yeah yeah
Figured I would put this out here- as I know there are alot of gracious people out here. 
We all know that there's strength in numbers, my team, "Thanks for the Mammeries" (kudos to kwillia for the name) and I have banded together to show the world just how important it is to put an end to the suffering caused by breast cancer.
Everyone on this team has a reason for doing this event - whether they've personally been affected by breast cancer in some way, have had loved ones fight the battle, or simply care deeply about this cause. I personally, have been affected, as my mother and my maternal grandma are survivors of breast cancer. I am also walking in honor of my mothers best friend who has been in remission for about a year, and for a fellow forumites grandma, who unfortunately lost their battle. I am also walking, in dedication of my daughter in hopes, that by the time she would even have to worry about something like this- it will be non-existant.
For one weekend this summer (May 5th-6th) we will walk almost 40 miles with thousands of other men and women to help find that cure. We will sleep in tents, take showers in trucks, and walk a marathon one day and a half marathon the next.
We have committed to the training and fundraising required to participate in this life changing event known as the Avon Breast Cancer Walk. The net proceeds from this event (and others across America) will support non-profit breast health programs, as well as medical research to help find a cure for breast cancer. Which is what we all want right?
Training, and walking, and getting the distance under our belts is something we are all very excited in completing.
We've made a big commitment. To participate in the Avon Walk, we're going to spend months training to prepare for an entire weekend's walk. Each one of us has to raise at least $1,800 in donations to reach a grand total of $5,400.00. But we're in this together, and we know that with your help, we can do it. Please consider making a tax deductible donation made out to the “Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.”
If you would rather donate online, you can go to www.avonwalk.org and click on Support a Walker, and simply type in any of our names! If you know of anyone affected by breast cancer, send us their name and we will write it on our shirts, and carry them with us on this journey to put an END TO BREAST CANCER!
We will also be having various fundraisers out, in the local community, such as bake sales, car washes, 50/50 raffles, and other great things. The 50/50 raffle will be starting this friday. Details to come!!
Once I know the areas where everything else is being held- I will let you know.
Together we can save some lives - are you in?
Pm me with any questions, and if you would like to donate- I can give you all information through pm's!

We all know that there's strength in numbers, my team, "Thanks for the Mammeries" (kudos to kwillia for the name) and I have banded together to show the world just how important it is to put an end to the suffering caused by breast cancer.
Everyone on this team has a reason for doing this event - whether they've personally been affected by breast cancer in some way, have had loved ones fight the battle, or simply care deeply about this cause. I personally, have been affected, as my mother and my maternal grandma are survivors of breast cancer. I am also walking in honor of my mothers best friend who has been in remission for about a year, and for a fellow forumites grandma, who unfortunately lost their battle. I am also walking, in dedication of my daughter in hopes, that by the time she would even have to worry about something like this- it will be non-existant.
For one weekend this summer (May 5th-6th) we will walk almost 40 miles with thousands of other men and women to help find that cure. We will sleep in tents, take showers in trucks, and walk a marathon one day and a half marathon the next.
We have committed to the training and fundraising required to participate in this life changing event known as the Avon Breast Cancer Walk. The net proceeds from this event (and others across America) will support non-profit breast health programs, as well as medical research to help find a cure for breast cancer. Which is what we all want right?
Training, and walking, and getting the distance under our belts is something we are all very excited in completing.
We've made a big commitment. To participate in the Avon Walk, we're going to spend months training to prepare for an entire weekend's walk. Each one of us has to raise at least $1,800 in donations to reach a grand total of $5,400.00. But we're in this together, and we know that with your help, we can do it. Please consider making a tax deductible donation made out to the “Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.”
If you would rather donate online, you can go to www.avonwalk.org and click on Support a Walker, and simply type in any of our names! If you know of anyone affected by breast cancer, send us their name and we will write it on our shirts, and carry them with us on this journey to put an END TO BREAST CANCER!
We will also be having various fundraisers out, in the local community, such as bake sales, car washes, 50/50 raffles, and other great things. The 50/50 raffle will be starting this friday. Details to come!!
Once I know the areas where everything else is being held- I will let you know.
Together we can save some lives - are you in?
Pm me with any questions, and if you would like to donate- I can give you all information through pm's!

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