Biden Polling


Well-Known Member
what we need isa good old war to straighten up these purple pissfreak hippies and hemp smokers.

Or CoVid, or Chinese monopolies, or variants of the common cold, or petroleum shortages, or storms , or another european country nobody has ever heard of, or smoke from Canada, Trudeau special mix, or Barry's husband coming out of the closet. or Megan Rapino.....


Well-Known Member
what we need isa good old war to straighten up these purple pissfreak hippies and hemp smokers.

Or CoVid, or Chinese monopolies, or variants of the common cold, or petroleum shortages, or storms , or another european country nobody has ever heard of, or smoke from Canada, Trudeau special mix, or Barry's husband coming out of the closet. or Megan Rapino.....
I figure when Putin occupies all of Ukraine, at that point he'll have more US weapons than the US. Then it's just a matter of recruiting enough trannies from the US Armed Forces to use them against SMC and we can have more honest elections when it's is gone.:yay:

It's a Win - Win Baby!


Well-Known Member
📉 Things seem to be going downhill fast for President Bob Peters. CNN ran a story about its latest presidential poll yesterday headlined, “CNN Poll: Biden faces negative job ratings and concerns about his age as he gears up for 2024.” A prominent sub-title within the article blared, “Most Democratic voters wish they had an alternative to Biden.”

CNN reported that Biden is faring poorly on just about every single question they asked registered voters.

That’s pretty awful. And the trends are moving in the wrong direction. Biden needs to do something to change the momentum. I wonder what that will be.

Blame republicans. Blame Trump. Blame the Grim Reaper .


PREMO Member

Biden poll freakout

BIDEN POLL FREAKOUT. The political and media world fell into a mini-frenzy over the weekend with the release of not one but two polls showing President Joe Biden in dire political shape.

The most newsworthy of the polls came from the Washington Post and ABC News. Biden's job approval rating in the new survey is 37%, with disapproval at 56%. Approval of his handling of the economy is 30%. Approval of his handling of the border crisis is 23%. The survey found deep unhappiness about the state of the economy in general, energy prices, food prices, and the income of average workers. Only 33% of Democrats said they want Biden to run for a second term, versus 62% who don't.

Those are terrible numbers for a sitting president, but truth be told, they're not all that different from the results we've seen in many polls in recent months. So why the frenzy? Because of this question from the pollsters: "If the 2024 presidential election were being held today and the candidates were Donald Trump and Joe Biden, for whom would you vote? Would you lean toward Trump or Biden?" The result was decisive: Trump held a 10-point lead, 52% to 42%, among registered voters.

The View PANICS Trump Leading ABC Poll, Claim Pollsters Were ‘High’

the cast of ABC’s The View were in a panic on Monday. The fact that the network they worked for was the one who conducted the poll meant little as they all took to attacking the results; with faux conservative Ana Navarro openly suggesting the pollsters were all “high” on “edibles or somethings” when they were asking the questions.

“A new ABC/Washington Post poll … hows that Biden is trailing you-know-who by nearly ten points, but – but I know there are other polls that are also happening that are saying different things,” moderator Whoopi Goldberg scoffed as she led into the segment.

The other faux-conservative on the panel, Alyssa Farah Griffin called her network’s poll “an outlier” and opined about how she was “skeptical of polls” because “They were wrong in 2016, they were wrong in the midterms in 2020.”

She decried the ABC poll as “so far out of step with other polling” at there had to be “an anomaly when they were taking the poll.” Realizing she was dissing her own network, she quickly pivoted to praising her co-workers by saying, “I trust our pollsters at ABC, they're phenomenal.” She also almost said they “misrep[resented]” Trump’s lead, but she caught herself mid-word and rephrased it to “may have overstated the lead.”

Racist co-host Sunny Hostin wrote off the ABC poll and declared that she didn’t want to hear any talk of polls until Trump’s trials started:

Trump's scheduled trial dates and where they fall in the presidential primary calendar. March 4th, March 25th, March 20th. A judge has yet to set the date for Trump and his 18 co-defendants in the Georgia – Oh, I'm sorry. It's now May 20th. So, I'm happy to talk about polls and where people fall when I see that first trial. I'm happy to talk about it then, but until then, nobody needs to be talking about how Biden is doing or anything like that.


PREMO Member

Biden's approval rating sinks over Israel-Hamas war; support for Trump in 2024 rises: poll

A new Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday showed President Biden's approval rating sinking and support for former President Donald Trump rising as the 2024 election looms.

According to the poll, American voters' worsening views of Biden were driven by his handling of the war between Israel and Hamas, which has also given Trump his first lead in the poll since February.

Just 37% of voters said they approved of Biden's job performance, with 59% disapproving. The same number (37%) also said they viewed Biden favorably versus unfavorably (59%).


PREMO Member

Poll: Joe Biden Least Popular President in Modern History

President Joe Biden is the least popular president in modern U.S. history, FiveThirtyEight polling shows.

The poll found Biden’s approval rating is -18 percentage points:

  • 37.7 percent approve of Biden
  • 55.6 percent disapprove of Biden
Biden’s -18 percentage points is the lowest in modern history, previous FiveThirtyEight polling found:

  1. Donald Trump: 41.7 percent approval (-11.9 percentage points)
  2. Barack Obama: 44.8 percent approval (-3.4 percentage points)
  3. George W. Bush: 51.5 percent approval (+9.8 percentage points)
  4. Bill Clinton: 52.0 percent approval (+12.3 percentage points)
  5. H.W. Bush: 52.8 percent approval (+13.8 percentage points)
  6. Ronald Reagan: 51.8 percent approval (+13.7 percentage points)
  7. Jimmy Carter: 44.9 percent approval (+2 percentage points)
  8. Richard Nixon: 50.7 percent approval (+14.2 percentage points)
  9. Lyndon Johnson: 44.9 percent approval (+3.9 percentage points)
  10. Dwight Eisenhower: 77.6 percent approval (+64.5 percentage points)
  11. Harry Truman: 50.6 percent approval (+16.7 percentage points)
Despite the negative poll, Biden told donors this week he is running for president to defeat former President Donald Trump. “If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running,” Biden said, adding that Democrats “cannot let [Trump] win.”


PREMO Member

Joe Biden's Approval Rating Hits a New Record Low, and the Left-Wing Cope Is Hilarious

Joe Biden has hit a new low, and I'm not just talking about his mental acuity. The president clocked in his worst approval rating ever on Thursday. According to Pew Research, just 33 percent of Americans approve of the job Biden is doing while 64 percent disapprove, and the topline numbers are just part of the story.

The demographic breakdowns are a horror show for the president. He doesn't even garner a net positive approval among women and post-graduates, two groups he's historically enjoyed support from. Every race, every income level, and every education level sees him in the negative.



PREMO Member

Enthusiasm Runs Low for Joe Biden in His Delaware Hometown

Low enthusiasm for Biden in his hometown depicts a microcosm of a growing problem nationwide. Polling numbers show Biden’s popularity is on a downward trajectory:

  • Fox News: 54 percent of Democrat primary voters prefer an alternative to Biden.
  • Pew Research: Biden’s approval rating sinks to just 33 percent, the lowest since he took office.
  • WSJ: Only 23 percent said the same for Biden’s policies.
  • NYT: Biden trails Donald Trump in approval rating among voters 18-29.

“I’ve lost a lot of the passion that I used to have,” local history buff Nick Petula, an independent who voted for Biden three years ago, told the Guardian. He cited Hunter Biden’s legal troubles as a reason for concern: “All the things about his son, of course, it’s discouraging to hear that.”

Brandon DeManincor, an art therapy major at Marywood University, said he is frustrated that Biden is the Democrat’s presumptive 2024 nominee. “I would prefer someone new for the Democratic party besides Biden, but that’s probably not going to happen,” he said.


PREMO Member

The Media Is All Wrong About Biden’s Poor Polling

The signs of Biden’s inherent unpopularity were present from the beginning of his presidency. Just two weeks into Biden’s term, the New York Times was noting that while he had a broad positive approval rating, his didn’t come close to that of Barack Obama on inauguration day, and his net approval rating was lower than any of his predecessors except Trump. Biden remained popular for the first six months of his presidency, the “honeymoon” presidents get, but then began the slide that now places him at 38 percent favorable in an average of 17 polls calculated by the Washington Post.

By September 2021, as the Biden dip became palpable, the press assembled to make excuses for him. In the New York Times, columnist Jamelle Bouie provided what he called a “laundry list” of reasons for the anti-Biden mood: The Covid pandemic; backlash over the Afghanistan withdrawal; and growing polarization. A month later, the Associated Press attributed the dip to a “slew of challenges” Biden had faced, including Covid, Afghanistan, legislative drama over his economic policies and trouble at the border. A month after that, USA Today endorsed the AP’s explanation. The trouble was in the stars, not necessarily with Joe Biden, the press largely surmised.

Later, inflation was ascribed blame for Biden’s bad numbers, but now that inflation is down, that plea no longer works. By last summer, the commentariat was grasping at straws. In July, New York magazine’s Eric Levitz pronounced Biden’s unpopularity as “mysterious,” and speculated that his problem might be that while he “has delivered material improvements to voters,” he had failed to address the nation’s “widespread sense of despair.” The New York Times’ Ross Douthat addressed the topic in September, confessing that it’s “hard to distill a singular explanation for what’s kept his numbers low.” It could be inflation, he speculates, or the “social-issues undertow” that’s punishing some Democrats. More recently, Vox’s Andrew Prokop offered the view that “voters have come to doubt Biden’s competence, and many are attributing that perceived lack of competence to his age.” This argument finds support in a recent New York Times poll that discovered an unnamed “Democratic candidate” could beat Trump handily, while Biden vs. Trump would result in a Trump victory.

Could it be that it’s not policy or circumstances that voters are rejecting, but that it’s Biden? The tough truth for Biden, one that the press seems to have avoided, is that he has always been unpopular. Although he has long been in the public eye — he served avuncularly as a U.S. senator for 36 years before becoming vice president — being the toast of Delaware, which is the second smallest state and the sixth least populous, doesn’t readily convert into national acclaim. His 1988 campaign for president ended abruptly, as he dropped out of the race after three months amid a plagiarism scandal. Then in the 2008 presidential campaign, he found such low favor among voters that he placed fifth in the Iowa caucuses and then exited.

In the 2020 contest, running in a crowded primary field, Biden rarely broke the 30 percent mark. Biden won the nomination not because he was popular but because he was running as a centrist in a field clogged with progressives. He also had the good political fortune to emerge as the last moderate candidate standing against socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders. Establishment Democrats didn’t love Joe as much as they disliked Sanders and wanted a candidate around whom they could coalesce.

Meanwhile, Biden’s victory over Trump in the general election wasn’t a mandate on his popularity. It was a flight to safety for a nation fed up with a meshuga president. Biden was merely the vegetable voters convinced themselves they had to eat in order to rid themselves of Trump.

No amount of repackaging Biden’s first-term accomplishments will boost him to the top of the charts. In September, the New York Times reported that the White House plans to polish Biden’s image by showcasing “his vigor.” Good luck with that.


PREMO Member
🔥 Frustration can be difficult to deal with. On Tuesday, the Washington Post ran an unintentionally hilarious article headlined, “Biden said to be increasingly frustrated by dismal poll numbers.” The sub-headline, and I am not making this up, explained “In one recent meeting Biden said his poll numbers were unacceptably low and he wanted to know what his team and his campaign were doing about it.”

image 7.png

Hahahahaha! Biden wanted to know what his team and his campaign are doing about his low polls numbers! Who. Is. Running. The. Country?? The WaPo was too dense to catch the drift, but Biden’s question implied that his polling problem was only messaging.

And, if you believe this was a real leak and not a deliberately-planted story to keep the crumbling facade of a fake presidential campaign standing a little longer, Biden’s small group of core loyalists apparently includes at least one disloyal leaker. According to WaPo:

After pardoning a pair of turkeys, an annual White House tradition, Biden delivered some stern words for the small group assembled: His poll numbers were unacceptably low and he wanted to know what his team and his campaign were doing about it. He complained that his economic message had done little to move the ball, even as the economy was growing and unemployment was falling, according to people familiar with his comments, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a private conversation.

Stern words? Was he mumbling them? And, Joe’s Bidenomics isn’t compelling the ungrateful masses? How could this be? Believe it or not, as of December 20th, 2023, Team Biden still had not created a working campaign organization for the 2024 election cycle:

Only recently, though, have Biden officials started to scale up the campaign, which they launched in April, after months of warnings from top Democrats in battleground states that they were too slow to build out their operation. “We are confident that the full campaign apparatus that builds off three years of significant investments at the DNC will be a powerful force to defeat whatever MAGA Republican we face next year,” TJ Ducklo, a spokesman for the Biden campaign, said in a statement.

“Will be a powerful force.” Will be. Some day. They’re waiting for a good time to get started. Supposedly.

You’re won’t be able to comprehend this, but WaPo said core democrats apparently love the job Biden is doing and so do everyone they know. Everything is going great:

“I think a lot of activists feel that everyone they know is happy with the president,” former congressman Conor Lamb (D-Pa.) said. “They’re not understanding who is in the majority of the country that is dissatisfied and what to do to change their minds.”

See? It’s not Biden’s fault. It’s his campaign’s fault. The campaign that doesn’t even exist yet. But believe them, it’s a real campaign, so don’t worry.



PREMO Member

Biden ends the year with the worst approval of ANY modern-day president: He enters the election year with lower popularity than Jimmy Carter and faces an enormous mountain to climb

  • Gallup poll shows President Joe Biden's job approval rating is at 39 percent
  • That is lower than last seven presidents at the same stage of their presidencies
  • But there is growing (albeit modest) confidence that the economy is impoving

President Joe Biden ends 2023 with his polling numbers still in the doldrums — worse than any other president at the same stage of their first term — as he prepares for an election next year with voters still worrying about the state of the economy.

And that is despite his overall approval rating ticking up slightly.

The latest tracking number from Gallup, published Friday, puts Biden's job approval rating at 39 percent, up two points from lows in October and November.

That is worse than the last seven presidents in history as they came to the end of their third year in power.

Barack Obama was at 43 percent and Donald Trump was at 45 percent as they headed into election year.

Gallup's December presidential poll found that Joe Biden's job approval rating of 39 percent was lower than the last seven presidents in history at the end of their third year in office


Well-Known Member
I really do not see the Democrats running Joe Biden for President again.
It's beginning to look suicidal for them.

But what is the sense of getting rid of Joe Biden and running someone who is just as bad.?
Will the Democrat candidate run on closing the border?
Will the Democrat candidate run on turning down the EV and Green BS that is destroying Ford and chevy and inflating the economy?
Will the Democrat candidate run on building a military that can fight and not be filled with social and DIE programs?
Will the Democrat candidate run on cutting Social programs that are killing taxpayers?
Will the Democrat candidate admit that we cannot go on printing money with nothing behind it.
Will the Democrat candidate stop sending American money to our enemies?

In other words when we get rid of Joe , what will we get from the Democrat party if not the same sht we are getting now.


Well-Known Member

Biden ends the year with the worst approval of ANY modern-day president: He enters the election year with lower popularity than Jimmy Carter and faces an enormous mountain to climb

  • Gallup poll shows President Joe Biden's job approval rating is at 39 percent
  • That is lower than last seven presidents at the same stage of their presidencies
  • But there is growing (albeit modest) confidence that the economy is impoving

President Joe Biden ends 2023 with his polling numbers still in the doldrums — worse than any other president at the same stage of their first term — as he prepares for an election next year with voters still worrying about the state of the economy.

And that is despite his overall approval rating ticking up slightly.

The latest tracking number from Gallup, published Friday, puts Biden's job approval rating at 39 percent, up two points from lows in October and November.

That is worse than the last seven presidents in history as they came to the end of their third year in power.

Barack Obama was at 43 percent and Donald Trump was at 45 percent as they headed into election year.

Gallup's December presidential poll found that Joe Biden's job approval rating of 39 percent was lower than the last seven presidents in history at the end of their third year in office's December presidential poll found that Joe Biden's job approval rating of 39 percent was lower than the last seven presidents in history at the end of their third year in office
Trump would have been a shoe in if it wasn't for kungFlu wrecking the economy and him getting the blame.