birth control


New Member
Oh yeah. I forgot about this option. I see the commercials for it all the time. Definately something to concider.

I have it and love it. Going on my second year with it. I love love love not having to change anything or take a pill. I am only 26 and have two kids and was looking for something that wasn't permanent and after doing some research and deciding I was tired of the pill I talked to my doctor and we decided this was the best option for me.

Definitely weigh all options out there, especially cost. Luckily with my insurance I only paid my $30 co-pay, but a friend of mine wasn't so lucky and had to pay out of pocket... But when you do the cost analysis for say pills for 5 years vs the one time fee for this, it was cheaper to do the Mirena.


New Member
I use the Mirena as well...I love it! There is absolutely no concern and you don't even notice it at all. Plus you have the added benefit that it makes your periods much lighter to almost non-existent.


New Member
I used to use the patch. I don't know if they make it anymore. (Haven't been on BC for years) It was great and there was no worry about it falling off. Changed it every week for three and the fourth just took it off. Worked like a champ.


New Member
I used NuvaRing for several years, and loved it too! I didn't have any issues with it coming out. It was nice not having to remember to take the pill everyday.


black widow
I'd like to get on something different myself.

I'm on Depo currently, and I second any statements made about its unpredictable side effects and weight issues. In addition to plain medication-like side effects, Depo tricks your body into thinking it's pregnant, so you get cravings, hot flashes (x10 if you had them to begin with), bloating, sore breasts, and nearly everything else that comes with it.

The pill's quick to knock off the list for me, because I can't remember to take it everyday. Even if I could, God forbid I didn't have it with me when I needed to take it.

The patch is disgusting. Dirt, fibers, and dust build up under the edges of it over the course of the week that you're supposed to wear it just like a Band-Aid, and the gunk is just as difficult to get off, if not moreso.

The Nuva Ring - I'll just say I have short fingers. I can't reach my cervix, which is where it's supposed to sit on top of a ridge so that it stays in place. I don't know how women get those things in place. Having a ring slip out in the middle of the day at work while you're walking up the stairs is AWKWARD. Try walking while that's going on.

By the looks of this thread I think I want to switch to Mirena. Has anyone experienced bothersome side effects from it? I'm mostly concerned about weight and anything making my hot flashes worse. If I'm on the wrong BC you'd think I was in menopause the way I get them :(


New Member
I'd like to get on something different myself.

By the looks of this thread I think I want to switch to Mirena. Has anyone experienced bothersome side effects from it? I'm mostly concerned about weight and anything making my hot flashes worse. If I'm on the wrong BC you'd think I was in menopause the way I get them :(

I have had no side effects that I have noticed since being on the Mirena. Feel free to PM me with any questions you may have!


Ortho-Tricyclene=Thing 1
NuvaRing=Thing 2
Mirena=Thing 3

No birth controls are 100% effective and I used mine correctly. I've heard from plenty of women that they've had no issues with the Mirena. As far as the NuvaRing, it came out a few times during sex. Doctor said it was because of me being "shallow" and him being "above average". :lol: As far as Depo goes, my doctor actually does not recommend it for anyone. I gained 25 pounds while on it for 2 cycles. I missed several periods and that is just not healthy for your system. Being that I have PCOS, I had to go off of it. My cysts would just build up and hurt like a mofo when they ruptured.

Yikes! Did the doctor say you have an increased egg supply or something? :lol:


Cubscout MoM
I've been on Mirena for almost 3 years. I love it! The only side effect that I've had is a lack of periods. They started out light, then tappered off to nothing. Other then that I don't even no its there. I have to tell you that the first 24 hours of having it I did have bad cramps, but after that never again. In the long run it was worth it and I'm very happy with my choice. I know I have to have it removed in 2 years, does anyone know if I can have it replaced with another one? Or do I have to be off it for a lengh of time? That was never really explained. Good luck with your choice.


Well-Known Member
The Nuva Ring - I'll just say I have short fingers. I can't reach my cervix, which is where it's supposed to sit on top of a ridge so that it stays in place. I don't know how women get those things in place. Having a ring slip out in the middle of the day at work while you're walking up the stairs is AWKWARD. Try walking while that's going on.

Have your partner insert it for you. If his fingers are too short...then find a new partner. :lol:


The best from of birth control I found thats works GREAT is to have the Woman is to just open up and say ahhhhhh and no babys later and don't forget the PEACE$ quiet:1bdz:
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If you are talking about a BJ, what about the woman's pleasure? If you are talking about "pulling out," note that it has has a high rate a failure.

The pleasure for the woman's not being pregnantandthe man's real pleasure is not hearing 9moths of belly aching everybody is Happy!:yahoo:


Well-Known Member
The pleasure for the woman's not being pregnantandthe man's real pleasure is not hearing 9moths of belly aching everybody is Happy!:yahoo:

Your woman's cooch has moths in it? You should put her on the pill and stop asking for BJs.


Protected By Trunk Monkey
I've tried both Depo and Mirena. Loved not having a regular cycle but I had side effects with both.

Depo (for approx 4 years). Side effects: Some weight gain, random spotting - usually at the most inconvenient times, intense bloating around the time I should've been on my cycle, mood swings and lower back pain that got worse over time. There's also talk that the Depo causes bone density loss which I think I've suffered from.

Mirena (for 3 years). Side effects: After insertion, sex was painful (in certain positions) for a couple of weeks, some weight gain, occasional bloating, became very achy over time with hip and back pain. I had the Mirena taken out a year ago and the aches and pains went away within weeks and I feel so much better now. Sucks to be back on a regular cycle but I'd trade that for the aches and pains any day!


Little ol' Me
I'd like to get on something different myself.

I'm on Depo currently, and I second any statements made about its unpredictable side effects and weight issues. In addition to plain medication-like side effects, Depo tricks your body into thinking it's pregnant, so you get cravings, hot flashes (x10 if you had them to begin with), bloating, sore breasts, and nearly everything else that comes with it.

The pill's quick to knock off the list for me, because I can't remember to take it everyday. Even if I could, God forbid I didn't have it with me when I needed to take it.

The patch is disgusting. Dirt, fibers, and dust build up under the edges of it over the course of the week that you're supposed to wear it just like a Band-Aid, and the gunk is just as difficult to get off, if not moreso.

The Nuva Ring - I'll just say I have short fingers. I can't reach my cervix, which is where it's supposed to sit on top of a ridge so that it stays in place. I don't know how women get those things in place. Having a ring slip out in the middle of the day at work while you're walking up the stairs is AWKWARD. Try walking while that's going on.

By the looks of this thread I think I want to switch to Mirena. Has anyone experienced bothersome side effects from it? I'm mostly concerned about weight and anything making my hot flashes worse. If I'm on the wrong BC you'd think I was in menopause the way I get them :(

I am currently on the Depo and love it, I about 2 months ago tried the Mirena, my doctor ended up punchering (sp) my insides and put me into false labor for over 8 hours. Had it removed that night, never went back to try it again and went back to depo..


I have not been on birth control for 6 years and I think some things have changed. I want to make an appt to go get started but wanted some opinions.

I really don't plan on having more kids but I don't want to get "fixed" and neither does my huband.

Does anyone use the NuvaRing? It would be nice to not have to remember a pill everyday. It seems weird to insert it yourself every month but it sounds like a good option. Any reason to avoid it?

Do you know if you ask for the pill will the doctor pick the pill that is right for you or can you choose the one where you only get your period a few times a year? That would be great.

I know I can ask my doctor these questions and I will when I make an appointment, I just wanted to see if anyone would share personal experience to let me know what is good and what to avoid.

Tell him to go get clipped and quit being a pussy. Let him know that your panooch is off limits until he gets it done.


New Member
One other option your doc may pitch to you is Depo Provera, it's a 3-month shot. I would avoid it because the side effects are so unpredictable. I was on it for several years, gained boatloads of weight and couldn't lose a single pound so long as I was on it. Had friends take it that didn't have the weight issue but they turned into great big hormonal messes until it got out of their system. Some people bleed the entire time they are on it, some people don't bleed at all. The packaging lists every possible side effect but it really is a total lottery as to which ones you'll be hit by.[/QUOTE]

This 1 is preferred by fathers for their daughters...because, after all; what boy wants to screw a fat, bit@#y, psycho who won't stop bleeding??


New Member
I was on from 15 till I was 27 or 28, no problems AT ALL, I loved it...then missed a few appointments and switched up to the vaginal contraceptive film/strips that you insert...which worked great for a few years..BUTTTT...I'm also 36 weeks preggo at the moment...
In reading this, I'm going to check on that Mirena thing or go back on DEPO as SOON as baby Chase arrives !! Great Info LADIES !!!


New Member
I've been on Mirena for almost 3 years. I love it! The only side effect that I've had is a lack of periods. They started out light, then tappered off to nothing. Other then that I don't even no its there. I have to tell you that the first 24 hours of having it I did have bad cramps, but after that never again. In the long run it was worth it and I'm very happy with my choice. I know I have to have it removed in 2 years, does anyone know if I can have it replaced with another one? Or do I have to be off it for a lengh of time? That was never really explained. Good luck with your choice.

My doctor told me that after 5 years we just remove it and replace it with a new one! Very uncomplicated! I agree though...I did have horrible cramps the first day but have had no problems since. I still have cycle symptoms (cramps, headache, irritability), but I don't actually get a period anymore.