Biden's America Last Program


PREMO Member

East/Gulf Coast Longshoreman Union President on a Potential Strike: "I Will Cripple You!"​

Spoken like a true Mafia thug ... they made millions during Covid, I want cut, for my guys .... we worked when NO ONE Else did, my guys on the docks, getting sick, dying .... demanding a 70% pay raise over the next 6 yrs .... many are already making $ 150 a yr

Dude YOU GOT PAID During Covid millions got sick, it's the flu FFS ... 99% survival rate, you were more like to die FROM SOMETHING ELSE then Covid

Were are going to block the ports, nothing comes in unless we say so .... if Biden sends us back to work, we are going to work AS SLOWLY AS POSSIBLE .... Fire them all are replace them with Migrants

I have a vague reconciliation of Port Workers getting a paid a lot of money to work during Covid

Port workers earn some of the highest wages among blue-collar workers. Under the current contract with the East Coast union, a top-scale longshoreman could earn up to $39 an hour, which translates to about $81,000 a year. But many workers take overtime and extra shifts that have higher rates.

Neither the union nor the ports have disclosed exact pay levels. But according to a 2020 report by the Waterfront Commission, the regulator that oversees New York Harbor, more than half of the longshoremen based there made $150,000 or more.

The 47,000 dockworkers represented by the International Longshoremen’s Association are asking for higher pay, claiming that “ocean carriers’ profits skyrocketed from millions to mega-billion dollars, while ILA longshore wages remained flat.”

The ILA is asking for a $5-an-hour raise for each of the six years of the new contract, which means the hourly rate could reach $69 by 2030. The union is also asking for better benefits and is opposing the use of automated technologies at ports.
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PREMO Member

Quick facts:

-dockworkers were told they’d get a pay raise of 50% over 5 years, they are demanding 77% over 6 years.
-this strike will cost America $1 billion a day
-for every one day the ports are shut down, it will back up America seven days



PREMO Member

Dozens of Meat Processing Plants Expected to Shut Down Under New EPA Rules

The EPA announced a proposed rule change governing effluent, or wastewater, limits for meat and poultry processors in January of this year, followed by public comment in the spring.
The agency’s final rule will go into effect in August 2025.

The proposal has met with opposition from dozens of states, industry stakeholders, and policy experts, who fear it will harm the industry, the food supply, and consumers.

The proposed changes are spurred by lawsuits filed by a coalition of 13 environmental organizations. In 2019, the groups challenged the Trump administration under the Clean Water Act for not updating aging water pollution control standards for slaughterhouses and meat processing plants.

In response, the EPA pledged to strengthen its regulations, without implementing changes. In December 2022, a second lawsuit was filed, resulting in the current proposal.

The proposed rule contains three possible options for reducing wastewater discharges from slaughterhouses and poultry processors through water filtration technology.


Well-Known Member
What is wrong with you? Are you on disability because of your brain? This is garbage, you are destroying the forum and @vraiblonde is just letting it happen.

Hundreds of threads of slop
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PREMO Member
There is nothing wrong with me, you however are an atypical progressive troll, who thinks they are morally superior to the rest of the forum members, you alone are the arbiter of what is truth and what is garbage. Only YOU and your ilk have the moral high ground, Trump and his supporters are Anti American, Crypto Fascists who hate queers, BIPOC and Gaia, YOUR Solutions to the ills of the world are the Final Solution, your kind would ban anyone not towing the party line, espousing the party narrative, would have ANYONE Disagreeing with YOUR Narrative starving like the Kulaks or sent to re-education camps, or just put up against a wall. You want to replace Americans with illegal immigrants, tear down the Republic and replace the Gov. with Marxist / Socialist Ideals ... Equal Outcomes based on Race and Intersectional Identy.

1. I take great pleasure in annoying, by all means you keep complaining.

2. Ah yes you have nothing cognicant to say so you make Ad Hominem Attacks.

3. YOUR Opinion on what IS and is NOT Garbage is irrelevant. Like any other Authoritarian with Fascist Tendencies Anything YOU do not like or agree with is trash, slop, garbage, propaganda, unworthy of publication, disinformation or misinformation, or lies. You are 100% free to post all the counter points you want, PROVE The Information I put up Wrong ... but no you won't, like any Authoritarian you just call Anything and Everything you disagree with or that goes against the Progressive Narrative as garbage, because all you have is emotional responses and DNC Talking Points - PROVEN Time and Again to be the REAL LIES. You can only make personal attacks - Anti American, an ist or a phobe against some favored progressive group, or program, or initiative

3a. You want me silenced, because information I provide shows time and again You and Your Ilk are full of lies and Progressive policies are destroying this country.

4. You are minor piss-ant, nobody cares about, Long Time Forum Members laugh at and deride you, and your ignorant progressive talking points constantly. If you think you are making any points here besides to your progressive buddy StMarys' you are delusional and need to re-evaluate your life choices.

5. Hundreds of threads of Slop ? Yeah Ok Junior, you should sit down and be quiet the adults are talking. I am thanked for my efforts, sure some days there is a bit more to post, the world is a busy place and news varies greatly from day to day and trying to make sense of Twitter posts is a bit confusing with the way quote tweeting works. But again as I said, ANYTHING You do not like is slop.

I'm gonna pull up some quotes to close this out :loser:

You keep denying you are TJ / Transpoter, but you sure spew venom and nonsense like she did;

Every post you make is against anyone or any group that doesn't conform to your propagandist viewpoints.

My Man Toxic it best ......

Your entire post is a study in bullshit. In your rambling rhetoric filled diatribe, you did not make one single coherent argument. That had to be intentional, because most people, even when they're blathering about whatever, will most often accidentally make a point. You, however, managed to dodge that bullet with efficiency and finesse.

I've read enough of your posts to know that your level of hypocrisy is no less than anyone else here, and quite a bit more than some. So tell your story walking.

You realize that right here, you are doing exactly what you are simultaneously scornfully accusing everyone else of doing.
Do you even have the self-awareness to even realize this?

No logic or evidence presented. Simple assertions with no backup or basis in reality.


Use this and 100's of threads of slop and garbage vanish in an instant

bitch you are a fan.jpg




Well-Known Member
There is nothing wrong with me, you however are an atypical progressive troll, who thinks they are morally superior to the rest of the forum members, you alone are the arbiter of what is truth and what is garbage. Only YOU and your ilk have the moral high ground, Trump and his supporters are Anti American, Crypto Fascists who hate queers, BIPOC and Gaia, YOUR Solutions to the ills of the world are the Final Solution, your kind would ban anyone not towing the party line, espousing the party narrative, would have ANYONE Disagreeing with YOUR Narrative starving like the Kulaks or sent to re-education camps, or just put up against a wall. You want to replace Americans with illegal immigrants, tear down the Republic and replace the Gov. with Marxist / Socialist Ideals ... Equal Outcomes based on Race and Intersectional Identy.

1. I take great pleasure in annoying, by all means you keep complaining.

2. Ah yes you have nothing cognicant to say so you make Ad Hominem Attacks.

3. YOUR Opinion on what IS and is NOT Garbage is irrelevant. Like any other Authoritarian with Fascist Tendencies Anything YOU do not like or agree with is trash, slop, garbage, propaganda, unworthy of publication, disinformation or misinformation, or lies. You are 100% free to post all the counter points you want, PROVE The Information I put up Wrong ... but no you won't, like any Authoritarian you just call Anything and Everything you disagree with or that goes against the Progressive Narrative as garbage, because all you have is emotional responses and DNC Talking Points - PROVEN Time and Again to be the REAL LIES. You can only make personal attacks - Anti American, an ist or a phobe against some favored progressive group, or program, or initiative

3a. You want me silenced, because information I provide shows time and again You and Your Ilk are full of lies and Progressive policies are destroying this country.

4. You are minor piss-ant, nobody cares about, Long Time Forum Members laugh at and deride you, and your ignorant progressive talking points constantly. If you think you are making any points here besides to your progressive buddy StMarys' you are delusional and need to re-evaluate your life choices.

5. Hundreds of threads of Slop ? Yeah Ok Junior, you should sit down and be quiet the adults are talking. I am thanked for my efforts, sure some days there is a bit more to post, the world is a busy place and news varies greatly from day to day and trying to make sense of Twitter posts is a bit confusing with the way quote tweeting works. But again as I said, ANYTHING You do not like is slop.

I'm gonna pull up some quotes to close this out :loser:

You keep denying you are TJ / Transpoter, but you sure spew venom and nonsense like she did;

My Man Toxic it best ......

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Use this and 100's of threads of slop and garbage vanish in an instant

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So it is because of your brain. Hope you get some help dude.