’s the West Coast, it’s late at night, he’s done four of these, plus that meeting on artificial intelligence earlier in the day, so he’s had a very busy schedule … that’s how they get themselves in trouble.​

Makes sense. Biden is WORKING SO HARD that he just couldn’t help it. He’s such a hard worker! So … ultimately it’s OUR fault, and we should be thanking Joe.



Well-Known Member
🔥 See, THIS is the problem with a ‘Weekend At Bernie’s’ president. USA Today ran a story Wednesday headlined, “President Biden Calls China’s Xi a Dictator, Drawing a Backlash From Beijing.”

It wasn’t the smartest thing Joe ever said.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
To fully comprehend Joe’s latest verbal faux pas, it is important to understand that the Biden Administration has been in a full-court press this week to pacify the Chinese. Our underqualified Secretary of State Antony Blinking, I mean Blinken, sorry, went to Beijing in person for talks, and among other humiliating concessions, he publicly confirmed that the US does NOT support Taiwanese independence.

Blinken appeared to be making progress, taking his humiliations like a pro. But then, Joe struck. During a democrat fundraiser in Kentfield, California, on Tuesday, Biden — riffing off teleprompter — was bragging about shooting down that spy balloon and was gaslighting donors about why he delayed so long.

At some point, the dementia-addled wreck of a politician dropped this diplomatic stinker:

Biden thought he was puffing himself up, but China is pretty prickly about the “dictator” label. China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning immediately had strong words about Biden’s rambling:

It’s not like we’re on the brink of war with China or anything.

During a meeting with India’s Prime Minister yesterday, yapping reporters pressed Biden for a statement about the dustup with China. Biden seemed flummoxed and remained silent. Well, you tell me how Joe seems:

Later, in response to a reporters question, the Resident painfully explained in Bidenese that, “The idea of my choosing and avoiding saying what I think is the facts, with regard to the relationship… with China, is just not something I’m going to change very much.” The former vice-president also said he expects to meet with China’s President Xi “sometime in the future, in the near term,” but didn’t say when, and added that in his opinion the diplomatic fallout has not “had any real consequence,” dismissing diplomatic concerns as “hysteria.”

Corporate media immediately shifted into overdrive covering for Biden’s latest gaffe. Listen to Andrea Mitchell falling over herself in a grotesque effort to excuse Biden’s diplomatic hand-grenade. Breaking it down simply so all of us idiots could understand, Mitchell said:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

Makes sense. Biden is WORKING SO HARD that he just couldn’t help it. He’s such a hard worker! So … ultimately it’s OUR fault, and we should be thanking Joe.

Our media is such a joke .


Well-Known Member
What WAS the smartest thing Joe Biden ever said?
Has Joe Biden ever said anything smart?

This thread is about Biden Leadership. If thar isn't an oxy-moron I don't know what is.
Joe Biden is no more leading this country than I am.
WE really do not know who the leader is, but I suspect it is the group of America haters that Obama belongs to.