birth control


I have not been on birth control for 6 years and I think some things have changed. I want to make an appt to go get started but wanted some opinions.

I really don't plan on having more kids but I don't want to get "fixed" and neither does my huband.

Does anyone use the NuvaRing? It would be nice to not have to remember a pill everyday. It seems weird to insert it yourself every month but it sounds like a good option. Any reason to avoid it?

Do you know if you ask for the pill will the doctor pick the pill that is right for you or can you choose the one where you only get your period a few times a year? That would be great.

I know I can ask my doctor these questions and I will when I make an appointment, I just wanted to see if anyone would share personal experience to let me know what is good and what to avoid.


Active Member
I was going to try NuvaRing but procrastinated putting it in and got knocked up instead :killingme

If you're looking for something a little longer term there are other options.

-Implanon is an implant that goes into your arm. Good for 3 years. Some minor scarring on insertion (REALLY big needle) and a bigger scar coming out (about 1cm long)

-Mirena is an IUD that is hormone based and lasts 5 years.

-ParaGard is a copper (non-hormone) IUD that lasts 10 years.

Personally I'd go for an IUD (actually I did go for it), insertion is pretty close to painless and I haven't had it removed yet so I can't speak to that. Doc told me it was a quick, simple and painless process to get it out.

Implant is a bit more involved to have inserted and removed (local anesthesia is involved) and I personally didn't care for the scarring when it came out.

One other option your doc may pitch to you is Depo Provera, it's a 3-month shot. I would avoid it because the side effects are so unpredictable. I was on it for several years, gained boatloads of weight and couldn't lose a single pound so long as I was on it. Had friends take it that didn't have the weight issue but they turned into great big hormonal messes until it got out of their system. Some people bleed the entire time they are on it, some people don't bleed at all. The packaging lists every possible side effect but it really is a total lottery as to which ones you'll be hit by.


mv = margaritaville
I use the ring. LOVE IT.

I could never remember to take my damn pill everyday. It's easy to put it in and take it out. And you can take it out for up to three hours for those extra long sex sessions you might have


Obama destroyed America
I use the ring. LOVE IT.

I could never remember to take my damn pill everyday. It's easy to put it in and take it out. And you can take it out for up to three hours for those extra long sex sessions you might have
You meant three minutes right?


Cleopatra Jones
Hated the NuvaRing because it always came out during the deed. Have heard others that have had a lot of luck with it though.


aka Mrs. Giant
Do you know if you ask for the pill will the doctor pick the pill that is right for you or can you choose the one where you only get your period a few times a year? That would be great.

Be really careful with any of those options that can stop your period and discuss them carefully with your doctor. The side effects can be huge and complicated and long-term. I did the Depo shot and thought at the time I loved it, but discovered soon enough I had some serious issues with it.

I'm on a low hormone pill. I don't have any problems remembering to take it when I take my vitamins.


I use the ring. LOVE IT.

I could never remember to take my damn pill everyday. It's easy to put it in and take it out. And you can take it out for up to three hours for those extra long sex sessions you might have

Why would you want to take it out? It is unsafe to have extended sex with it in? Can it get jammed up in there to the point where you can't get it out without professional help?


Hot Flash
Hated the NuvaRing because it always came out during the deed. Have heard others that have had a lot of luck with it though.

My daughter has used the Nuva Ring for over four years and she loves it.

Condoms are not always effective... take it from me... :coffee:
Condom failure is the reason I have my daughter. :lol:

Why would you want to take it out? It is unsafe to have extended sex with it in? Can it get jammed up in there to the point where you can't get it out without professional help?
My daughter takes it out during sex because she says her partner can feel it.

Maybe I shouldn't know these things.

I used Depo shots for over a year. It gave me migraines. I never had them before and haven't had any since I stopped.

Do some more research on the ring. If I needed birth control now I would choose it.


Well-Known Member
Ortho-Tricyclene=Thing 1
NuvaRing=Thing 2
Mirena=Thing 3

No birth controls are 100% effective and I used mine correctly. I've heard from plenty of women that they've had no issues with the Mirena. As far as the NuvaRing, it came out a few times during sex. Doctor said it was because of me being "shallow" and him being "above average". :lol: As far as Depo goes, my doctor actually does not recommend it for anyone. I gained 25 pounds while on it for 2 cycles. I missed several periods and that is just not healthy for your system. Being that I have PCOS, I had to go off of it. My cysts would just build up and hurt like a mofo when they ruptured.


Thats how them b*tch's R
With all these options wouldn't it be easier if we could take a pill if you wanted to get pregnant, lol.


mv = margaritaville
My daughter has used the Nuva Ring for over four years and she loves it.

Condom failure is the reason I have my daughter. :lol:

My daughter takes it out during sex because she says her partner can feel it.

Maybe I shouldn't know these things.

I used Depo shots for over a year. It gave me migraines. I never had them before and haven't had any since I stopped.

Do some more research on the ring. If I needed birth control now I would choose it.
:yeahthat: He may or may not feel it. Or which case you could remove it for that. can't get stuck up anywhere. :lol: