About half the population remembers that. And some even remember Sadam gassing his own people.
It doesn't seem that way because I've posted that on here before and been met with

Iraq DID have WMD. Just not by the time we got there because Bush gave them ample warning and enough time to move everything before the UN inspectors got there, which we should be wondering about. I remember thinking at the time, WTF is that idiot doing???
And now here's Bush cuddling with the Clintons and Obamas, and ranting TDS insanity.
And the ****ing Republicans voting to send MORE billions of OUR money to their Ukraine money launderer. Can't afford school lunches for poor American kids, can't afford US veteran services, but by god we can send $100 billion to Ukraine for their "war" and we can pay for illegal aliens to live in swanky hotels with room service.
We need to get off of this "my team and their team" bullshit like it's a Redskins/Cowgirls game. The Republicans might not be as batshit crazy as the Democrats, but they're dirty just the same.