Breaking News - Moussaoui


Dancing Up A Storm
So, His Mother Wants to Have Him Brought Home To France...

El Wafi's lawyer, Patrick Baudouin, said she planned a news conference on Thursday in Paris, where she had returned recently from a trip to the United States.
Baudouin expressed delight that the jury did not hand down a death penalty for Moussaoui, a Frenchman of Moroccan descent and the only person charged in the United States over the Sept. 11 attacks.

Baudouin vowed a legal battle to bring Moussaoui home.

"We will pursue unrelentingly a request to French authorities that they demand a return of Zacarias Moussaoui to France," he told The Associated Press. "So the fight isn't over — far from it — it is only beginning."

Why would we want to hand him over to the French?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And another thing...

first to renounce his four years of denying any involvement in the attacks and then to gloat over the pain of those who lost loved ones.


But even with heart-rending testimony from nearly four dozen victims and their relatives - testimony that forced some jurors to wipe tears from their eyes - the jury was not convinced that Moussaoui deserved to die.

Now, every year or 5 or 10 or whenever, or whenever he gets a parole hearing or his mom sees him for the first time or some cry baby group appeals on his behalf or any tiny reason, his name will be in the papers to remind those who lost so much that he, this POS, is still alive, still waking up in however crappy we think his world is, but still, unlike thier loved one; alive.

His last trip through the news cycle should be his obituary, the sooner the better.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Penn Why would we want to hand him over to the French?[/QUOTE said:
So the people he mocked in court can be abused by him ever more.

He should be killed. His life should be forfeit.


Apparently, according to some of the 9/11 family members, somehow Osama Bin Laden is the only terrorist, it's Bush's fault he's not caught, and the "new" government will be able to catch him in no time flat.


Larry Gude said:
So the people he mocked in court can be abused by him ever more.

He should be killed. His life should be forfeit.

He shoudl be sent back to France in a rum Keg... :biggrin:


Dancing Up A Storm
Larry Gude said:
So the people he mocked in court can be abused by him ever more.

He should be killed. His life should be forfeit.

Geeez, you know the French have been our closest ally in the last 5 or 6 years, so maybe we should really throw them an olive branch, as a gesture of good faith, and negotiate his transfer to their country. :sarcasm:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm fine with that...

Penn said:
Geeez, you know the French have been our closest ally in the last 5 or 6 years, so maybe we should really throw them an olive branch, as a gesture of good faith, and negotiate his transfer to their country. :sarcasm: long as the branch is through ol' Mousies heart.

JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

Ken King said:
It isn't the Koran but one of the many hadith which are traditional sayings traced to Muhammad. The Hadith collection known as Sunan al-Tirmidhi says in part, "The least [reward] for the people of Heaven is 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome of pearls, aquamarine and ruby." And this is what they are refering to when they talk of the virgins for martyrs.
:coffee: So maybe the muslims just twisted and glamourized an obscure and controvertial text but still the point is the same that surely they just do it to taunt and tease the infidels because lusting for 70 virgins is an infidel activity and it is not for one that submits as the Holy Quran demands.

Here is a link to the many "Hadith" but it does not show KK's quote even though maybe somewhere such words can be found.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:coffee: So maybe the muslims just twisted and glamourized an obscure and controvertial text but still the point is the same that surely they just do it to taunt and tease the infidels because lusting for 70 virgins is an infidel activity and it is not for one that submits as the Holy Quran demands.

Here is a link to the many "Hadith" but it does not show KK's quote even though maybe somewhere such words can be found.
No surprise you couldn't find anything on wikipedia. To understand the hadith you actually have to do a little research beyond the internet. In other words you might have to go to a major library to find a copy of the collection.

The two major hadith are the collections the Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim and with the four other well respected collections (Sunan of Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, Ibn Majah, and Abu Da'ud) that are collectively known as "al-kutub al-sitta" or the "six books". The quote that I originally posted is referenced as number 2562 of the Sunan al-Tirmidhi collection.