Boyfriend confesses in murder of Jessie Davis

Richard Cranium

New Member
"Cutts fathered Davis' 2-year-old son, Blake, and was also the likely father of her unborn child, a girl she planned to call Chloe. Davis was nearly nine months pregnant when she was last heard from June 13. She was due July 3."

For all we know it could be anyone's baby. Have the pigs looked into any other potential fathers?

At least he wasn't a St Marys Co Deputy....smcop would have given him a warning and released him.


I'm the Boss of Me
Or if she had cancer, he could have served her with divorce papers while she was in the hospital like Newt Gingrich did.

Lenny said:
Well, he could have treated her like JP "Steveland" Cusik Sr. and abandoned her to make it on her own.


New Member
Kain99 said:
Strange.. This article doesn't mention a confession.


The first reports out were rumors, but you know how that goes, some run with rumors without checking out the information first. What we all stated here was based on what the media put out.

It is understood he did tell them where the body was, but the rest is fuzzy, the radio station down there said "he confessed," CNN and Fox last night were back peddling and saying, well not exactly. Then they moved right along and said, he has been charged, he is in custody and will go before the court on Monday.

Richard Cranium

New Member
That's what's going to screw him, waiting so long to disclose where the body was. The only way he knew where it was is because he dumped it there. He'll deny killing her while he's on paid leave because a confession would get him the penalty.

He might have been able to pass the buck if he never told them where the body was. There were probably several other men who could have been the father of the unborn child who didn't want to deal with her.


Prayers for the 2 yr old orphan.
Prayers for the mother that found him alone and lost her daughter.

As with the Scott Peterson case, it brings up the issue of abortion rights. Is it murder to kill an unborn child? - was the question they challenged.

What was the outcome of the Peterson case?


New Member
Sweet 16 said:
Me too. I am so losing faith in humanity. This bastige is trying to say that she "didn't look well" and "just died" while he was there and he panicked.....but he didn't KILL her. :yeahright: He needs to have his :gossip: cut off so he can't reproduce any more.
I agree about having his :gossip: cut off, (let me do it I've always wanted to learn castrastion :evil: and I'll even do it for free)


Im On 1.
I personally feel abortion is murder as well, but according to law and some the baby would have to be past the 2nd trimester before its considered murder. So in Scotts case and this guys case...they killed 2 people...

Ohio has the death penalty...they need to use it and set these losers as an example.

That poor kid and that poor mom and her baby. I wonder what the autopsy is going to say how she was killed....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pandora said:
Hey vrai, see this?
Yep :ohwell:

An average dip#### killing his wife/girlfriend is one thing - you don't expect them to be particularly smart. But this cop HAD to have known he'd get caught.



Qurious said:
has that already been proven?

in the interview with the child, the child said "mommy was crying and broke the table, mommy was in the rug"

Suggestion that she was beat to death.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

When your daughter (or son) gets involved with a lowlife dirtbag that you absolutely despise, DO NOT just simply let it run it's course and say "it's her life and nothing I can do about it."

Do everything in your power to run this person off, even if you have to kidnap your child and hold them hostage.

Because Jessie Davis' family certainly knew this guy was bad news. It's possible that they're all a bunch of lowlife dirtbags, so this cop seemed like a good catch to them. But certainly there were other problems before this - you don't have a loving, great relationship, then whack someone out of the blue.

I felt the same way with Laci Peterson. The Mom was saying that there was never any indication that Scott Peterson was a killer, but I don't think someone just wakes up one day and says, "Gee, I think I'll kill my wife." Certainly he had personality problems before that.