Biden Polling


PREMO Member

Here’s the Poll That Has Democrats Panicked About the 2024 Election

Nick Arama reports at RedState:

Fascinating Poll Shows Another Major Voter Shift That Brings Good News for GOP
Since the 90s, when Republicans last had a lead in voter identification, there had been a shift toward people identifying as Democrats until there were 5 percent more voters identifying as Democrats than Republicans in 2020.
But now there appears to have been a shift back toward the right, according to a just-released Pew Research Center analysis comparing the numbers for the last twenty years until 2023.
However, the Pew results from 2023 reveal a significant shift in party affiliation this cycle, reporting that 49% of voters identify as Democrat or leaning Democrat, while 48% identify as Republican or leaning Republican.
Additionally, about 33% of respondents said they identify as being conservative or moderate in 2023, while the other side of the aisle only sees 23% identifying as liberal Democrats or leaning liberal.
That means Democrats had been five points up and now it’s almost even, and now more identifying as conservative than liberal as well.

Take a look at the breakdown below:



PREMO Member
📈📈 Meanwhile, the Trump trial doesn’t seem to be hurting the former president yet, as suggested by yesterday’s headline from Newsweek:

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Not only that, but people betting their own money widely prefer Trump over Biden. On Polymarket (where you can bet on lots of stuff, like whether Taylor Swift gets pregnant this year), its Presidential Election Betting Page favors Convicted Felon Donald Trump:

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Polymarket’s 56% “price” already has Trump’s felony conviction baked into its prediction, since the punters think it’s very likely to happen:

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The most mind-bending question is: would Trump’s odds of winning be higher or lower if he weren’t facing conviction?



Just sneakin' around....
I don't even know why this is a thing. Biden is simply not capable of being president now or in the future. His name should not be on a ballot.



Well-Known Member
I don't even know why this is a thing. Biden is simply not capable of being president now or in the future. His name should not be on a ballot.

View attachment 177463
Biden should not be on the ballot and neither should Harris. Those who watch Biden on TV giving speeches, and stumbling around sleeping and calling lids. They would rather vote for an idiot that is destroying them than vote for Donald Trump. I hust watched that democrat commercial where these clowns that were in the military call Trump a draft dodger when Biden got 5 deferments, They said trump was not fit to lead the military while Biden is filling it with queers and trannies. WTF is wrong with these people.?


Well-Known Member
I just watched that democrat commercial where these clowns that were in the military call Trump a draft dodger when Biden got 5 deferments, They said trump was not fit to lead the military while Biden is filling it with queers and trannies. WTF is wrong with these people.?
They are paid very well to lie & deceive?...


Well-Known Member
I have more pride in myself than to deliberately lie for some half assed politician, who can't find his ass with either hand.


PREMO Member
📉 Meanwhile, coincidentally, yesterday Business Insider ran a widely-reported story headlined, “Biden's approval rating just hit its lowest mark on record.” One suspects the Dementia Patient is circling the drain.

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Yesterday, the former Vice-President achieved the unpleasant distinction of recording his lowest-ever mark in FiveThirtyEight's weighted presidential approval tracker, hitting a new low of 37.4% approving. That’s under his last two lows, one after gas prices spiked to over $5 a gallon, and even lower than after the United States’ disgraceful, disorganized retreat following its surrender in Afghanistan.

Despite his new ‘convicted felon’ status, FiveThirtyEight found President Trump had a higher 41.6% approval rating. (It is fair to suspect the statistics were slanted for Biden and against Trump, so the margin might be even wider.)

Business Insider morosely conceded that, maybe, there is a risk Biden could lose to the Orange President:

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And it’s still just June.



PREMO Member

Swing-state ‘deciders’ trust Trump more than Biden to protect democracy: Poll

The poll, conducted by The Washington Post/Schar School, surveyed voters across six swing states and identified a subgroup of respondents labeled as “deciders.” It found that 38 percent of “deciders” said Trump would do a better job of handling threats of democracy to the U.S., while 29 percent said Biden and 23 percent said neither.

Roughly 60 percent of the group also said they are not satisfied at all with how democracy is working in the U.S.

Those labeled as “deciders” include respondents who voted in the 2016 or 2020 election, are under the age of 25, have been registered to vote since 2022, are undecided and may not vote or someone who changed the party they support between 2016 and 2020.

Among all swing state voters, 44 percent said they trust the presumptive GOP nominee more to protect democracy, while 33 percent said the incumbent. About 16 percent said they trusted neither, and 7 percent said they trusted both equally, per the poll.


PREMO Member

CNN Data Analyst Loses His Mind Over Post-Debate Polls for Biden: ‘Never Seen Numbers This Bad for an Incumbent President’ (VIDEO)

CNN data analyst Harry Enten freaked out on the air over poll numbers for Biden after the debate disaster of last Thursday night, noting that he has never seen numbers this bad for an incumbent president.

The data points that Enten seems most panicked about are the ones related to Biden’s mental health and how that relates to the idea of him running for another term.

This is why Democrats are in full meltdown mode with some of them even insisting that he drop out of the race.



Well-Known Member

CNN Data Analyst Loses His Mind Over Post-Debate Polls for Biden: ‘Never Seen Numbers This Bad for an Incumbent President’ (VIDEO)

CNN data analyst Harry Enten freaked out on the air over poll numbers for Biden after the debate disaster of last Thursday night, noting that he has never seen numbers this bad for an incumbent president.

The data points that Enten seems most panicked about are the ones related to Biden’s mental health and how that relates to the idea of him running for another term.

This is why Democrats are in full meltdown mode with some of them even insisting that he drop out of the race.

But those same people will still vote for him.
Unless Trump goes up 5% in polls the debate means nothing.


PREMO Member
Most voters believe Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance on Thursday was not caused by a cold or too much preparation, but by dementia.

That is one of the most damning findings in an exclusive national poll for

Only 10 percent of respondents accepted the White House's excuse that a cold was to blame for the President struggling to answer questions or hold his train of thought during a 90-minute showdown with Donald Trump.

At the same time, it reveals that Trump, 78, has extended his lead over 81-year-old Biden to six points, deepening the crisis facing the president's reelection campaign.

The White House has already had to fend off questions about whether the president is 'disabled' in a sign of how Biden's health moved to the center of the contest this week.

J.L. Partners polled 1000 likely voters and asked them what they thought was to blame for Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance in Atlanta last week



Well-Known Member
Most voters believe Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance on Thursday was not caused by a cold or too much preparation, but by dementia.

That is one of the most damning findings in an exclusive national poll for

Only 10 percent of respondents accepted the White House's excuse that a cold was to blame for the President struggling to answer questions or hold his train of thought during a 90-minute showdown with Donald Trump.

At the same time, it reveals that Trump, 78, has extended his lead over 81-year-old Biden to six points, deepening the crisis facing the president's reelection campaign.

The White House has already had to fend off questions about whether the president is 'disabled' in a sign of how Biden's health moved to the center of the contest this week.

J.L. Partners polled 1000 likely voters and asked them what they thought was to blame for Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance in Atlanta last week's disastrous debate performance in Atlanta last week

So 48% of voters are stupid and shouldn't be allowed to vote.................
lock the imbeciles up I really DGAF thanks to them look for a serious attack from outside sources. Somehow I don't think the freaks in the military with their dicks cut off will be much help.