Or option 3, like I said above....they support Biden because they’re “supposed to.” They don’t actually know anything about him or what was reported or what he campaigned on.
This reminds me of religious discussions I had with my Mom, when I was younger. She would dispute some belief my church had and I would say "Mom, YOUR church teaches that too". And she would lean back and call to my Dad "Sweetheart, does (her church) believe (such and such)?". He'd answer, yes dear.
"Wow - I didn't know I believed that". And I rolled my eyes back into my head. I could get that someone didn't know the beliefs of their own church - but they SHOULD KNOW WHAT THEY PERSONALLY BELIEVE. You shouldn't need affirmation from someone else for what it is that YOU believe.
Ditto your political party. Maybe you don't know a lot about an issue - but you shouldn't have to consult your political party to know what it is YOU believe. You KNOW what YOU think - usually.