Bretts, Bretts, Bretts!


Methodically disorganized
Damn. I wanted the Vikes, but they certainly could have done better. Still, a wicked awesome season for The Brett. :yay:

Go Colts!!


Having Fun!
I said it, even before my Ravens lost, the Saints have it this year.

Yeah, when my Steelers lost, I switched to rooting for the Saints in honor of a dear departed, much-missed friend of mine who was a NOLA native. Guess my friend has some pull up in heaven, huh? Hope it's enough to get them the win in the Super Bowl! They've had such a great year!


They're out to get us
Doesn't matter. It's real close, either way, and Brett gave this away with the most fundamental QB boo boo there is, throwing late over the middle.


I think he invented that some 40 years ago when the NFL merged. He's been around almost that long, right? But yeah that was typical Brett Favre. Not at all surprised, it was bound to happen sooner or later.


Football addict
The Vikings should have won this game and were the better team but didn't prove it with the costly turnovers. Manning is going to feast over that sub-par Saints secondary.