Blue City State Schadenfreude - Elections have Consequences


Power with Control
"Announcing a crime crisis might panic the public"

Dude, the public already KNOWS you have a crime crisis............. They are the FUCVING VICTIMS OF IT!!!!!!!!!


PREMO Member

Dems Are Getting Mugged By Reality, Often Literally

Some Democrats are waking up and noticing that the policies they’ve been cheerleading have produced violent crime waves, a massive migrant crisis, and genocidal antisemitism. One would hope the public at large is catching on as well.


At the same time, Democratic mayors are finding their cities being mugged by the illegal immigrants that Biden and his open-border cronies have let flood into the country.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams recenty announced plans to cut $4 billion from the city’s budget, including canceling the hiring of new police officers, to pay for the influx of more than 100,000 illegals in the past year.

Andre Vasquez, who heads the Chicago City Council’s Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Rights, told Politico “You’re hearing sentiments that are not dissimilar from what you would hear at Trump rallies. … There are people who are saying ‘the Democratic Party isn’t doing anything for us’ and ‘look at what we’re stuck with.’”

Maybe that’s because, as one Chicago Democrat pointed out, while tens of thousands of blacks in the city are homeless, illegals are being put up in hotels.

And in the wake of Hamas’ genocidal attack on Israel, liberals got figuratively mugged by the realization that the Marxist “critical theory” ideology they’ve been peddling has spawned virulent antisemitic hatred among college students, and faculty, and prominent leftist Democratic lawmakers.


Well-Known Member
I imagine the time it takes to get an Uber depends a lot on where you live.
It has nothing to do with racism it has to do with drivers who value their lives.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I love me some Dem on Dem action. :popcorn:

Birmingham ghetto punks tried to riot and loot in my city over Spring Break last year and our cops kicked the sh*t out of them. They tried to run back to their shithole city and our law enforcement chased them down and arrested the ones they didn't put in the hospital.

There was a threat to show up this year and area cops were like, "Yeah buddy! Come on down!" because they don't get much of a chance to practice their mad police brutality skillz. Ghetto thugs changed their plans and went somewhere else, and we had a relatively peaceful Spring Break.

Because that's how it works. If you vote to allow ghetto scum to bust up your city, rob, rape, and kill people, that's what you'll get.



PREMO Member

Homeless Woman Accused Of Murdering Social Justice Activist In Hollywood Home: Police

A Hollywood social justice activist was killed on Monday after a homeless woman allegedly broke into his home and shot him in the head, according to reports.

Michael Latt, 33, who founded the charity organization Lead With Love to support “influential women and artists of color,” died from injuries at a local hospital after authorities reportedly discovered him in his $800,000 one-bedroom apartment in the Mid-Wilshire neighborhood earlier this week.


The Los Angeles Police Department identified the homicide suspect as 36-year-old Jameelah Elena Michl, who police said lived in her car.

The Los Angeles District Attorney’s office filed charges of murder and burglary with a firearm enhancement against Michl, according to police.

A Social Justice Activist living in an 800k apartment .... shooter must be white, otherwise she would be out on cashless bail .... how is a homeless woman living in her car a flight risk


PREMO Member

Another Social Justice Activist Was Murdered

Being a social justice warrior can get you killed. It’s a deadly career path. Also, these occurrences are creepy. In October, Philadelphia-based progressive writer Josh Kruger was murdered at his house. His death came days after he mocked Dilbert creator Scott Adams, who tweeted in July 2020, “If Biden is elected, there's a good chance you will be dead within the year.”

Kruger replied on September 30: “The Dilbert dude is like Nostradamus. Look at this prediction from 2020. Wow. Eerie.” He was shot and killed on October 2. Ryan Carson, who also had a Twitter exchange with Adams, though it was calmer, was killed on the same day, October 2, after being stabbed in Crown Heights after leaving a wedding.

Now, in Los Angeles, a local activist is dead after a homeless woman broke into his home and shot him (via NY Post):


PREMO Member
🔥 One of the most ironic headlines of 2023 had to be this week’s Epoch Times headline:

The agent is fine. But the FBI apparently can’t find the two armed carjackers by itself, so it has offered a $10,000 reward to any citizen who can identify the two thugs who jacked one of its own agents. The agent was probably too distracted by his grief over the January 6th attack on the Capitol to fight back.

Carjackers > FBI.



PREMO Member

Seattle blocks plans for children's playground amid outcry from LGBTQ+ community to protect nude beach

"Many members of the public spoke to the importance of this space and use as a beach, and the cohesion it has brought within the LGBTQIA+ community," she added. "Additionally, community spoke of the unintended consequences adding a play area to this beach site would possibly bring. This is why we have a robust community engagement process, ensuring all people – including those who have been historically marginalized – have their voices heard and perspectives considered."

Colleen Kimseylove, for example, told KING5 News that the beach has "always been a place for the weird and the wonderful," noting that, "what makes Seattle such a wonderful city is the weirdos."

In an open letter, advocates said that were SPR to go along with the plan, it would be "nothing short of gentrification," arguing that LGBTQ+ people "do not have other spaces to go to, but there are other spaces for a children's play area to be built to meet the stated need."

According to the KING5 News, Denny Blaine Park was originally chosen due to the fact that there are no playgrounds for residents within a 10-15 minute walk. The $550,000 children's outdoor space was set to be entirely funded by a single donor, who has remained anonymous throughout the process.


PREMO Member
“As part of my continuing commitment to transparency in this matter, I am sharing with the community that a suspect has been taken into custody for the murder of Samantha Woll,” said Detroit Police Chief James White in an update posted to X on Wednesday.

Murder, Home Invasion Charges Filed In Murder of Detroit Synagogue Leader Samantha Woll

Detroit resident Michael Jackson-Bolanos, 28, entered a plea of not guilty on Wednesday and then returned to jail, where he is being held without bond. Jackson-Bolanos is not the same man who was held for about 72 hours in November related to the killing and then released.

Woll was found stabbed to death outside her home on October 21, and given her position as president of the Isaac Agree Downtown Detroit Synagogue there were questions as to the motive for the killing. At the time Detroit Police Chief James White said that "evidence suggests the crime was not motivated by antisemitism, and prosecutor Kym Worthy echoed that Wednesday:

There was not a “shred of evidence” that Samantha Woll was killed as a result of antisemitism or any hate crime.
“There are no facts to suggest this defendant knew Ms. Woll,” Worthy said.


PREMO Member

Liberal Denver Residents FREAK OUT Over BUSED Illegal Immigrants From Texas Border Trashing The City​



PREMO Member

Oakland Business Owners REVOLT Against Democrats After Criminals Won't Stop ROBBING Donut Shop!​



PREMO Member


PREMO Member

‘It’s like the Wild West’: DC restaurants closing doors as crime rages

December 27, 2023 | Kevin Haggerty | Print Article

Capitol restaurateurs are lamenting exorbitant costs for security as others are forced to close due to soaring crime: “It’s like the Wild West.”
With only days remaining in 2023, the year continued a trend of losing businesses as owners sought safer climates beyond the borders of the metropolitan area of Washington, D.C.. Tuesday, the DCist/WAMU reported that restaurant closures had surpassed the 48 in 2022 at 52 and, along with inflation, blue state crime was a leading factor.

In early December, restaurateur Bo Blair spoke with Axios about the exorbitant costs surpassing $450,000 for the year for his Washington, D.C. venues “all impacted by crime, some on a daily basis.”

This included spending $4,000 a week for security at a 24-hour taquería to which he said, “Think about it, private security at a taco stand. It’s like the Wild West.”

Hardly a unique case, fellow D.C. restaurant owner Aaron McGovern had explained to DCist/WAMU that he had to shutter his Biergarten Haus over the summer and he “said his business struggled for a number of reasons, including never fully recovering from the COVID pandemic. He also said he had many regulars from the suburbs who stopped coming to H Street NE because of their perception of crime in the District.”

The proprietor owned several establishments in the capital, “but by the end of 2023, he will own none.”

McGovern told Axios in early December that he had looked into Reimbursable Detail Officers (RDO) from the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) to act as security after burglaries and assault of employees had cost him tens of thousands, but the losses could not be justified.


PREMO Member

Illinois NAACP conference president suspended after comments on video saying migrants are ‘like savages’

In a recording of the Oct. 26 call released by Patrick Watson, the former DuPage County, Illinois, branch president for the NAACP, Haley complains that incoming migrants are being treated more favorably than Black residents in need. She made the comments after another caller began discussing the topic of migrants.

“Black people have been on the streets forever and ever, and nobody cares, because they say that we’re drug addicts, we’ve got mental health issues,” Haley said in the video. “But these immigrants who come over here, they’ve been raping people, they’ve been breaking into homes, they’re like savages as well. They don’t speak the language and they look at us like we’re crazy.”

She added, “it’s the N-A-A-C-P. What do those letters mean to you? What does it really stand for? Yes, we can stand up for other people, but what are we doing for our own?”

Watson said he resigned after recording that video conference call with other branch presidents.


WLS reported they reached Haley by phone while she was on vacation in Dubai, and she denied making the comments. When told there was a recording, Haley said, “With AI, anything is possible,” according to the station.

The new DuPage County branch president, Michael Childress, told WLS that Haley’s comments were taken out of context.

“These comments are not indicative of what the NAACP stands for. But again, I’m not going to speak on behalf of Teresa Haley and say she should or shouldn’t resign or things like that,” Childress told WLS.

Asked about the recording Tuesday, Democratic Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker called the comments “reprehensible remarks, I would hope that she would apologize for the remarks. I also think that people should recognize that immigrants to this country are all around us,” according to CNN affiliate WLS.

The controversy comes at a time of tensions over migrant arrivals in Chicago. According to city data, more than 25,700 migrants have arrived in Chicago since the end of August 2022, with the majority arriving in the city since May of this year.

Based .... sounds like something Trump said

Imagine Blacks having an IN GROUP Preference


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

‘It’s like the Wild West’: DC restaurants closing doors as crime rages

December 27, 2023 | Kevin Haggerty | Print Article

Capitol restaurateurs are lamenting exorbitant costs for security as others are forced to close due to soaring crime: “It’s like the Wild West.”
With only days remaining in 2023, the year continued a trend of losing businesses as owners sought safer climates beyond the borders of the metropolitan area of Washington, D.C.. Tuesday, the DCist/WAMU reported that restaurant closures had surpassed the 48 in 2022 at 52 and, along with inflation, blue state crime was a leading factor.

In early December, restaurateur Bo Blair spoke with Axios about the exorbitant costs surpassing $450,000 for the year for his Washington, D.C. venues “all impacted by crime, some on a daily basis.”

This included spending $4,000 a week for security at a 24-hour taquería to which he said, “Think about it, private security at a taco stand. It’s like the Wild West.”

Hardly a unique case, fellow D.C. restaurant owner Aaron McGovern had explained to DCist/WAMU that he had to shutter his Biergarten Haus over the summer and he “said his business struggled for a number of reasons, including never fully recovering from the COVID pandemic. He also said he had many regulars from the suburbs who stopped coming to H Street NE because of their perception of crime in the District.”

The proprietor owned several establishments in the capital, “but by the end of 2023, he will own none.”

McGovern told Axios in early December that he had looked into Reimbursable Detail Officers (RDO) from the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) to act as security after burglaries and assault of employees had cost him tens of thousands, but the losses could not be justified.
If you follow the Reddit subs, there is nothing wrong. The streets of DC and Balt are safe to walk in the evenings. These are just white supremacists and MAGA Reps creating hate.


Well-Known Member
DC and Baltimore were both shitholes long before the internet came of age. I hated that I had to work in either of them.