Breaking News - Moussaoui


New Member
Well I still think that SOMEONE will find a way to get to him and more than likely the guards are not going to mind turning a blind eye. It makes me cringe just hearing a description of the facility. Not that I sympathize w/ any criminal but I personally could not imagine being locked in one room for 23 hours! There are not enough Maury or Jerry Springer episodes in a day to keep me entertained! does sound quite nice to get away from the hubby and kids for a day or two! Minus the crappy food and the smelly inmate neighbors ofcourse!


New Member
I was pretty infuriated

When I heard he got life. I think he should have been sentenced to Texas' express lane in death row.

On that note: Alot of those prisoners in some of these prisons are very patriotic. Think about some criminals that served in our military: Lee Harvey Oswald. The older DC Sniper served in the military. Oswald served in the Marines.

I'm hoping somebody will get to him. What my concern is though, I'm pretty sure 'Islamic extremists' will try to get him released.

Now we just need to find Osama and hang him from the Freedom Tower.
Did you see the interview with the lady juror who said she couldn't go for the death penalty because "he didn't know as much as the US government did" in advance of the hijackings? What the hell kind of reason is that? If they wanted to come up with an excuse, why point fingers at the government?


New Member
FromTexas said:
If he ever gets around general population, he will be eating a lot of pork.

that is funny :lmao:

BTW even in supermax, "accidents" happen....
I saw OZ and that is a perfect example of prison.... LOL

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Does anyone think...

...that the main reason he acted so beligerantly all through this is because it dawned on him that life in prison just might not be what he wants?

My guess is he was trying to provoke death because he more than likely is seen as a coward who did not follow through on his little part of jihad and martyrdumb and to be put down would salvage his useless life.
Larry Gude said:
...that the main reason he acted so beligerantly all through this is because it dawned on him that life in prison just might not be what he wants?

My guess is he was trying to provoke death because he more than likely is seen as a coward who did not follow through on his little part of jihad and martyrdumb and to be put down would salvage his useless life.
My guess is he's an a$$.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I can accept that...

desertrat said:
My guess is he's an a$$.

...but would you agree he sounds less like some devout maniac and more, like, as you say, an azz, than one would expect from a commited believer?

I felt like he was trying to provoke his execution. Instead he's hurting his cause by sounding like a pulp fiction caricature with no point other than the one on his head.
Larry Gude said:
...but would you agree he sounds less like some devout maniac and more, like, as you say, an azz, than one would expect from a commited believer?

I felt like he was trying to provoke his execution. Instead he's hurting his cause by sounding like a pulp fiction caricature with no point other than the one on his head.
It would be really interesting to find out what he really thinks and believes in. I think it's a front. I don't know if he was trying to provoke his execution or just provoke.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think so...

desertrat said:
It would be really interesting to find out what he really thinks and believes in. I think it's a front. I don't know if he was trying to provoke his execution or just provoke. well.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Wenchy said:
Disembowel the bastard and hang him for the buzzards to pluck away at his innards as he dies a very slow death.

...maybe we could cut his head off and chant religious slogans and stuff as he bleeds out!? We'll show those bastards we will not tolerate a bunch of fanatical, uncivilized barbarians! We'll show them this is 2006, not 1100 AD!!!


Well-Known Member
What does Mommy say?

Moussaoui's mother Aicha El Wafi, pressed for her country to intervene. "Now he is going to die in little doses," she said. "He is going to live like a rat in a hole. What for? They are so cruel."

We are cruel?...perhaps I have a change of heart. I initially supported the death penalty but if that would have eased the family suffering...heck: that is the easy way out.
If we have the perception of being cruel: lets get Tammy Faye Baker on the TV...serve Chef-boy ar-dee Pork TV dinners and play Barbara Steisand records.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
She would, of course...

Hessian said:
Moussaoui's mother Aicha El Wafi, pressed for her country to intervene. "Now he is going to die in little doses," she said. "He is going to live like a rat in a hole. What for? They are so cruel."

We are cruel?...perhaps I have a change of heart. I initially supported the death penalty but if that would have eased the family suffering...heck: that is the easy way out.
If we have the perception of being cruel: lets get Tammy Faye Baker on the TV...serve Chef-boy ar-dee Pork TV dinners and play Barbara Steisand records.

..been much happier had her little boy killed some other mothers sons and daughters and grandchildren like he was supposed to. Perhaps Cindy Sheehan has an opening for 'Least Sympathetic Character of the Week' in her little troupe?


Hessian said:
Moussaoui's mother Aicha El Wafi, pressed for her country to intervene. "Now he is going to die in little doses," she said. "He is going to live like a rat in a hole. What for? They are so cruel."


This is exactly why life is better than death in this case. He wanted to die. He wanted to be a martyr like the 19 other pieces of #### who blew themselves up. Now he will die with his knees bent, dishonored for being an incompetent terrorist loser.

I hope he begs for death every day.

This SOB helped kill 3000 of our people - yet we are the cruel ones. Ask the families of those who died who's cruel.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Toxick said:

This is exactly why life is better than death in this case. He wanted to die. He wanted to be a martyr like the 19 other pieces of #### who blew themselves up. Now he will die with his knees bent, dishonored for being an incompetent terrorist loser.

I hope he begs for death every day.

This SOB helped kill 3000 of our people - yet we are the cruel ones. Ask the families of those who died who's cruel.

French authorities said Thursday they may eventually press the United States to have Moussaoui serve his life sentence in France under two conventions on the transfer of convicts. They were waiting to hear the conditions of his sentencing.

There are NUMEROUS reasons why death is far, FAR superior to allowing the one thing that matters, life, to be kept by someone who has been judged hostile to the life of others.

Alive is alive. That means hope. Hope for some attack on his prison by fellow jihadists to set him free. Hope that a transfer to France could result in the same thing or even parole.

It is far beyond logic to claim on the one hand that a given person will think rationally, that being in jail for the rest of ones life is somehow gonna be oh so terrible and on the other hand recognize that the person was arrested and convicted of an insanely illogical act.

Nonsense, absolute nonsense.

Maybe YOU would think it suxs or maybe I would. We were not part of a conspiracy to commit mass murder either because, I feel safe in saying, that didn't sound so great either.