Big Brother 11



When are nominations? I wanna know when to check the spoiler website so I don't have to wait :lol:

Officially its Sunday...but... you can watch BB11 After Dark on Showtime like I do from 12am - 3am :nerd: :lol: All I know tonight from watch this is Natalie has set her wagon onto Lydia and is bonding all night :lol:


Did you see Chima telling Kevin what to do during the HOH comp? And he listened to her.. I hate Chima and want her gone. And Kevin isn't Lydia's friend at all.. I wonder how much butt kissing Natalie is gonna do now, all she did before was stay up Jesse's butt. Who knows what Michelle will do.. I figure she will do whatever someone tells her to do.

I know. I know the guy is gay but does that really mean he can't have a set? I liked him a lot at first but lately, he's going down on my list. He didn't even take his buddy Lydia off the block when he had the pov. He's one of Chima's little puppets now. I really can't stand Chima.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Chima, Natalie and Michelle supposedly have a pact to get rid of the guys. Although I know Michelle isn't stupid so who knows. I hope she gets rid of Chima because I can't stand her. I would have rathered Jessie stay over her.

Me too. Although Jessie was basically running the house, at least he wasn't as b!tchy as Chima.

I don't think it is right that Chima told Kevin who to pick. I don't think he would have put Jeff and Jordan up together. Kevin is so stuck up Chima's but.

Yeah, and it's getting old quick! I hope he takes his head out soon and sees the light of day once again.

She's gonna put up Chima and Natalie (with just a small chance that she switches one of those for Lydia).

That's what I'd love to see. The house would he SO much different without Chima there. Boy, would Natalie be kissing some serious butt then! :killingme


Chima is on the block! :yahoo: Chima is on the block :yahoo: Chima is on the block :yahoo:


You're a LOON :)
Chima's Exclusive Interview with the Examiner

Today, Chima Simone sat down and composed an email for the Big Brother Examiner. Below you'll find a transcript. You will find that Chima's portrayal of the events is somewhat different then what CBS is pushing out there for the audience. There are questions yet to be answered, but this makes for some interesting reading.

Hi Thomas. Yes, I did in fact quit the show, although there are reports on EW from CBS to the contrary. Big Brother would like everyone to believe I was kicked off for not following the rules, but I went to the producers repeatedly over the past couple of days wanting to leave....wanting out of that house!

As crazy as that house is, the producers NEVER want the world to think or know that we houseguests DO LEAVE when it becomes futile to stay. I lost faith in the show & my ability to remain committed to this game. All of the remaining housemates know I wanted to leave and that is why any conversation concerning me is cut in the live feed because they don't want America to hear the truth about my voluntary departure.

Do you really believe that I would be expelled for tossing my microphone when past houseguests have only been kicked off for violence & threats of violence? You know better, as do I.

It's better that I left. I did what was best for me in this game and that was to leave. When I chose to play & play hard the power I did earn was completely usurped by a game piece never used before in this game and my HOH reign was rendered useless. I have no regrets. As cliche' as it sounds, until the public is a part of a human pressure cooker, then the judgements should cease.

I find it interesting that my personal attacks on Russell have been highlighted, but his attacks on me pushed under a rug. Selective portrayals? I think so. Russell did terrorize the house, especially the women in the house. Why America constantly finds men attacking women okay, yet vilifies the woman defending herself, will always confound me. But what's done is done, now BB fans can find a new woman to hate. I didn't sign up for what I was exposed to & I left gladly. It was the principle of the matter, the $500,000 prize be damned. That's all for now! Take Care...

Well, there you have it ladies and gentlemen from the keyboard of the lady herself and straight to you via cut and paste!


nunya bidnis
Chima is just a whiney cry baby who didn't get her way and forgot it was a game. So she threw a fit (mic in the hot tub) and they had to shut down live feeds to actually have a producer go in the house to try and calm her and everyone else down. She would not listen and was being disrespectful and flicking off the cameras. I am glad she is gone. HAHAHAHAHA!