Nanny Pam
IMHO - everyone who takes drugs, smokes cigarettes, doesn't wear a seatbelt, goes out without sunscreen, etc etc is being a fool. To each his own. Choose to protect yourself, or not.
I like to ride. I used to love smoking, and rarely used sunscreen. The only time I didn't have a seat belt on was when I was in the back seat and carsick. Guess what? We got a ticket for $116.00
Oh, the merry-go-round life has us on. I love it!
I hope to ride over there to meet ya'll this summer.
across that damn bay bridge....there I go again, living dangerously.
I like to ride. I used to love smoking, and rarely used sunscreen. The only time I didn't have a seat belt on was when I was in the back seat and carsick. Guess what? We got a ticket for $116.00
Oh, the merry-go-round life has us on. I love it!
I hope to ride over there to meet ya'll this summer.
across that damn bay bridge....there I go again, living dangerously.