I'll stick my neck out on this day in 2005 and say categorically, that there is no way Hillary can win in 2008, and I don't think she can get the nomination.
Hillary was able to schmooze her way through the 2000 Senate election, and won on celebrity. She didn't have to deal with tough questions from anyone but Republicans, and these she either didn't answer or claimed that they were just more attacks on her due to her husband. The New York media just fawned over her. If she runs in 2008, she's going to be in a whole new ballgame. The rules have changed a lot since 1992, and I don't know anyone aside from RR who believes she's moderating her views on anything. She's extremely liberal, just like her husband, and since Bill won by acting moderate before the election, everyone's been expecting Hillary's reinvention for years. We knew this was exactly what she would do to try to win, and I don't think many people are buying it.
Secondly, Whitewater is going to come up again, and in a big way. Whitewater never went anywhere against Bill Clinton for two reasons: first he was only an ancillary player in the mess, and two, while Ken Starr did find evidence of wrong doing, he knew what an uphill climb it would be to get a conviction. Hillary, on the other hand, was a partner at the Rose Law Firm and was up to her neck in the scandal. No one went after her because she was the First Lady, but when she's Presidential Candidate Clinton, the gloves get to come off.
I think Hillary's biggest enemy will end up being herself. She'll try to bluff and bluster past all of the hard questions like she has in the past, and try a highly transparent "move to the middle", as if she were running in 2000 again. But the rules have changed, and the people have been fooled once.
As for me, I would love to see Condi Rice mop the floor with Hillary during the debates!