Brew and 'Que event



We had planned on going Saturday night, but I was SO tired that it just didn't happen.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
jazz lady said:
I definitely agree with you and K. The music should have been promoted VERY heavily as it was the main thing to do there and in all the advertisements I saw, it was only an afterthought. There was not much for the kids to do although they did make an effort with the kiddie rides and the "frog from hell." I think it should be an adult event and promoted as such. They would get a much better attendance. :cheers:

Told ya so. :lmao:

When we walked by that, Bug asked me, what the heck is THAT? I told her it was kid entertainment and asked if she wanted to watch. NO!!!! was her response. :lol:

She was much more in her element on her cousin's shoulders right in front of the stage for Jimmie's Chicken Shack. :roflmao:


BS Gal said:
Let me know when you're going to do that. I have been considering it just for the fun of it. It's at the place in Wildewood, right?

It's at the Energy Zone on base.


virgovictoria said:
You could have done what I did and coughed up $8 for a plate o' meat! :lol: Screw the buns! Screw the sides! Go for the money meal! :clap:


I really, really wanna say something here, but I'm keepin my mouth shut :lmao:


I bowl overhand
We never made it.. BG did this catering thing for a friends baby shower so she was busy ALL day Friday and Saturday.. add to that prep for this week-ends ho-down.. and we were BUSY!!

Removed the last of the storm ravaged trees, ripped out the stump using the truck, then had to go back and dig up the rest with shovel and chainsaw.. Looks like a good start for the bonfire.. a six foot tall pile of pine tree branches, and a 7 or 8 foot long stump.. plus assorted other pieces of said pine tree..

Got the mower deck off of the mower and pressure washed it... fixed a hydraulic leak on the bucket..

Toddler proofed all the drawers in the house that lil Nick couldn't reach 2 months ago, plus all the bathroom cabinets (in the process did complete my set of drill bits).

By the time Sunday afternoon came we were waiting for Nicholas to lay down and take a nap so we could too!

Was looking forward to this event since I first heard about it, then just got too busy to make it.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
julz20684 said:
I really, really wanna say something here, but I'm keepin my mouth shut :lmao:
We watched a movie over the weekend with Vin Diesel in it. I told Kyle that in my former life - the big, dumb rock heads were my former modus operandi (sp?). All meat and no mind...

Maybe there's a link to my caveman like diet that I tend to consume... :confused:


itsbob said:
We never made it.. BG did this catering thing for a friends baby shower so she was busy ALL day Friday and Saturday.. add to that prep for this week-ends ho-down.. and we were BUSY!!

Removed the last of the storm ravaged trees, ripped out the stump using the truck, then had to go back and dig up the rest with shovel and chainsaw.. Looks like a good start for the bonfire.. a six foot tall pile of pine tree branches, and a 7 or 8 foot long stump.. plus assorted other pieces of said pine tree..

Got the mower deck off of the mower and pressure washed it... fixed a hydraulic leak on the bucket..

Toddler proofed all the drawers in the house that lil Nick couldn't reach 2 months ago, plus all the bathroom cabinets (in the process did complete my set of drill bits).

By the time Sunday afternoon came we were waiting for Nicholas to lay down and take a nap so we could too!

Was looking forward to this event since I first heard about it, then just got too busy to make it.

But you haven't told us how many times you went pee :ohwell:


virgovictoria said:
We watched a movie over the weekend with Vin Diesel in it. I told Kyle that in my former life - the big, dumb rock heads were my former modus operandi (sp?). All meat and no mind...

Maybe there's a link to my caveman like diet that I tend to consume... :confused:



BadGirl said:
:blushing: I'm doing great, SugarTater.

After this long and busy weekend, I'm glad to be back at work so that I can rest.

I know exactly what you mean. I'm looking forward to this weekend!!!


aka Mrs. Giant
I know I had a ball both days. Personally I enjoyed the music much more on Sunday from the get go with Tin Pan Alley. :dance: For a first year new area event, that really didn't get a lot of publicity, I think it was awesome. Hopefully next year, it will grow by leaps and bounds. Kudos to everyone who helped create and make this event.