I'm not negative with single mom's. Not at all. Crap happens. But when you have 3 kids and have never been married. Then yeah, I have a problem with that. I can see if you get pregnant while you are single and then you meet up with someone and get married and then have kids. Okay, so maybe you get pregnant a second time and still aren't married. But by this point, you should know what causes the pregnancy and be a little more careful. But if you are careless and get pregnant a third time, then what do you expect out of life? I'm not saying someone has ruined their life, but they make it that much harder on them. So instead of having one job and being able to spend more time with the kids, a person has to have two jobs so the kids can have stuff and be provided for. And men at this age aren't looking to take in a girl with 3 kids. So now the mother's love life won't be worth much.
So what is Socki's story? Why does she have three kids and isn't with any of their fathers? What is her story so that I too will feel sorry for her?