Breast Cancer Walk Support


yeah yeah
Morning All.

I am in severe pain.. but its all for a good cause. Got some war scars along the way. My teammate got some too and unfortunately we were not able to walk this morning, But- we dont care! IT WAS FOR A GOOD CAUSE!!!. Lordy- we are a pretty pair. The total as of last night at 9:30 pm, was almost 8 mil in fundraising from all people participating! :) That is pretty awesome! So- I know what I am in for next year- and will know what I have to do.

We want to thank everyone on here who supported our walk through pledges, and or in spirit. We took your names with us on the walk- written on our shirts so that everyon could see who you were. So many survivors there walking, some only a month past chemo. Some that were 17 years ahead. Alot of people honored too. We are so greatful to those who were with us along the way- and we are hoping you will be right there with us next year! :flowers: We thank you immensely! You are our angels. :flowers: