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Aiden & Zachary ~ tell them you have a to z covered lol
I like those

I also like Riley and Braxton (Ri & Brax for short)
Aiden & Zachary ~ tell them you have a to z covered lol
That's because it's a gay name.
There are A LOT of gay names in here. Someone's child is going to have a name that either came from a soap opera or a porno, either way it's gonna suck for mom and dad eventually because your kids pick out your nursing home. Just name your boy Sue and get it over with.
Okay, this is a lame post - but my husband and I are having the hardest time trying to find names for our baby boy twins on the way!!! I've been all over the internet reading list after list and either he likes it and I don't or vice versa. To be honest, I really haven't found anything that just hits me!! I could have a girl name like that - but who'd a thought boys names would be so difficult?!?!?!
So I'm here to ask for suggestions!! HA What are your favorite boy names??? FWIW - we like names that are different (not on the Top 10 lists), but not 'out there' either. And we aren't huge on anything rhyming or that starts with the same letter even.
Anyone got anything???
Before I knew I was having a girl I thought of some boy names.
I liked Abe (but not Abraham. maybe Abram though..) Nathaniel, Jackson, Levi, Wesley, Samuel, Luke and Hayden.
I think it would have been easier for me to name a boy than a girl! I'm having the hardest time..
Good job on the no rhyming and matching letters, that drives me crazy!
Hmmm, my nephew is Jackson, which is becoming more popular but still a lil different. Here is my short list of....if I ever have a boy and the father dosent care what the name is list: (In random order)
Parker, Carson, Carter, Blake, Aiden, Ethan, Caleb, Jonah, Ryan, Mason,
Some of these were/are popular some are not. Sorry if this was no help. I will keep my ear out for ya! Best of luck, twins boys....what a blessing.
If I were having anymore kids, (which I'm not) for a boys name I like Matthew Logan.
What drives me crazy, my youngest his name is BrendAn, for some reason everyone pronounces BrendOn and spells it that way also. Funny part he is always correcting them esp. when they say Brandon.