Biden says, "Clinton hard to beat in 2008"


New Member
I agree with Senator Biden...after seeing her standing in many of the most recent polls and after seeing her statements showing a more moderate bent, I have to say, she has a damn good shot of it.


Holy sh!t, even the liberals are smart enough not to put Hillary in office. Personally I don't care for her as a person or her politics. Nothing against a woman for President, but not her.


This Space for Rent
Vince said:
Holy sh!t, even the liberals are smart enough not to put Hillary in office. Personally I don't care for her as a person or her politics. Nothing against a woman for President, but not her.

Which part helped you decide they were smart enough not to put her in office? :confused:


New Member
rraley said:
I agree with Senator Biden... after seeing her statements showing a more moderate bent, I have to say, she has a damn good shot of it.
She knows how to "play the game" and they're "buying it"! She frightens me, more needs to be published about her early/college thinking, before she became "more moderate". She will sell us to China, something her husband couldn't quite accomplish! The problem with liberals is they don't use their brains, or they would be smart enough not to put Hillary in office, however, they think with hate; do the opposite of what a conservative would do, just to be different/hateful...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I have no real desire to relive 8 years of unethical and downright criminal behavior on the part of Mrs. Clinton. And I hope like hell that, if she DOES get the nomination, Condi Rice isn't her opponent. I think Condi is too "high road" to punch Hillary in the mouth with all her ugly past deeds and remind the voters just what, exactly, they'll be getting if they elect this woman.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
I have no real desire to relive 8 years of unethical and downright criminal behavior on the part of Mrs. Clinton. And I hope like hell that, if she DOES get the nomination, Condi Rice isn't her opponent. I think Condi is too "high road" to punch Hillary in the mouth with all her ugly past deeds and remind the voters just what, exactly, they'll be getting if they elect this woman.
Condi would demolish her just by being Condi. The elitist leaders of the Democratic Party will never understand that the majority of Americans, including Democrats, do not like dishonest, manipulative candidates. They were just shown what happens when you put out a candidate that you can't trust but did the learn anything? Apparently not.


New Member
snuzzy said:
She will sell us to China, something her husband couldn't quite accomplish!
Well technically if you are looking for someone to "sell us to China," well just stay with President Bush. $420 billion deficit, of which the most is owned by China, who has bought up United States treasury checks like hotcakes.


This Space for Rent
rraley said:
Well technically if you are looking for someone to "sell us to China," well just stay with President Bush. $420 billion deficit, of which the most is owned by China, who has bought up United States treasury checks like hotcakes.

Most of our debt is domestically owned. In the second place, debt owning does not make ownership. Owning debt just gives you a right to being paid back and interest. Its nice the Chinese recognize a safe investment when they see it.

Also, even not paying does not allow anyone to take ownership through foreclosure or other means. If that was the case, we would own some prime real estate in Europe and the third world by now.


Well-Known Member
We would approach Roman-era real Politik...

if Hillary were to win. revenge would be the name of the game. The VRW Conspiracy would be hunted down. She would go after broadcasters who damaged her husband, Hillary-health care, and the bimbo eruptions.

She has a huge list of pay-backs because Liberals do NOT forgive & forget.

Her brutality toward the secret service will either lead to a private defense force for her or the Praetorian guard wacking her like Caligula.

Without a doubt,...she will drive the south deeper into the Republican party...the military does NOT believe her more "moderate" attempts of late.
AND...there are those in her own party that she wants "dealt with."

If she runs...and wins: better buy gold & bury it in the back yard, arm yourself well, and get your kids out of the government schools.
Mark my words.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Not only that Hessian, but if she is elected she could quite conceivably become the first woman president assassinated. No one get up in arms. I'm not recommending it. I'm just saying that she is a love/hate type of person. Some people absolutely love her. Some people absolutely hate her.


New Member
You know you all sound like most liberals talking about President Bush. Am I the only person who believes that we can disagree with each other politically but believes that we are decent people?
Talk about hyperbole...


New Member
rraley said:
You know you all sound like most liberals talking about President Bush. Am I the only person who believes that we can disagree with each other politically but believes that we are decent people?
Talk about hyperbole...
That's it! The whole problem in a nutshell...Hillary Clinton is not "decent people". She is evil, what she has done has been evil...and not enough people recognize this fact. I don't just disagree with her politically, that would be John Kerry, etc., I disagree with her attitude/behavior toward the military, her socialist views, there have been too many scandals associated with her and brushed under the carpet to not believe that she is inscrutable, White Water, not being the least of what has had her name attached to it. Hillary Clinton believes that the greatest evil in the world is the United States Military, and if she were to (heaven forbid) be elected into office, she would do whatever she can to weaken us militarily, that's just scary. Colin Powell/Condi Rice for 2008!


Football season!
2ndAmendment said:
No one get up in arms. I'm not recommending it. I'm just saying that she is a love/hate type of person. Some people absolutely love her. Some people absolutely hate her.
sounds like Bush, and he's still alive :shrug:


New Member
snuzzy said:
That's it! The whole problem in a nutshell...Hillary Clinton is not "decent people". She is evil, what she has done has been evil...and not enough people recognize this fact. I don't just disagree with her politically, that would be John Kerry, etc., I disagree with her attitude/behavior toward the military, her socialist views, there have been too many scandals associated with her and brushed under the carpet to not believe that she is inscrutable, White Water, not being the least of what has had her name attached to it. Hillary Clinton believes that the greatest evil in the world is the United States Military, and if she were to (heaven forbid) be elected into office, she would do whatever she can to weaken us militarily, that's just scary. Colin Powell/Condi Rice for 2008!

See my above about taking this to an extreme...I remember vraiblonde and others talking about liberals took the 2004 Election too seriously in that the thought that the world would end if Bush won reelection. Well it appears that most conservatives think that the same will happen under Hillary Clinton.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
sounds like Bush, and he's still alive :shrug:
I don't think so. I voted for Bush only to vote against Kerry. I do not "love" Bush. He is the lesser of two bad choices. I really don't like either of the two major parties. They both violate the letter and the spirit of the Constitution. Unless the people of the United States wake up soon, we will have no rights.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
rraley said:
See my above about taking this to an extreme...I remember vraiblonde and others talking about liberals took the 2004 Election too seriously in that the thought that the world would end if Bush won reelection. Well it appears that most conservatives think that the same will happen under Hillary Clinton.
I sure would like to give a broker a thousand dollars and walk away a few months later with a hundred thou or so. Sorry rr, the Clinton's are the worst group of slime to inhabit the White House during my life time. I have a friend who was in the Secret Service. I was told that Presidential duty under Clinton was bad duty and rotations went to 2 weeks from monthly because no one wanted it.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
I sure would like to give a broker a thousand dollars and walk away a few months later with a hundred thou or so. Sorry rr, the Clinton's are the worst group of slime to inhabit the White House during my life time. I have a friend who was in the Secret Service. I was told that Presidential duty under Clinton was bad duty and rotations went to 2 weeks from monthly because no one wanted it.

I'm not sure about that ancedotal evidence, but what I do know is that the Clinton's lost money on their Whitewater real estate venture. You know, if there was something seriously illegal about the Clinton's actions, their would have been legal action against them on that matter. All that Ken Starr got on either one of them was President Clinton lying under oath about sexual activity.

Don't mean to flame a battle here, but I believe that Clinton's "illegal" Whitewater deal is comparable to the Bush-Haliburton connection...there are some ways to twist them to create poor perceptions, but there is little substance.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
I remember vraiblonde and others talking about liberals took the 2004 Election too seriously in that the thought that the world would end if Bush won reelection. Well it appears that most conservatives think that the same will happen under Hillary Clinton.
I will take John Kerry any day over Hillary Clinton. He is merely a weak liberal - she is evil personified. She is completely corrupt - her behavior as First Lady was deplorable. I can't even imagine if she had absolute power like that.

Don't mean to flame a battle here, but I believe that Clinton's "illegal" Whitewater deal is comparable to the Bush-Haliburton connection...there are some ways to twist them to create poor perceptions, but there is little substance.
Wrong. Why do you think Susan MacDougal spent all that time in jail rather than testify? Why do you think everyone else connected with Whitewater went to jail? The whole thing was a cover-up that makes Watergate look like Sesame Street. The only reason those Clinton people aren't in prison right now is because the media covered it up for them and polished that turd until it shone. That's why you believe it was "only sex" - because that's what Dan Rather told you to believe.

Anyway, Whitewater is the least of her sins. It's hardly even worth mentioning, considering all the shady ugly things she's done. My personal favorite, though, is the "vast right-wing conspiracy" that was lying about her poor husband and trying to bring him down about that Lewinsky business. That cow is psychotic.