Biden Youth Brigade - Modern Hitler Youth / Young Pioneers


PREMO Member
All these nobody weirdos on Twitter, how do the ConBlogs even find them to promote them, and my guess is tweets are submitted along with a check, and boom - instant celebrity.

Wow that's a hell of a take ... ConBlogs are PAID ....

This crap is PUSHED by tiktok .... because progressives are viewing this so the algorithm says ' hey this is popular ' lets push this to EVERYBODY

OR ...

Libs of Tiktok goes looking for this progressive nonsense and re-transmits this to conservatives

hey look at what these crazy progressives are up to

Gays, Trans, AntiFa, Woke Businesses .....


PREMO Member

Piers Morgan STUNNED As Paid Democrat Influencer Claims Biden Is Mentally Fit For Office After Coup!​

Wes Moore .. what a lying sack of crap ... I told Joe the Truth

there were concerns ...

NOT That he was mentally deficient, but people were EXPRESSING concerns
