Biden says, "Clinton hard to beat in 2008"

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Biden says, "Clinton hard to beat in 2008"

And it's working for Biden as planned with all this talk about Hillary. This is Biden's plan to slip on in.

Biden said he is thinking about running again, 20 years after his first failed bid for the White House because "there's a lot at stake."

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
Joe has been all dressed up with no place to go for 20 years.
Some of that FDR juggling going on here. Joe doesn't want you to see what's in his other hand. :lmao:


I've changed my mind! Hillary will never be President but for a different reason.

Bill Clinton gave an interview over the weekend, and he was asked about Hillary becoming President. He went through the usual rah-rah of how she would make a great "first woman" president, and how he would do everything he could do to support her if she was elected. Now, think about that for a second. The first thing that struck me was that he said she would make a great "first woman" president and not a great president. My guess is in his mind she could never be as great as he was. If she's going to be great, it'll be with a caveat. Second, think about his doing everything he can to help her out.

Does anyone really think that Bill Clinton would be willing to sit around the White House being First Lady? Or do you think he would try to form Hillary's Presidency into his third term in office? How many people would feel that Bill was still in charge rather than her? Plus Bill would soak up all the interest and media for himself, and it would be like being First Lady for her all over again. Why would Hillary want to even do that? In the Senate she's her own woman. She can play Senator and Bill goes running around being a playboy, and they never have to really spend any time together. That would all change if she became President, and she would most likely have to divorice his ass, and she can't do that.

There were a lot of people who thought she was going to jump into the race last year, and she had a great opportunity to do it, but she passed. Maybe she's one of the few people who realizes what a mistake being President would be for her. She's got far more power in the Senate.


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Bruzilla said:
Does anyone really think that Bill Clinton would be willing to sit around the White House being First Lady? Or do you think he would try to form Hillary's Presidency into his third term in office? How many people would feel that Bill was still in charge rather than her?
That's always been my contention - that a Hillary presidency would eventually just be a third term for Bill, who can't be impeached just by by being First Lady.


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My gut tells me that the Democrats have to be in disarray if, only three months after the election they're discussing the NEXT election. Don't they have four years to actually accomplish something, first?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You people are not power mad... any stretch.

There are 100 Senators. There is ONE President of the Untied States of America.

Nobody every became President because they had nothing better to do. The job is a near complete invasion of every area of your existence and consumer of every second of your time.

Why would anyone do that? John Kerry missed pretty much every day of work as a suppossed big deal 'Senator' to run for President. It's not a knock on him, it's a knock on the job. People bug you to change banking regulations so they can move their credit card processing center to your state. Or you bug them so you can add 1,000 jobs.

I agree, Bill is not going to sit around and...bake cookies. She'll give him a job and the one that works best for them both is...UN Secretary General.

Who knows what they'll do to tolerate his ego? The point is, she and anyone else looking at the biggest brass ring there is have one life to live.

Her opportunity is WAY better in '08 as a re-elected US Senator against Mr/Mrs. X than it was against a known war time President after 4 years of her first term.

Why do you think the Biden notions make so much sense?

This is it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
They're always...

My gut tells me that the Democrats have to be in disarray disarray. That's what they do. How else does one explain Carter or Clinton? It's the party of opportunity for anyone to be the nominee.

Who was it that said "I belong to no particular organized party. I'm a Democrat."


Football season!
SamSpade said:
My gut tells me that the Democrats have to be in disarray if, only three months after the election they're discussing the NEXT election.
So what does the tell us about the republicans who have been discussing the exact same thing a lot recently?


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SmallTown said:
So what does the tell us about the republicans who have been discussing the exact same thing a lot recently?

Only way I've seen it phrased is, "so who's gonna run against Hillary". Far cry from the regular rhetoric coming from new DNC chairman Howard Dean ("This is a struggle of good and evil. And we're the good." - Howard Dean, February 27, 2005, Lawrence Kansas
who seems singularly fixated on the subject


Football season!
SamSpade said:
Only way I've seen it phrased is, "so who's gonna run against Hillary". Far cry from the regular rhetoric coming from new DNC chairman Howard Dean ("This is a struggle of good and evil. And we're the good." - Howard Dean, February 27, 2005, Lawrence Kansas
who seems singularly fixated on the subject
look through the threads on here and watch fox news. All about rudy, rice, powell, etc and it isn't about their current or previous jobs.

Not saying the dems aren't completely f'ed, just that this reasoning isn't valid.


Larry Gude said:
There are 100 Senators. There is ONE President of the Untied States of America.

You're right about the numbers, but tell me... who's the junior Senator from Arizona? Can you name either Senator from Missouri? How about Iowa? So it can be said that many Senators are practically invisible to the public. But let one of the Senators from NY, CA, or the senior Senator from Arizona break a mental wind and it becomes public debate and sometimes policy. Right now, Hillary has all of the power she wants, and no real accountability... who gets it better than that? :smile:

I think you're fooling only yourself if you think for one minute that Bill would be put out to pasture at the UN or as an ambassador somewheres. The press and the Lib elites love that guy, a lot more than they love Hillary. He sucks up all the attention wherever he goes and whatever he does. If Hillary goes to the White House, you can bet that Bill's going to be parked right next to her, at least in the eyes of the public. She's going to be second guessed on every action by the media, wondering if a: this is what Bill would do, or b: did Bill approve of this?

Nope... if Hillary really is smart she'll stay put in the Senate.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What did I just hear?

"Right now, Dan Snyder has all the free agents he wants"


Right now, Hillary has all of the power she wants

Maybe it's me, but that does not compute.

Hillary Clinton sucked alot of mud for a long time and she got Senator out of the deal. The question that enough?

What I see her doing is preparing for a run, not sitting back, denouncing all things republican and enjoying a nice, safe Senate seat. Bill and what to do with him will be dealt with when the time comes. He may serve the purpose being a highly visible distraction. Hell, the Bill show could provide cover for going about taking over the universe.



Larry Gude said:
Maybe it's me, but that does not compute.

Hillary Clinton sucked alot of mud for a long time and she got Senator out of the deal. The question that enough?

Put yourself in her cankle-hugging shoes for a minute. Let's say she becomes President in 2008. There's an extremely good chance that she's going to have a Republican-dominated Congress who loathes her on a personal level. How much is she going to be able to accomplish? Power unwielded is no power.

Next, Bill is back in her life full time, and is her own Billy Carter. When he isn't getting himself into trouble, he's getting in her way. And the first question asked after her opening statements at every press conference is "What does your husband think about this?" After every statement of a vision of her's, there's the press running over to Bill to get his opinion, and of course if the public supports it, it was really his idea. She'll get credit for nothing good that happens between 2008 and 2012... it'll all be the work of Bill.

She may be just a Senator, but there are senators and there are Senators. She's the darling of the news media and the Liberal elites; she's got Bill out of her hair; she can shape public policy by just musing about an issue on Meet The Press, and then sit back while Republicans run around like headless chickens trying to show why that would be the wrong thing to do. And if the public adopts the idea, it was all hers. Right now she's got all the power and weight of the Presidency, without all of the unwanted baggage.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Americans do in fact not only like a dishonest, manipulative candidate, but they LOVE one. As long as that dishonesty is accompanied by a smile, a wink and a pat on the butt.

This last election proved you are exactly right...DAMN