birth control


My doctor told me that after 5 years we just remove it and replace it with a new one! Very uncomplicated! I agree though...I did have horrible cramps the first day but have had no problems since. I still have cycle symptoms (cramps, headache, irritability), but I don't actually get a period anymore.

That's something I can't get my mind past. Our bodies go through a cycle and I feel like interupting it would mess me up somewhere down the line. I was on the pill, started at age 15 and at 18 I was pregnant with my 1st. Never missed a pill; however, I was on antibiotics. Whoops!!:whack: I seriously can't recall my OB or the doctor who prescriped me the antibiotic telling me about using back-up BC. I haven't been on any form of BC sense.. just condoms. I'm almost 25 now. I wish I could get my head pass the fact that having no period is "okay and healthy".. cuz we all know, condoms suck. :wink:


Little ol' Me
That's something I can't get my mind past. Our bodies go through a cycle and I feel like interupting it would mess me up somewhere down the line. I was on the pill, started at age 15 and at 18 I was pregnant with my 1st. Never missed a pill; however, I was on antibiotics. Whoops!!:whack: I seriously can't recall my OB or the doctor who prescriped me the antibiotic telling me about using back-up BC. I haven't been on any form of BC sense.. just condoms. I'm almost 25 now. I wish I could get my head pass the fact that having no period is "okay and healthy".. cuz we all know, condoms suck. :wink:

My doctor saidjust because you don't have a period your body does still go through it's cycle and cleanse itself.


New Member
I have had the Mirena for almost 5 years and I love it. It made my period extremely light which is fine with me. I haven't had any side effects at all. I have tried most of the other birth control options and didn't have any luck. This one is great for me. Good Luck!


My doctor saidjust because you don't have a period your body does still go through it's cycle and cleanse itself.

Open question for any lady who can/wants to answer: How are your periods once they start back up? I ask because I had a co-worker who didn't get periods on her birth control. When she would stop the B.C., her periods were so bad that she would soak through. After about 3-4 months they would level out and be "normal". I'm not 100% positive, but I think she told me she was on the Depo shot. You can PM me a response if you don't want to put it out there. T.I.A.!

Oh, and is the whole deal with the "no periods is okay" thing relatively new? As in within 5-10 years new? Nothing our Mom's/Grandma's etc. experienced?


aka Mrs. Giant
My doctor saidjust because you don't have a period your body does still go through it's cycle and cleanse itself.

Whereas my doctor said there is nothing normal about that and refuses to put anybody on the depo or other things. :shrug: He also says there just isn't enough long term research done on the drugs, so we have no clue what complications could arise later on. Considering the complications I had with depo prior to going to him, I believe he is right.


aka Mrs. Giant
Open question for any lady who can/wants to answer: How are your periods once they start back up? I ask because I had a co-worker who didn't get periods on her birth control. When she would stop the B.C., her periods were so bad that she would soak through. After about 3-4 months they would level out and be "normal". I'm not 100% positive, but I think she told me she was on the Depo shot. You can PM me a response if you don't want to put it out there. T.I.A.!

Oh, and is the whole deal with the "no periods is okay" thing relatively new? As in within 5-10 years new? Nothing our Mom's/Grandma's etc. experienced?

I had the worst periods ever after going off depo. It actually was one huge long running period for several weeks. Then when I thought it was over, it wasn't. :ohwell: My doctor wanted a "regular" cycle before putting me on the pill. That took about 6 months.

Of course, I went off the pill over a year ago, and had some bad periods, but not as bad as going off depo. And my cycle was normal off the bat.


Active Member
Open question for any lady who can/wants to answer: How are your periods once they start back up? I ask because I had a co-worker who didn't get periods on her birth control. When she would stop the B.C., her periods were so bad that she would soak through. After about 3-4 months they would level out and be "normal". I'm not 100% positive, but I think she told me she was on the Depo shot. You can PM me a response if you don't want to put it out there. T.I.A.!

Oh, and is the whole deal with the "no periods is okay" thing relatively new? As in within 5-10 years new? Nothing our Mom's/Grandma's etc. experienced?

I was on depo with no periods for about 7 years. About 6 months after my last shot I got an Implanon, a 3 year implant. I had the implant removed after the 3 years were up. I got pregnant about a month after implant removal. I had my first period about 6 weeks after I gave birth.

So take from that what you will ;) (BTW, the periods now are absolutely wretched; but how much of that is because of baby and how much of that was from 10+ years of BC who knows)